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Everything posted by Shintai

  1. Completely agree. NPCs would have been the way. Next month we are getting Giant Crabs that from the description sounds like they will more or less be moving land bases.
  2. Taming outside chickens, monkeys, parrot, cows, horse, sheep and a few more simply shouldn't exit. And what they did was to move it into a must have utility, so now you need bear, rhino, elephant etc as harvesters. It´s a shame there is so much taming focus in a game that is supposed not to be ARK. Everything besides the claim flags and sailing ships is pretty much an exact ARK copy and gameplay wise as well. And then we have to run around with sniper rifles and knight armour when we want to play pirates.
  3. I tried using it a few times, but the time it last is simply too short.
  4. On PvE companies can already declare war on one another.
  5. Another benefit with no limit would also be that people would actually be able to use a ship as a base and not have a need for claim. The claim owners would equally get more resources back in taxes and lawless islands could be a lot less burdened.
  6. They will be a must have at some point. And they wont be the last we see to the high-tech line.
  7. Just crawl when overloaded/overcrewed. if someone wish to sail between islands at 0.1km/h that's fine with me.
  8. We had a person blocking us, he even send us screenshot while trash talking to no end. He have plagued us for 3 weeks now. https://prnt.sc/maly8r We then encircled the habour as defence, today an admin helped him despite he griefed us. Another issue with unintentional griefing tho is all the anchored ships that isn't decaying.
  9. Reducing decay rate with 50% and then add a 1 hour timer before it starts when entering the area would be good.
  10. Grapple weight abuse perhaps.
  11. For me the high-tech submarine was a big let down and turn off. So now we not only have dragons and cyclops etc. now we also got high-tech machinery. And let´s be honest, it´s not going to stop there.
  12. Most temperatures across the map is messed up.
  13. Another bad mechanic they continued with from ARK.
  14. As a landowner I can only agree. It´s so messed up in so many ways. Our tenants not only are our "virtual slaves" because we got here first. We can also remove anything they own within a few days.
  15. Rafts are the worst to accidently step on.
  16. We had 2 tigers, a lion and a cobra inside after glitching through walls. The only safety against it is living 2 floors up.
  17. They talked on the stream about adding a multiplier to wild animals as a possible solution.
  18. PvE it´s 3 days, assuming you sleep there you could be gone for ages if the claims overlap.
  19. You can sink anything as a solo person. The issue is both good and bad. When I salvaged a wrecked galleon I could walk around, abeit slowly, with like 40000 weight. Enough to sink any ship despite level or upgrades. You can get same weight by stacking up tools and go crazy harvesting. I don´t get how they managed to fix a "floating on ships" but didn´t see the grappling or ladder issue. If not mistaken the only ship you can´t sink currently is a raft?
  20. For the people defending taxes, you either don´t own a bank or you are bluffing. We can build a fleet of ships via taxes only. Specially in these extra harvest periods. And as our claims expand the income does as well.
  21. Our zone is rarely above 25, used to be around 65. But part of it is completely natural. New games getting boring and something better on the block. Not wanting to devote too much into EA etc. Some tho are due to accelerated leaving due to hacks, cheats, bugs, balance and patches they don't agree in.
  22. On laggy servers (Specially lawless) SOD, Cyclones etc ticks much more than you. Its known behavior it takes longer to cross a lawless zone. But the cyclones and SOD can move and react at normal speed. Cyclones in lawless are more or less unavoidable. They can even go faster than you can sail with full speed rig.
  23. It seems they are significantly updated the SOD count and also changed other parts of the code. My company is also experiencing SOD invasion that also behaves quite differently. Old code back in?
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