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Eve BlackVeil

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Everything posted by Eve BlackVeil

  1. Lawless Servers were introduced I think day 1? Because we couldnt log into the freeport servers. They were full. They then opened up other servers for us to use so people could actually log in and play. However these did not contain a freeport. I don't remember them specifically saying their intention with lawless was what you mentioned but it could very well be so. I had hoped they would change them back so I could lay claim to my area but they never did and now I'm ok with it. They were proud to launch the game as a mixture of Ark and sailing the seas as pirates so I don't know how much they really want to break away from.
  2. There are many comments on this thread about lawless islands. Whether it be minimizing thee amount of them or dissuading people from settling on them for example. What is so wrong with them? Don't players have the right to choose what is fun for them or what SCENERY is most beautiful in the game to them (I'm speaking of myself here! lol)? I kinda have that rebel vibe feeling from playing on one and I gotta tell ya, It feels pretty PIRATE-ISH imo. In my own warped mind that is.
  3. First off, amazing job at the time spent on this. I'm still absorbing. I just want to say one thing. Do you guys remember one of their main campaigns consisted of them bragging about how there were no instances. It was one fluid world to travel. Every server was linked together etc etc etc. I wonder if they have realized how difficult it has turned out to be.
  4. What about this idea I had? Did it sound feasible?
  5. I refuse to be at the mercy of another living on someones land like a peasant. I was going to move off my lawless land if they had come up with a great new flag system so more of us were able to find claimable land. However with the way it went I will stay on my lawless island even if that means logging in constantly to keep my property. I don't care if I have pneumonia I'm logging on....hit by a bus? Bring me a laptop, I'm logging in. I REFUSE TO BE AT THE MERCY OF ANOTHER THAT CAN WIPE ME OFF THE FACE OF THE ISLAND IF THEY HAD A BAD DAY AND ARE A TOOL WITH AN EGO TRIP.
  6. Really? Was that reply necessary? We all started out addicted to our consoles in it's early form. And if you say you were more of a DOS person ima virtual punch you in the face. lol I do remember a time when consoles were fun to me.
  7. Just stay off my lawn ya lil whippersnapper!!! There's a phrase my dad always says. One of my favorites. "You can't run with the big dogs if you piss like a pup."
  8. This is the underlying issue. The question is why. So many games in existence have their own player type housing domains. There is never an issue with overlapping housing issues. What is different with those games? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm actually asking here. Also, will this change be their final say so? I appreciate that you are one of the many many many people asking for ideas, trying to get things improved for the better. It's what we need. I did the same, making a suggestion that there be purchasable land property. Therefore the land would have divided property lines.
  9. Just another suggestion. Thoughts? Obviously it's tweakable.
  10. You are missing the point that they told us they were listening to us (about the claiming system). They told us that numerous times. Where did anyone mention their claiming idea was like the PVP server?
  11. They are not going to listen to any of these ideas. At all. They just showed us that. In all it's glorious wall of text form. All the suggestions and ideas and complaining that the community has given or done we have handed them on a forum silver platter. They completely disregarded all of it and went a different direction.
  12. I dont think ANYONE is happy because the Devs said they have been listening to us so we had all hoped for them to change it to atleast one of our many suggestions in numerous conversations about it. However it was a shock when they went the opposite direction when shitting in a box and handing it to us in a virtual state. When did anyone mention changing the claim system on PVE to be more PVPesque?
  13. Lol I said "people" not "l", silly. I was giving an example. I have seen people mention that is what they want to do. I have my location. Screw claimable land.
  14. The updated new claim system for PVE is horrid. I thought they said they were listening to us? Exactly WHO were they listening to? It wasnt the players posting their ideas on the forums. I didnt see them saying to change it to PVPesque. WHO were you listening to? However, YES, bring on The Great Purge. Gogogo. Wipe it all. Even if my rare looking beauties have to go.
  15. People will be wanting to explore the new islands to see where they want to settle. We all know how long sailing servers to do that takes.... One week for PTR? No bueno kind sirs!
  16. Sorry to piggy back off your thread. I actually would like to know if there is a way to zoom out farther than it already does in regular game play. I play in 3rd person scrolled out but it still makes me so motion sick on occasion that I have to immediately log off and lay down for hours. Perhaps a certain command to type in game like the GAMMA command for example?
  17. Nope, I wouldn't tell you that at all. I'm a soloer. I have been playing by myself. It's been a long grueling road lemmie tell ya. We need to start thinking out of the box. We need to stop being so negative at the mere mention of ANYTHING. Who says it's always ALL about gold and only about gold. It can be about whatever the community wants it to be based on. They mentioned making more quests for people for example. There could be rewards to pay a weeks tax if you do a quest or something. Or to purchase by doing a requirement task list. The possibilities are endless. You see what I'm getting at? I just brought forth the initial idea. It's very open for more ideas and tweaking to make it better.
  18. What about this idea I had. It would prevent that very thing.
  19. Well they said they wanted us to test it out for them on PTR so we could give them feedback and work things out for them. I hardly think a week is long enough. Especially when people have RL to deal with. Bring it out now.
  20. Actually you know what, if it was a badass tamed unique animal...IM IN. GIMMIE. I will brush it and love it and hug it and squeeze it and tuck it in every night.
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