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Everything posted by DannyUK

  1. I just watch some YouTube videos and get some ideas from that. I am the same way, I'm not that creative when it comes to bases. I would probably start one, find by the time I'm finished it is no good, what a waste. Get some ideas from other people on YouTube, you might even adjust things here and there to suit what you want.
  2. I don't want land nor do I want it given to me. I am very happy playing on lawless. If you have found land that is good for you, I have no intention of going out looking, I'm quite happy where I am. For the new players though it won't be so easy, why should the people keep their flags from the beginning when they moved the goal posts and changed the rules? That is not fair to every player, only the Twitch streamers and such. I do put effort in and sail but I don't intend looking for land at the moment until the current system is fixed.
  3. Yeah I tend to get close to ship, leave a little gap and then do it. If you did it far out i've found it just slips off. It will probably still happen as you say but you're right they need to fix it.
  4. I lost a bear on a ship about 2 weeks ago, I always used to use follow me command and go up the ladder, it usually spawns on the boat. The trouble with this was it kept getting stuck in the corner part of the back ship. I was told on here to goto the side of your ship in the water and use the send to your ship option, I never noticed it before until someone pointed it out to me. Ever since using this i've had no problems with it, it just teleports onto ship. I really hope they look into the animal part of the game though including breeding, needs seriously looking at.
  5. That is because they made the game for themselves and took us along for the ride. They have no interest in changing it for the community, its how they want it to be. Watch the Twitch stream of them blabbing on, it's all about "them" and not "us" the community. It's unfortunate the game is in the wrong hands but nothing we can do about that.
  6. I don't know but I'm stuck at 52 and says I can't go any higher. It does also say to gain more XP I need to make more discoveries but I've not got a higher.
  7. 3 weeks is still a long time to wait when you want to build something and it's in your way. I would have said a week was long enough but 3? I guess we should be lucky for now they are doing it at all but I think it's way to long.
  8. Chinese isn't he? Seen those symbols all over the place, might have know it would be Chinese up to no good as usual. I bet all the devs do is put their feet up on the table and laugh when this sort of stuff happens. They don't take this sort of thing seriously at all.
  9. How are they limited? Surely they can post them when they like? I don't think it's that hard to put out a few lines letting people know, you are limited on Twitter also.
  10. That worked, thanks so much. I have no idea how that turned off as I always have it on.
  11. If you anchor your ship there should be no damage to it, sotd can fire as much as it wants it does no damage, that's how it should be. Now if someone mistakenly or forgot to put the anchor down and it was destroyed then I'd have no problem with that at all, that would be my and anyone else's fault. There should be no damage when anchored or ships that are currently in the process of being built. I can imagine how it must feel to have about 4 or 5 ships sitting outside only for the sotd to be pulled in and everything gone, that's not PVE that's PVP. If you go out and attack something and it kills the ship then I have no problem with that either as you've engaged in combat but not when you're minding your own business and everything is gone.
  12. I don't check Twitter, they should not expect people to do so. That's why they use announcements in game
  13. Is there something wrong with this? When you hover over an object it usually tells you what you need. The same for the treasure maps, it won't tell me which grid they are in when hovering over them. This has just stopped working for me, restarted the game but it's still the same.
  14. Is there a way to make things appear much faster as you approach them? Maybe I'm missing something in the settings although I have it on high but when you approach things on the ship you come so close to hitting a shipyard or ship because it hasn't appeared fast enough. I have also notice this getting worse with our base, when you respawn you see empty space for a few seconds before everything appears. I hope this can be fixed, I tend to slow down near islands now but you always get some strange people who have built boxes or shipyards way out into the sea, is there any need?
  15. I would also like better markers on the map, I would like to see team mates on the map. It should show you where your fellow members are, many times i've wanted to open the map to see where a friend is. They need to add some sort of arrow to the X so you know which way you're facing. You have to move forward and keep checking the map to see which direction you're going in, it gets frustrating at times. I hope they add more markers for us to use soon, it would certainly make it much easier to keep track of things.
  16. I'm struggling to use this could someone help please? I have download autohotkey and double clicked on some of the files posted here, says it is running but I hear nothing. How do I change the hotkey or know which key it is? F12 on mine is screenshot by default. Might be a noob question but hey I had to ask, struggling haha. Edit: Nevermind I have worked it out, even though when you stop it goes crazy with the game, some conflict I guess.
  17. Just by your posts alone I can tell you're the type to stamp your feet at home in anger. You need to learn to calm down. Not everyone is going to see it your way and nor should they.
  18. Nothing should attack you anyway unless you attack first, it's pve. It sounds to me you're playing the wrong game mode, pvp might suit you better.
  19. That's why i live on lawless and enjoy it like alot of people. The claim system has always been broken from day 1, i have no interest in it. They refuse to address the matter, they listen to the streamers and big companies who have them in their pockets.
  20. Yes it is griefing, they purposely done this. I am the same, friendly probably to friendly at times and would give stuff away to help. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. What I have done is use the wooden posts to carve out land so they can't build there. If you see some free space get some sticks down to stop them building near you.
  21. Yes it definitely needs looking at I agree. I'd be relieved it was only a cow and not a bear. I tend to be careful where I jump but last night I did a similar thing, I jumped over a rock thinking it was only shallow water on the otherside but a raft was there and I landed right on top of it.
  22. I'm not part of a large company either although we do have alot of buildings and 4 ships right now (2 of us) I wouldn't mind the server wipe, it would solved alot of issues for the new players and players unable to get claim flags. When the game was first released you just spammed the flags all over the island then all of a sudden they changed the rules to let the people who spammed those flags to give a piece of land to others for tax which they will most likely take the land back at some stage anyway. This is not fair to everyone, letting those spamming players keep their flags when they change the rules. There has to be a server wipe at some stage and I wouldn't mind really if it happened.
  23. They've had time to test out alot of things so far and now everywhere is packed with structures and ships so I would not mind a server wipe. Yes alot of people have built structures and ships including myself but that's part of the game, a server wipe would be welcome in my eyes. I know you're always going to get the kids crying they've lost everything but it's early access, we should know this. I don't mind building everything up again, it will be faster the next time as we all know how to play and what skills we need etc. In game needs clearing up anyway, to many ships abandoned and buildings, let new players coming to the game have a fair game to start off.
  24. A good team would be on top of these things straight away. if the game was in the hands of a top dev team it could be the best game ever and earn them alot of money if they changed to subscriptions.
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