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Case of the Scurvy

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Everything posted by Case of the Scurvy

  1. You can only have so many 1 handed items on your tool bar. That the possible issue? Just throwing things out there
  2. Id LOOOOVE the ability to "declaim" ships so we can sell them
  3. Take into account on PVE we have eternal sleepers. Dey contesting erryone up in hurr. Cant wait till they iron out all the kinks in pvp and im gone!
  4. 5:55 plus 10mins to claim So 6 hours 5mins to be precise
  5. This game will put some years on you, thats for sure.
  6. It takes time and they do like one plank at a time. Accommodations speeds this up. Also as a side note they do not repair anything in the boat only the outside parts ie planks. Side note i have seen this and always use crew to repair.
  7. They repair when they are sweeping you dont need a hammer. You need a ship resource chest and all required mats for this to work
  8. Except on pve, where sleepers seem to be a permanent problem.
  9. Damn cats and their punctuation...
  10. Just go to a freeport. I swear there is little thought that goes into anything around here lol. 4x times the amount of trade ships!! Unfortunately 4x1 = 4 so good luck
  11. Could just use a BP could you not? Plus you are using gold to get more gold. Just saying there isnt much now. Once they get freeports rolling and merchants with all sorts of fun stuff to buy forgetaboutit. Horde that gold now while its cheap
  12. The truth is, since people seem to ignore it. Declining pop or not there really isnt much to do in this game at this time. Not alot of stuff to build other than walls and crafting stations. Not much in the water other than SoTd We have power stones, whales, and sotd. Not much to spend gold on realistically a decline in the games current state would be warranted. I just can't wait for more stuff to be added to keep my interest.
  13. Officer thats my friends.... Showing your true colors eh....
  14. Its not really needed **Now** but who knows what they will add later eh
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