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José Gaspar

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Everything posted by José Gaspar

  1. Lawless currently does not block spawns specifically because every spawn was blocked on them for the 2-3 days they blocked spawns. I am hopping they keep it that when the make all PvE Islands lawless, But the oither obnoxious thing is blocking with gates. One Island one of companies blocked off the fresh water source with large gates, that island is a mess, three companes have almost completely paved the island with thatch floors over the island. I am hope the upkeep hast to be attached yo structure and within a radius. So large sprawling build will be tale effort to maintain. The repair chest better have a limit on how much it can holde.
  2. What will it take to actually claim an island. Will you have to keep all non-company people off for 10 minutes? If that is true, it will be VERY difficult to take a large island, every single resident will be a contester. With the alliance limits they cannot all become allies. While the declaim process will be ok, although there will be many places to hide next to impossible to find them all.
  3. While all the building, ships and PCs will be gone, there will be many things that survive the wipe, that if you want to take something with you focus on these. Sail designs, flag and sign pain designs. you can save your sail designs and they they will be ready for quick deploying when you get back. There are also tools that let you convert them to PNG format and back to you can edit them in Photoshop, GIMP or some other editor. These are on the client and will still be there afterwards Design your character and save it, so when the wipe comes, you just load it and your in game, no default or random character for you. Knowledge of what is where on each island style, the lawless islands are best for since all the resources spawn. While the claimed version of the island may be barren since the floors block the resources, the lawless may be loaded with nodes. Make plans for where your going to restart, you will be able to start any grid, pick one, islands are going to be very hard to claim because there will be many people contesting, some will hide others will log in the start of the PvP will be like the start of Hunger Games, unless you end up on an island with no one else on it, expect the claim to take a VERY long time. PvE will have the opposite issue people spamming the areas with floors to stake out there area. So have a plan.
  4. We are wiping soon anyway, why not pull all the claim flags now, lets see how the all lawless works. yes we don't have upkeep yet, but we still have the 4 day expiring,
  5. This description reassures me the developers made the right decision with the PvP changes.
  6. You should have a avatar saved so you can quickly get the look you want and get into game, without resorting to default or random build.
  7. The fundamental problem with claim flags in PvE is that claim flags are an inherently PvP concept. You are taking land away from other player and on top of that taking part of their harvest. In PvP an absent, over-taxing or generally unreasonable owner can be deposed and the ownership taken away from them. In PvE it cannot be taken away, and the owner can be as ruthless as they want without having any way of removing them outside Game adminstrator actions. There are a couple ways of dealing with it. 1) Have significant maintenance cost, but the taxes collected till likely stop that until the resident stop playing. Not good, encourages people not to play. 2) Making the claim servers PvP, many unoffical servers do exactly that. So far have not seen any interest in this approach by developers. But this allows the owner to maintain order on thier island, and if they have support of the people living there, they will defend the island from attack, if they do not, the residents may join the attacker. While the residents can't place cannons and other seige equipment they can have them stockpiled to join in on attack. So an owner better be on good terms with residents. 3) Removing Claims, that seems to be the current solution. Claims will be missed it was one of the defining features of Atlas, but no claims was better than what we have now. with vast tracks of unused land blocked from use by players by claims. The world simply is not big enough to have that much land unused, 4) Last is to have a PvE-frieindly solution to removing bad owners. Let the residents decide. 4a) A democracy where residents of the island can vote on ruling company at regular intervals. players of the island would select the new owning company 4b) A no confidence vote, Resident could at any time declare a no confident vote, that would occur, it the company does not get the majority of the vote an election is held. While this is not a easy change, it would not have to be implemented with next patch, It could continue with current lawless style building. let people build there bases but know the election is coming, the companies the helped every one and did not block areas would be the ones most likely to win the election. Those that pillar/foundation spammed would not have a chance and may be removed from the island after the election. To be fair to all residents, players only get to vote on one island and election takes a week with no results published until its done. If they change islands they vote on they cannot vote for a month, to prevent companies from stuffing ballots. after the election the current owner is removed, and the island is lawless for a week to allow the residents to move on. or off the island or just adjust their build, then the new owning company becomes the owner. While i will miss my claims on 3 islands, the claim system as it is now is broken and something needed to be done.
  8. I would think thatch foundations will be the go to, they are cheaper to make and likely cheaper to maintain. The can be usefully done, use them to make road for visitors that take them buy all the mining locations, all while block their ability to block those routes and build over the spawns. I am just hoping that they will not block spawns, if so the map will quickly be a barren wasteland.
  9. Two things I really did not like in last announcement. Allowing owner to rename islands. Please No! It messes up every single reference, they should be able to name the settlement, but not the island (the discovery name). Otherwise will mess up every guide made that reference the island and its resources. Showing the entire map, pare of the fun was discovering what islands are on the map, and the track showing where you have been and routes you are familar with. These seemingly minor two things completely breaks the discovery aspect of the game.
