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Everything posted by Bandit_Black

  1. This is a bad move for population. And while Im in favor of a hardcore server rule set. Gonna have to play small tribes with my clan. Empire will be dead on arrival probably. There won't be the numbers we saw at launch. In fact, how you gonna start with a 200+ clan in a 150 tile anyways. I'd be surprised if there is a clan with 200 actives still in existence.
  2. Just so you know lawless is still lawless. Still going to get raided just as much as before. It was always my go to place to raid when you want some quick fun. Everyone knows this.
  3. I'd argue that you are wrong, this is the argument pve players make. There are pro's and con's to offline raidng. Yes sometimes people offline raid to exterminate an enemy quietly and quickly. Our alliance always setup primetime raids though. Not everyone is so honorable. Big alliance vs big clan is usually prime time events tho. If you have a small house, small clan, you are going to get offlined tho. This game isnt meant for small clans. Our clan combatted this by having all time zone people. So multicultural crew to avoid being offlined, whats hard about that?
  4. I am with you on this. PvP servers are about freedom. Freedom to kill who you want when you want, raid bases when you want and to constantly have the threat of danger of it happening to you. That's what makes it fun. I agree with you on all points. I am one of those people and yes there are alot of us who will endure whatever because we enjoy all aspects of "PvP Server" Our servers are being converted into half pve, no longer survival imo. However, a survival mmo from a business standpoint can't support this ruleset. But look at pve, it was just as bad with numbers so where did all those people go. The real reason this game is lacking is from lack of pve. Ships not being durable enough so they get sunk at night. Bases easily raidable and not strong enough walls by taking one flag and dropping mortars. And we are in the gimme gimme generation. Games like this need wolves and sheep to be able to coexist like ARK did. So while I think you are right and atlas will die, I will try the changes, hopefully they aren't as carebear as at first glance. But I have my doubts. Now we have servers that are half PVE and full PVE. Thats it, no more sneak attacks on larger forces, no more harbor raids. Half the fun is out the window. The freedom is gone. My clan was not once raided on our main bases until the wipe announcement when everyone quit after the wipe announcement. Ships sunk yes, raided no.
  5. I do agree with your ideas. Greek fire is OP in its current form, nothing can be done against it. Should definitely be toned down or pulled off cart swivels, I can understand grapeshot, grapeshot has a reload. I can understand cannons, they have a reload and mainly for structure damage but long greek fire that instakills all players and tames is out of balance.
  6. As much as I want to disagree with your statement, I believe you are right. Its takes good farming and support to be a good pvp clan. Every pvp clan needs farmers. Its best if everyone has a good balance of pve and pvp for this game. And there does need to be some for of ORP or the no lifers can easily offline you. Thus eliminating pvp and just running through your hardwork base with minimal effort. Where is the fun in that?
  7. Bear teams, Sniper teams, sea teams, fob teams, mortar control teams. Your not quite right. However best bear team wins the fight and kills everyone but the snipers. You have to snipe the riders or combat with flame carts or you lose, end of story. Swords suck, only nubs use swords. Again, lawless is for nubs, we all know this. You cannot shoot explosive barrels out of cannons anymore. Plus you'll be cooked with flame before you get a shot aimed and off most likely.
  8. I'd like to see more balance with the cart meta, its just way to easy to kill with it compared to any other weapon/skills in the game. Its way out of balance and anyone honest with themselves that has a lot of big pvp battles will admit this. Its cheese, you must have bear carts to fight bear carts or you lose. Flame melts players and bears, flame is no different then auto aim in all honestly as the range/spread and damage is way too high.
  9. Which players said its fun pvp? What are you talking about. Its complete cheese. You obviously haven't pvp'ed much or only been doing offline raids, because flame carts are practically unkillable with a good driver. The whole flame cart thing is completely unbalanced. If you had any experience in pvp you'd know this. Tigers are terrible. A good flame bear cart will kill 10 tigers with riders without breaking a sweat. And its not fun pvp by any means, completely out of touch with every other weapon, ammo. There is a big reason no one uses grapeshot carts. Because liquid flame carts are OP. In fact, just yesterday I murdered a whole clan on just bears and tigers with my flame cart in 3 minutes. Its ridiculous how fast that flame kills everything.
  10. Flame bear meta that is currently the go to mechanic needs to be tweaked. I've been meaning to write this for a long time now. Every pvp battle i'm in involves using flame bears to counter flame bears. Its cheesy ( and Ive been in a LOT of pvp battles). There is almost 0 way to kill a bear with out flame. They take little damage from anything but flame arrows/jars. So there is absolutely 0 counter to it. Bears are stronger than any animal in the game, combine that with flame cannon and almost invincible unless you have the same setup to counter it. Most all fights on pvp and raids on land are decided by who has the most bears. Also, if hit with flame its almost insta-death, out of touch with any other offense in this game. (Will instantly kill 5 tigers with riders if not more - unkillable with tigers even if the driver is semi competent) My opinion would be to nerf the liquid flame/and the bear health/damage received. Other idea would be to add the bear traps from ARK to the game to counter the bear carts as well as fix the melee in this game, its weak and worthless except in the water. Edit: The nature's touch heal is also a serious issue with bear fights, can reheal the bear every too often as it currently is.
