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Everything posted by Zelloss

  1. Pve nonsense eh? LOL Your welcome to play blackwake buddy. OH wait its a dead game, hmm imagine that. Its almost like the market is SWAMPED with pvp trash games. Everyone was crazy over HUNT now its barely played. Last Oasis was a big HIT! for like 2 weeks LOL community is barley there anymore. Just a couple of examples, hell I could go on there are so many DEAD pvp games. I mean look at ark. Why do you think Ark is still popular as it is? ROLFMAO do ya really think its because of the pvp community in ark? Its the pve content and modded content ( all pve creatures and building blocks) That keeps people playing and using their imagination.
  2. You do that and this game will literally die. 90% of the people who do play this game pve settle in lawless to avoid the bullshit you have to deal with regarding the land claim system. If you do not have 1000 hours a week to sink into this game, and HATE the drama involved you stay in lawless. Sure there is grief a plenty with lawless island being covered with half build trash, beds and signs, however some tool cant just remove everything you build 24 hours after ya place it cuz your on "HIS" island. Same with the jerks who kill the stuff your trying to tame, then tell you only way you may tame on their island is if you pay a "tax".
  3. aye but keep in mind pvp games with serious loss like this game do not survive. (you will eventually get tired of logging in and everything being destroyed.) So at some point your gonna wanna play this game pve if you enjoy living in this world and actually getting somewhere. Thats why alot of people have left this game in the past. :( good players too. I mean hell if this game was only pvp id just play sea of thieves and say to hell with 100s hours to grind and build ships. Sure if your jobless, have no kids/wife/husband and literally have no life other then atlas pvp they go for it. Most of us just play game to relax after work and family time.
  4. farmhouse should have been for your crops and nothing else. now they spammed everywhere because people are inconsiderate. they spam them behind others bases so the lag doesn't bother them at their base. When you add something to a game in pve you need to grief proof it or trashbags will use it to grief. ya wanna fix farmhouses? ^one per company ^only farms crops from YOUR plots no one else ^must be placed IN your base or NEXT to it (not all over the fucking island) ^NPC crew mate with food and gold is need to run it. (this should have been the "fuel") Please fix this and moving forward TEST things first.
  5. anyone else getting the error : unable to contact server query for invite? just started happening to me.
  6. I agree, Honestly not sure why they pander to the pvp croud so much. I tried to play on the pvp servers at one point, just packed full of toxic racist and anti semitic neck beard "alpha nerd" trash. Ive seen this in other games in the past, but never as bad as in this game. At least on the pve servers its few and far in between having to run into someone like that.
  7. I agree. Its a shameless grab for more money. -Games still packed full of bugs -in game mechanics still garbage (food system, spawns, claim system still trash, mini games for every damn thing that everyone hates, ect) -server lag terrible, game freezes, nothing optimized I get its early access, they have a road map which is a step in the right direction. Brings this mess to a console should be LAST on the road map. Not first. You want to bring in new players and grow a player base? Get your game right first. You have a player base that was mislead into thinking this was something different, this game has so much potential. Just think of how many people (like myself) are waiting for this dev team to get this shit right so we can come back and play. Straighten out the mess, add the content you promised and you'll see a player base come back. You'll see this game being streamed again. I honestly love the concept of this game. There are not many pirate themed games out there. Only one that really comes to mind is sea of thieves, and its very popular on twitch as well as it has a huge player base. That should give you a hint of how popular the genre is. Dont play this out like ark did. That game got away with so much simply because there wasn't anything really like it out there. Same tactic will not work with this game. In short I want to see this succeed, I truly do. Please focus and dont shit the bed devs. please.
  8. agreed. I was so excited when they announced that they would be doing away with the claim system on pve. Finally I would get to go out into this huge game world and build something cool somewhere without grief. And they back paddled. The release of this game should have taught the devs something important. People are toxic as hell. Pve is to me, getting to play a game without player grief. Period. I work, have a family, have things that I need to do daily that have nothing to do with my pc. When I get home and want to relax, I want to do what I want to do. Not what some 8year kids decided I have to do or my shit is gonna get destroyed. If I cant play this game without player grief, im sorry but im just not gonna play. I love this game, and its concept, but for some reason they wanna turn it into dick wagging ownership bullshit. Im just not down. Games are meant to be fun and enjoyable. Being someones gather boy while they get to go play pirate doesn't sound that fun to me. I already have a boss I deal with 40 + hours a week. My times for me.
  9. Zelloss

    Wood walls

    Same thing here. Everything is in inventory, the button to craft is lit up but can not craft. AnyAnyone know a way to fix?
  10. @Teach pve doesn't make you "soft"... Thats just your option. Stop shitting on other just because they do NOT enjoy the same game type. Not everyone wants to log into a game they spend HOURS in just to deal with trolls. That alpha male bullshit is toxic, lot of folks just wanna get off work, and just enjoy building and exploring this awesome game. Hence two modes of game play.
  11. having this same problem. Anyone know a fix for it?
  12. I've been having trouble with the game crashes while mounted to creatures, and while logging back in its attacked and killed. They set to neutral but I think because Im mounted to it when I crash they do not defend them selves. Lost high levels cats and wolves to this.
  13. agreed! This game is pretty amazing, please do not make it so its literally just griefing over land. :( So much of the map locked out by ppl who just want to own and keep others from playing. Just watch a few streamers play and you'll see the headache it causes. Im glad the devs are re-evaluating the system, In my humble option maybe have two different sets of rules based on server might make sense yeah? What works for pvp DOESN'T always work for pve. I still say only ONE claim per person. want more? recruit more ppl then. Maybe have a option to turn off claims on the maps, as well as the claim messages (tired of seeing racist messages while playing) Please. Other then that Im loving this game, and honestly can not wait for upcoming content!! :)
  14. Same trouble here. Game crashed. Saying battle eye not responding. Logged back in and no rejoin option. Choose join new same sever and it drops you in with too but can't interact with anything. GAME BREAKING folks. Plz fix this.
  15. when you originally died and got the green screen, how did you get it so you could respawn in freeport? im in the same situation, was sailing and crashed. I logged in and couldnt interact with anything. my character died of starvation. now green screen and will not let me respawn in freeport. im currently reinstalling the game. just wondering if there was anything else you did to get past that green screen?
  16. Same thing happened to me, I was sailing and crashed. I logged back in and couldnt interact with anything on my ship so logged and went to relog, now only say join new atlas. Devs Please HELP!
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