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Everything posted by Defixio

  1. I saw in the notes that bar shot will debuff ship sailing speed. Will barshot work on ships of the damned? if so that's a very interesting option for cargo ships to slow the SOTD down while they scoot.
  2. they should really make a land lord / land lease forum. not complaining at you, but it seems like it could be popular.
  3. yea maps are super fun. getting a few ranks in the piracy tree for map finding is SUPER GOOD by the way. you can spot the dig spot from the shore and direct your crew. you can also judge early if the spot is burried inside a pointy rock and thus not worth trying.
  4. I thought it would be intersting if there was anchor, and then there was DEEP ANCHOR and DEEP ANCHOR could be used in deeper water, and made your ship utterly invincible. so if you have to stop playing as a johny casual, you could just plop anchor down and log out. it should only be usable once a RL day, or once every 6 hours or consume resources or something. it could be a "side platform option" Like the boat platform and diving platform. you click on it, build a deep sea anchor. launch the anchor and go feed your dog or whatever. can't be used while in combat
  5. speed sails are just far and away the best. ships of the damned do not have to cope with wind so having sails with a cool bonus to wind direction are meaningless. speed sails let you smoothly get away, they make your cargo move faster and your adventures occur faster. Manoever sails should either go a tad faster or make your boat turn much better. even to the point that you can swing and avoid a cannon volley. weight sails are horrible. they should increase your ship weight by a percentage (a chunky one) AND they should let you suffer near 90 percent encumbrance before you get the 75 percent penalty.
  6. I would love to know what our timers are by looking them over.
  7. I do think some PVP areas existing within PVE servers is a good idea. I think resource destruction in eve really drove the economy. I don't think they should be required to ever enter the pvp zones to access all of the content in the game though. there shouldn't be FoY or powerstones behind them. I don't think existing zones should be repurposed. maybe a 4 freeports could turn into 4 "war zones". put in fun prizes for getting the mguffins out successfully so people enjoy it, but don't make the pvp elements something you have to deal with basically ever if you don't want to.
  8. there are clearly things that solo players won't experience, but ther eshould be alternate ways for them to find enjoyment and interact with mechanics. maybe most solo players won't use a galleon, at least not without hiring a huge npc crew, but they can still pirate adventure. for example lets say they gate tarot behind killing the kraken, they could make an alternate, "sail all over the place" method of unlocking it for solobros. this could clearly be more time consuming but it could let them enjoy the game.
  9. I do think there should be other containers that haul material that stacks forever like in the ship resource box (but it isn't a ship resource box). so for example if at your base you want to store massive amounts of six kinds of metal that you do not want repairing crew members to burn, you could store them in a resource silo or something.
  10. does anyone have feedback on how many "non rain filled" reservoirs you need per crop plot? like can one reservoir service 3 plots? 6? I know when you're using non-rain filled water supply you are working on a limited supply.
  11. I just read jat's origional post and this line: - NPC Crew can contest claims, but you'll have to feed and pay them otherwise they'll mutiny! made me curious: are they payed out of their inventory? or do they get payed out of a nearby paychest? how does it work?
  12. i'd like it if the colder biomes had some inherent advantages to being there. and who knows, maybe they will. maybe we'll see more trenches there, or something else.
  13. Can we get "roof parts" that are corner stairs? I want to make a cool stone building and the corners have to be "roof" pieces that look like terracotta shingles and not cool stone stair corners. some corners, triangles and valleys that match the stairs of each set would be amazing.
  14. to be clear folks hate engaging in the tornados. Mmany folks sail along zone walls. if a tornado happens, they cross over. If they're about to go on a great adventure sailing and it begins to drizzle, they drop anchor and play cards until the rain clears. if rain is encountered mid journey, folks will divert to an island to anchor. it's just not worth playing with them.
  15. i think the tornado mechanic is interesting. like if there was a raid event where you have to board an evil ship in the storms to do a thing, that would be fun. but getting torandoed while sailing to get paste so i can put a door on my outhouse...isn't.
  16. cyclones are the worst part of the game right now. they should exist as storm systems that move independantly of players rather than the "spawn on players" model. and they should be rare, not guarenteed.
  17. i kind of think the cooldown should only effect weapons and armor.
  18. i hope it gets restored to the "normal" rate we got used to, not the "half speed" of launch . that was horrible.
  19. an option to eject boats from your teritory after a time would be handy.
  20. we have polar land! good metal and oil, much yeti!
  21. the gliders are great! I'm pve though. We use them a lot in treasure hunting.
  22. yup. I spend a lot of time salvaging and for the sake of the server, and my sanity, I would love to clean off wrecks. Consider Skeleton Salvage, and Ramshackle flotsam Bundles!
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