  11. Grapeshot is killing hackers by letting the game die so there is no money in hacks for this. Don't you see the logic? I've seen the hacks in this game and its not false accusation, shooting through walls, barely render head shots over and over, aimbotting for sure. As for what else, I have no experience beyond hearing rumors of popping locks and doors. Although duping and exploiting have been major issues. To my mind, there has been no GM moderation on officials which baffles my mind. And in the instances of hacking, there is never enough proof to ban. So you fight the hackers and exploiters with player made police. The only way. Ark never truly fixed hacking, battleeye is subpar at best unfortunately. This thread will be locked soon. Seeya
  12. Waiting for the wipe, pvp'ed my face off already. Now I'm fishing and it sucks. Can you get bp's from fishing like in ARK? Probably not. Buff it for some purpose pls.
  13. You can do it, you should do it. PVP is not so harsh like everyone makes it out to be. All you need to do is survive, not have L337 pvp skills. Outsmart enemies, build good defenses. What the point of pve if there is no danger involved from the highest form, man himself. Holler if you are on EU, give you cushion come launch under our umbrella - Bandit#3138
  14. They listen to twitter and just use forums as an unread trash bin for the whiners. Yeah twitter sucks and everything you write here is time wasted arguing with some internet nerds somewhere.
  15. They are hurting the small tribes, the guerilla fighters, the sneak attackers, the thinkers with this patch. Lack of pvp freedom, forced regulation. Give everyone everything rather than natural evolution which is ----> Play official, do the best you can, if you get wiped Restart, join another company or Go to unofficial. Such were the ways of ark, don't force pvp rules down are throats. Ark had freedom. This game had freedom but now its being socialized.
  16. Question: What if the free hat is as bad as the dances? : 0 What if the pvp changes make the game totally pve? What if I purchased a pvp pirate game and it coverts itself into a pve pirate game? What if what if...
  17. I bought a pvp game too. This game also has 2 pve servers for people that dont want to fight. The fights in this game have been spectacular. The raids, the defenses, the sea battles, all of it amazing if you are involved with a decent size company. I think whats happening here is the small groups and solo players that did not experience anything but being wiped out due to lack of man power are complaining and bringing about these horrific game changes. Now in the name of player/number retention. The rulesets even for pvp are changing in order to let people keep their bases and not be wiped. A good change from a business stand point, a bad change if you wanted a pvp game like I did. Unfortunately, the 2 cannot coexist I fear. And you know what else is laughable. The fact they even had rankings for the 2 pve server they did have. Let's make everyone feel important. Hahaha Edit: The upcoming update basically is converting the 2 existing pvp servers into pve. Let's call it what it is. Without base raiding, without claiming, its random boat fights sometimes. Thankfully we can fill the remaining boredom with submarine trips to a trench in the ocean.
  18. Probably, And no, nothing on paper yet I know of, I'm sure there will be tweaks but the direction they are going is less than optimal imo. This was a pirate pvp game. Have had some amazingly epic battles on sea and land. While we all needed a wipe. Lack of freedom is not the way to go, I'm just hating to see that go away. The claim system needed refinements. But it certainly feels like they are regulating to a point of trying to let everyone have everything, thus removing the strategy and diversity from tactics and war. Ark never even had this many rules on official.
  19. Did you watch the live stream? Clearly stated the claim system will be ORP protected for most of the day, your choice of times. War requires tokens (bought). Big clans are limited in lands they can take, 1 claim per island, otherwise ark building system if no claim.
  20. This is not the majority of the current player base wants. This is what the majority of whiners who got wiped on pvp want. Game breaking changes. PVP servers converted to PVE with small raid time windows. I'm NA player and always played on EU with my clan, never wiped because we covered all time zones. Sorry if thats too difficult a task for you. Sadly I fear the things that made this game fun, sneak attacks, ways to outsmart the enemy, harbor attacks late night (yes, build better defenses), are going to kill this game. The people screaming for these changes probably don't even play. This is a company game, not a solo player game. The devs again don't play their own game so here we are about to suffer these semi aweful changes due to WOW style give everyone everything attitude. The same people begging for ORP will be the first to quit for the next battle royale game. We'll give this sub par ORP version a go but it sounds like the devs are ready to push the cosmetic shop so they need everyone back. EDIT: ZERG (EU PVP) Recruiting for the next launch. NA players welcomed (Pirate clan from all countries). Find us on company list.
  21. What I don't understand is that they already have 2 PVE servers and now they are converting the only 2 pvp servers to pve too. This is garbage. SOrry you got wiped. Build a better base, sorry you couldnt keep your land, join a better company. Sorry you didnt win the game, here we will socialize everything.
  22. Your first problem is that you play PVE. Most of these are non issues on pvp servers anyways. I agree with you about the gimme gimme generation but why even play this game in a safe zone. Pvp servers are not griefer paradise like you all think. Its rather civilized in this game outside of massive wars.
  23. There is offline raid protection. It's called PVE. Don't turn this game into carebear. Recruit people from different timezones. Get btter defenses. Or go to PVE If you got a clan of 140 and you can't counter getting offline raided. You're doing it wrong, sorry.
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