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Everything posted by Elrood

  1. Or just remove predatory alphas and leave us alphas to level efficiently from time to time. Dealing with them (when you actually can do it) imho can be really aggravating in some situations but also quite satisfying if you go hunt them intentionally.
  2. Imho it will not happen without some kind of subscription fee. I highly doubt it would be economically viable without sustaining income. Or we will get micro transactions. Either way there will be some ongoing revenue stream sooner rather than later. I actually hope they will go with subscription vs with warframe model cause imho is more fair in current game. Well, we will see.
  3. Actually I'm finding out more and more easy ways to keep vitamins in check. Preservation bugs works great, when we will have salted meat it will be even better. With cows (if not for luring carnivorous animals into pens PvE griefers) and milking we could easily balance blue one. Plant ones are easy as hell. Still for me death consequences should come after they fix ******** griefing on PvE. If I would want to defend against offline raids I would play on PvP. With that taken care of with planning you can work out vitamins with quite a bit of satisfaction and death penalty would actually add to the game imho. Edit: actually this should kick in from some higher level - like <40 levels, death is not a problem. From 40+ death becomes bigger and bigger problem and you need to plan around it. Mostly because it takes planning and knowledge about game to be able to deal with it efficiently.
  4. Alphas has armor, so guns should be "kind of" viable option for alphas.... If not for properly used fire arrows, where I can kill alpha using around 4 arrows -. - Weapon balance is so out of whack right now, that it will change multiple times - for that i have no doubts. Imho next step will be for them to nerf fire damage from stepping into the fire and we will be completely screwed for a while, unable to kill anything with any kind of time effciency. After that they will start actually fixing the situation and buff stuff like guns, cannons, etc. God knows for how long we will have roller-coaster with this stuff... At least this is what i think will happen.
  5. Elrood

