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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. Tundra regions? Yep.. common bug there. Relogging will temp fix it. Or use normal ladders instead of rope.
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1744203296 counted over 30 flotsam around the ship at any one time, nearly 8x the usual amount.
  3. After about an hour or so, I just CTD. Memory leak maybe. First time today was remounting bear. Then just now I was about to repair a balistra. Screen freezes and program exits cleanly. Current Ver/Steam. Just crashed skinning a whale and now won't let me in because it thinks I'm still logged in. This kind of fatal needs to be fixed asap. Crashed again a few minutes later, ordering crewman to steering wheel. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1743627927
  4. I have an eating disorder.. ..I eat everything and anything.
  5. Same for normal pve shipwrecks. The little treasure box remains on the map even after they've been cleared. Player wrecks seem to remain forever on map. We've had wrecks on our map since the relaunch.
  6. They are also not awarded if you use a bed to travel away from the region, then return to it. Then land on the island. No popup, no points. I was in my ship, stopped at unknown island, then tp'd away to sell someone a tame, when I tp'd on loading my home island I got a partial discovery popup, but no info for what, no change in pts noticed at that time. (it may have added them at this point) then after selling the tame, tp'd back to ship and swam ashore, got no popup or points.
  7. Wouldn't support issue with walls collapsing anyway, since they are supports. Not had any pillers collapse, only ceilings, walls. Mostly, walls on ceilings tho.
  8. Relogging after a time period, unloads the area from the server/client. When you log back in, you refresh the area, I think it's at this moment that all the ceilings/walls etc break. I've seen our old animal pen exploding as I logged in for example. We turned it into a farm and built a new pen elsewhere. Trying to keep local building as widespread as possible as I'm not having as many issues with the newer spread out approach. That said, 3 tiles isn't really enough space for a sprinting elly to turn in. I might try 4.. hope it doesn't fall apart later.
  9. Much better now, you can see everything more or less without overly scrolling. All you need to do now is getting everything in the right order. For example, Archery Legendary Bows/Spears appears after Mythical..
  10. Yeh if you force them forward, they usually go on "top" of the slope, at the top you can get off/on to fix otherwise you get a weird walking at slight angle glitch.
  11. Martyn

    Tooltips broken

    It's the bottom most icon in inv screen. If you hover your mouse.. oh wait..
  12. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1741817606 Seaweed does. Coral is a coal, so it should.
  13. With the large animals they tend to get stuck under the sloped area. And if you get off them, you cannot get back on them. Have to use combinations of whistles to extract them, which with animals on ignore group whistle etc is annoying to do.
  14. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1741787830
  15. I dont accept that. There's always something we can do to remove the issue ourselves. In fact, I've just found one. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1741775515 Cut a 2 tile swath through the middle of my dock area. The problem has gone away. Breaking tiles nearby and relogging shows no further damage. The problem is definitely something to do with to many items in one place, either a memory type issue, db issue or a setting that's been reached and needs a higher number. I can actually feel the lag reduce as I run around the base, now that I've removed those ceilings. And I've actually added more objects, such as pillers and railings. So it might be that ceilings aren't as optimised as say pillers.
  16. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1741752325 When is this bug getting fixed? It isn't a lack of piller support, it must have something to do with the number of items/structures within a given area. Everytime I log in or break a structure nearby, this happens all over my base. But it's only gotten worse as I expand more and more. Thus it has to be tied to numbers of items in an area rather than a lack of structure support. Every tile is supported to 3 tiles in any direction.
  17. Having to stand around for HOURS just to make wood ceilings, walls etc or Thatch roof tiles is a complete waste of time that should be used elsewhere. There is no reason why everything made by the player, cannot be made in the smithy as well. This would allow players to free up much of thier time to do other things whilst waiting for items to build over time.
  18. Every Rescued crewman has white hair.. like the Mad Queen herself. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1741185504 Left 5 more in the drink.. all the same, white hair. One even looked like danny herself.
  19. @Jatheish Any chance we can get some more details on the skill tree ui changes before they're released? I assume we'll get a free reskill or log in to lvl 1 with all points returned.
  20. I thought they drank from water barrels.. so never put jars or skins in the food lockers.
  21. I'd say consider some masterwork panels for stern and bow as they really come in handy in ramming ships and close combat, with some chasers on rear. 300-400 cballs. top mini deck and forward deck, main deck underit, bottom deck if you feel the need a ramp down 2 wide for your bears etc to keep them out of the way. Some decent walls/ceilings to make a small forward ship chest room. Then you can just haul an elly onto deck, unload, jump off, grind, unload etc straight into ships chest. Smithy next to it. Maybe a small chest for spare planks/decks. And carry 3-4 k of fiber, thatch and wood, 400 metal or so for repairs. The remaining 12k or so for cargo. I prefer 2 handling sails and 4 speed, it's abit slower overall. But abit more agile. Handy if you come across shallows with no warning.
  22. Haven't seen a "wild" razor or shield yet. They're all the non wild versions. Do you just keep killing them off until they respawn?
  23. I logged in last night to exactly the same issue. Tried unseating them, deselecting the groups and reselecting, it's really annoying, hold down left and no aiming lines appear, but select target with right and they fire fine. Had this happen on 2-3 different occasions, then this morning when I logged back in, it stopped happening. Maybe a server desync issue or other network issue.
  24. Highest I've seen is 36 so far, up in tundra/artic with the whales. I'm currently 56 and my ships are around 35.. don't know if our levels have something to do with the spawn levels, but it seems so.
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