  10. Not a bad idea. But limit needs to be higher.
  11. I want all spawns replaced with Golden age spawns. Gives people time to prepare thier bases for a final assault and something to build for
  12. I expect lots of abuse early on, but soon the abusers will realize they are spending more time upkeeping the pillar/floor spam they will give up. Many lawless islands are near empty of found spam. as people realized he advertised when the missed the four day upkeep by 5 minutes and found the bed was no longer there to recall. I personally wipe any foundation spammer I find with expired timer, I start with the main base.
  13. I agree, the submarine seems out of place, locking content behind the Kraken is rediculous. Tek element grind was the worst part of Ark. now its coming to Atlas. I like the claim island idea, and I can see how it does not work in PvE. But making an entire PvE map lawless seems boring, it seems like an afterthought. As for wipe, I expected a wipe sooner or later. I fully expect more in future. Just post release there better not be any, just release new maps if they want a change. Even in the demo, it showed how stupid the guillotine was. There are lots of good things coming. One of the things broken is lack of content. But it should be content in theme. More animals for example polar should have polar bears bigger and stronger but lousy gatherers, temperate should have black bears that are smaller lousy fighters but are great gatherers.
  14. The new claim flag animation looks great, while post wipe they will have any affect in PvE. Let PvE Players place one, just to visually state this is where I am. When they place another the old one goes away. Edit: changed to players
  15. While i would have loved to keep all my 700 hours of progress, It doesn't look possible, they will be moving island and buildings are not linked to island so would be in places they likely would be unusable. Enjoy the 6x until the wipe to finish the projects. take lots of screen shots, make your rebuild plans with your friends. Things that don't go away. Saved Avatar looks, make exactly the character you want to an quickly get into game. Saved Sail and sign paintings. Flags will go away. (I wish they still allows claim flags in PvE just did not do anything). Friends you made in game, so get out meet the players that are still playing, this is a great time to meet people that really like playing Atlas, you can join them or they can join you with little risk, perfect time to test compatibility
  16. Few go to polar regions and there are very few island variants, while the wipe is coming, why not reduce the polar regions in half, only having top of the map polar. The add anther row of equitorial, tropical/low desert or temporate/high desert, or entirely new biome like sub-tropical
  17. This really shows the developers are primarily thinking about the PvP game, the PvE game is an afterthought. Which is odd since the changes to PvP are making it more PvE friendly. With the changes there easily could be PvP servers on a PvE map, this would give a full play opportunities on a single map. I am a primarily PvE player and the PvP game looks far more attractive than the PvE game when implemented map wide. I have put a suggestion in, that the PvE maps be insteasd PvP maps where where only freeport, lawless and golden age servers are PvE. There are many lawless places to build, but may want to make the ring around freeports so includes all 9 of the servers as "PvE lawless"
  18. With the new changes, a the the PvE maps sound boring. and I am a PvE excluse player. Instead have a hybrid map server were all all Freeports, Lawless, and Golden age map squares are PvE and the rest of the of the world is PvP. There would be large amounts of places to build, you can choose to live PvE lawless or try to take an island or live under a PvP protector.
  19. What does Mythos sell for?
  20. Please limit how close gates can be together. Walls of gates are ugly. Does this mean that in PvE you have to play every 4 days or you come back to all your stuff being wiped?
  21. When the patch is ready, they should give a couple days notice. Target for a Firday Midnight restart. The thursday night before have big world end event. Golden Age mobs, ghost ships and mean whales spawning everywhere, even freeports. An hour before the shutdown, turn off player respawns and destroy all beds and see who last until the end of the world. So only choice will be a freeport.
  22. I'd like to finish some of my projects and test some ship build ideas before the wipe, now I have little consern for ship loss, I can push the ships to limits. My company currently has 30 ships per active player. We have lots of sinking to do.
  23. Is there a link to see a replay of the live stream?
  24. I would like one flag per 10 levels, starting with first one at level 10. You could get up to 10, but past 5 you have committed some serious time to the game. I liked limited claims in PvE, just did not like taxes. But honestly, the lawless areas had far more players on them in PvE in past month than the claimable island. This change will make us more likely to have ships we call long term home, land bases will be only for when your active and will be playing enough to keep the upkeep going. when you take a breather from the game, pack up all your good stuff, dump the rest and rebuild when you come back. It will not be ARK at all anymore, Land will be a place you visit.
  25. Ships should become un-anchored in two weeks if no one gets on it and not within area claimed by ships owner. Also you should be able to push un-anchored rafts and sloops by hand and push bigger ships with any other boat including a raft. The shear number of ships at C6 is amazing. I have made 2 FoY runs on my Ramshackle sloop, and wondering if it will make a third. I have aged 130 years and my ship is still there.
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