    level lost

    Now THIS is something to look for to! Thank you for info
  6. Elrood

    level lost

    Btw did you end up with additional skill points? I will find out either way in few hours, but well, curiosity
  7. Your claim timer never started? Because before your claim timer start ticking, current owner claim need to tick down which takes at least 30 minutes. If said owner claim timer didn't start than there is yet another bug How this would work? You already paid for the game so they got the money. There is and will be a lot of players playing cause after you have claims its fun. Where is the threat? Beside if there was a threat it would be blackmail, would it not?
  8. Ech, they really need to do something about it. I had thief in my base, that player glitched through walls. Didn't manage to steal anything and i've gave him quite a scare for his ship so he hopefully left (and hopefully left the sector and didn't grief anyone else) but ffs if i would like to battle players and offline raids I would go to pvp . We really NEED protection against ship sinking and general lock on PvE.
  9. Well, this thieving scum get to my sector now. Failed miserable to rob my base - glitched into empty top floor (lie your base with containers on every possible wall, add empty roofs around walls and you should be relatively safe from wall glitching and now crocs are chewing their ships Love karma, hope it won't bite me too much.
  10. Offline version with grid like 50x50 would be sweet And with one player with some loading screens (so one server switching zones depending on where the player is) it could be even possible.... But somehow I doubt it will ever be
  11. Yeah. Basically before your timer will start to tick, other claim need to lower. It takes around 30 minutes for flag to declaim. You can see progress on flag that is affected by your claim. Sometimes it is pain in the proverbial backside to find correct flag you are "attacking". Good luck.
  12. Actually building rafts this way would not prevent resource spawn - while bridges based on foundations would. I will have to think about remaking my bridge into this..... Should make stuff spawn closer to my base.
  13. I will throw you one more. You closes neighbor left and stopped protecting his claim. Now someone put flag on border between yours and your neighbor on the neighbor side. 40 minutes later even with you protecting your single claim you lost around half of it and probably every resource you had in your base (if in affected, overlapped part of your claim), while grefer put everything on his brigantine or even galleon, removed his single claim and sailed away looking for next victim. I found claim on 3rd or 4th day of the Atlas. None (edit: Only one person stayed actually, i forgot about him cause he is rarely online ) of the people who live with me on the islands are the same ones who were there when I started. I can't recognize half of the people who talk in sector chat. Tone of people rotated.
  14. One of dev team (https://steamcommunity.com/id/arkjesse/posthistory/ - here is everythign that person said on steam, I have steam blocked right now so i can't give you exact source) stated that when they fix more pressing issues (imho that person meant crashes, performance and big bugs) they will look into griefers and hackers and start banning people, so maybe we will have some peace in the future. Unfortunately no timeline.
  15. Not in lawless. On standard claims yes, they destroy resources (which IS a problem when someone decide to build on top of important stuff). Claims could be partially solved after next patch - at least i will open my buffer zone for others to settle. I will give them risk assessment (cause I created said buffer to defend myself against overlapping claims) but they will have place to at least build shipyard. Hopefully more people will do the same. Edit: Actually i would love for claims to finally settle a bit. Imho there is only one other person on the island I am which was there when i started.
  16. Just make it lower.... It can be as wide as it is, but lower....
  17. Well, then, please share with everyone where you have yours, locked as you say and see how long it will take before someone glitch through walls or doors and play havoc with your "crap locked up in your houses etc behind locked doors". Adding lock to stuff on PvE would shortstop quite a lot of other problems we have and should be easier than fixing all the bugs around it.
  18. I have right now 2 sea claims and 3 standard claims. 2 standard claims are inside one of sea claim. So I have terrain from 2 sea claims and one standard claim. I would say I know how big the claim is. Now with 3 standard claims and existng neighbour I probably could find a place where I could put sea claim in your neighbour (inactive or griefed) territory where this sea claim could overlap your base or shipyard or whatever. This means we have a problem with current system already. Now, lets say this fixed. I still have many claims - 5 so according to your rules I would need to reduce and optimize. I actually need this 3 flags to be able to live without problems with space and putting buildings without removing semi rare resources form our island... So I would have 1 day of protection. And my company have like 3 people. And because we are friends in RL and we have similar schedule in RL, assuming that everyday one of us can login is actually bordering certainty that there will be gaps. Even if for most of the year we will be active every day for at least few hours. There are two more people with the same problem as me on my island alone and i'm aware about few other small companies holding 3-5 claims which imho they need to be able to play without restricting content for themselves.
  19. This idea in any case is way too step. Depending on terrain you may need 3 claims to even be able to put shipyard and build base secure enough to have animals. You will kill big companies (lack of space for them), small companies (lack of people to protect few claims) and solo players at the same time. Only few hundred people with around the clock online guilds (with good organization) could survive and thrive. Everyone else would be evicted in no time and with current overlapping off the claims it would be nightmare for everyone - no way to make a buffer around your base.... Every one else would be locked to one or two claims. I would agree to go with logarithmic system, but with downside of <24h from 10+ claims, not from 3 flags....
  20. Well, yeah, I can understand your point of view - I hope i claimed fair and square (minus the guy who glitched in and put half of his claim in main - this one i removed asap) - yet tone of people are saying "its not possible" while imho it certainly is possible cause i did it successfully. You won't get prime spots this way - those are guarded, but you can get a spot. This way i started actually . Well, yeah, they need to split mechanics between pve and pvp for both to work well... And i'm really curious if they will go this route.
  21. That would result in resources being blocked two days longer. I've claimed and demolished two buildings on my part of island which were build on or near spots with semi rare materials... So yeah, what you propose have drawbacks too
  22. As a part of IT industry i can tell you that - project management in this industry has no idea what it is doing in general. They are fiddling in dark looking at what works and what is not working. Mostly the second. Edit: about fine tunning - actually both sys-admins, network guys and programmers should be involved. Admins can do a lot, you are completely right, but programmers also need to optimize code - and this is usually empiric based - so they see what is bottle-necking and fix it, see what is the next bottleneck and so on.
  23. Add 1. I actually expanded my claims two days ago... So yeah, its possible. I know I will be opening some land after the patch. If players will be able to build even temporary base they will have much bigger chance to find their own claims - mostly because by living on the island i'm aware on which territory to look when i want to expand/claim. its kind of visible who stopped playing. Add 2. Yeah, that could be a problem. Will see how this works. Again, I will actually want to see how this whole stuff works cause everything I have right now is a paragraph in patch notes without much details. Add 3 - look at add 1 - its easier to find spot (and expand) if you are on the map more than an hour or two because you are aware which claims are running off and which are constantly active. But again - before i see how it works i will wait with opinion on it.
  24. As example, imho client app and server coders are needed for CDT crashes and map clipping issues so yeah, it overlap. Skill trees, number balancing nope - but instead need a lot more testing As for hiring - sorry, but this is wrong mentality. "12 mothers will not make a child in 1 month. 12 developers will not solve stuff 12 times faster than 1." This has become a trivia quote in industry but its close enough to truth. And bringing new people to existing project is always a pain. In simpler projects (than most games) it can take weeks and months before people can work reliably without supervision from old hands. And mmo are even harder to work on than most games. New project learning's curves can and often are more step than dwarf fortress for new player In short - if they hired a lot of people, for weeks we would not see any tangible result of such hiring. This is not my opinion, rather general consensus between people in industry. As for how viable such hires would be in long run (EA teams generally are downgraded in terms of manpower in gaming industry), thats another topic. And please remember than bulk of sails just went and they won't see big payback for years (probably until release of DLC or game). IMHO you made a couple of assumptions in this few short sentences that are false.
  25. I think you are overestimating how many things they can work in parallel. Look at what they are patching the most - server performance in every patch and CDT fixes. A lot of balancing too but imho most of the balancing stuff they did could be done by non-coders and it looks like to me at least that their coders works on application and server stability as priority. Again, this is only my opinion, but I think that after they have that under control, griefing could be next on the list. Beside, claim issue is probably bigger than griefing because it affect every new player and at least they are doing something in this direction. Add to it how complex this systems get and that most "fixes" people propose has gaping holes in them - mostly because said people does not care about other who play the game differently then them. Than there is probably a bottleneck of only few peoples who have to agree to any mechanics changes - which add time to big remakes of multiple stuff. Still reasonable if one don't want total chaos in a project. As for introducing new bugs.... The speed with which they are patching stuff there has to be bugs. They don't have enough time to test it fully - no way to do it in those time frames. I don't mind cause worse issues are fixed quicker, but this is up to preferences. Imho either one or two patches a month and no new bugs (some will happen, but in much smaller number than now) or what we have right now? That is probably the choice and they already made it. Now, I'm not sure why you say that direction with claims is stupid BEFORE its even tested by us, but hey... Maybe you are right even? I will wait and see before deciding As for sales - sorry, but this point for me is moot with current reviews - i highly doubt there is anything that can lower sales even more....
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