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Everything posted by zottel

  1. Adds a Little spice to the Game i mean you could go even further And Pay to let "catastrophs" Happen to your enemys. Not something like Dragons but more like insects which halfs harvesting from cropplots for a Day or poisen. The Food of tames to make them infertile for a week Maybe. Would Need to come with a high cooldown tho but could make Things also More Fun. But get your own base Attacked by Pirates And stuff would be Fun too,atleast for PVE where its more Economy wars that happen And the Need to sometimes defend your base would brighten up the day ....or your town if you Dont kill the Dragon
  2. The Other comment Basicly nailed it to the Point. But having a small Talk with your future neighborhood or landlord helps wonders^^
  3. It may Sound stuipid to set your own base under attack,but i just came to the stuipid idea that beside what is going to be added for singleplayer with the Encampments could also be buyable. Like you build your base And got some ally Friends Who would like some Action you could buy a Dragon attacking your island or Pirates etc. Just for the Fun or with rewards if you are able to kill it
  4. Are you sure about that? For me it Feels like every bit of weight slows you down
  5. Besides that free Ports Need a bit love, i agree that fast travell is Not really helping to make sailing less dull. The 2 Main reasons why sailing is annoying atm is Either Bad wind or just the fact that weight slows you down as hell. Also there Need to be a good reason which is worth sailing for And also its just Moving from A to B Without any Risk.
  6. Make weight Not Slow You down that much would already help alot tbh. But what iam really looking forward to would be (like the whales ) Special Sea Monsters Which can be found in a certain biom. Have a kraken who grabs your ship And You Need to damage his tentacles to flee or pick up a right which gives a reward or so. A leviathan which Needs to be harpooned to fight him. A Giant turtle which has a Route it follows And if you find it there are aods on the back And traps but also a hidden treasure.
  7. As far as i know both are 40% Slower than Speeds with good wind,but Handlings with 130% acceleration are as fast as Speeds. But on singleplayer the velocity works on Speeds so in the end they will be faster.
  8. Also the stats on player made sails are Important. You have 40% less Speed with a Handlung Compared to speedsails.
  9. Will we be able to Duell each Other? Like both Players Need to accept a Duell And then a Timer Starts ticking down And then we can. Do fist fight or sword Duells etc.
  10. Have you ever heard how a moose Sounds when ready to make love? Then imagine that sound pitched deeper And the Moose has smoked for 60 years. That Kind of annoying Sound they make
  11. Thats were the difference in our knowledge is XD the sound they make is so annoying
  12. Everyone Knows griefing but this guy went too far. After the First shock Moment i went And had a Cigarette,went back to Play atlas again After i calmed down a bit. Too Late,it went too far this time. I had to call my psychologist in the middle of the night,so he came to me at 3 in the Morning And gave me some pills so i can get some Rest. The next Day i pulled myself together And started atlas And i still could Not believe how cruel Monsters Human can be. Someone placed 50 penguins under my Palace And whoever Heard- the Sound of those Things know what im Talking about. I can never visit a zoo in my live anymore
  13. By the love of god if crossplay Happens i Fill your base with penguins
  14. Would be cool And those could have small buffs like 1% less repaircost or so for anchored ships
  15. What the hell???? Where do you get those numbers from? I mean upgrading a good piece of int gear is like 300k Gold for all Upgrades
  16. Wait Till You Start upgrading int gear
  17. Remember ja preparing for Ice Dungeon the Other day And we had Drinks And Food to keep all Vitamins up to maintain equilibrium Buff. Funny thing was all ate Pizza That Day And Energy Drinks. Should be Other way around tbh XD
  18. As it is Not even sure they will do the new map Layout im sure they wont wipe. They Send an eviction Note to those Islands Who get replaced so People can grab their stuff And tames. Sucks for the buildings tho
  19. That should be disabled if on official. It is a Option to remove everything on the Island And your stuff too. Originally was supposed the clean an Island After Claiming for 24 hours. After That Timer ran out you cant raze anymore
  20. I really Dont mind the claim System Either new of old one tbh. But as Most Games the playerbase can destroy lots of fun with just beeing toxic as hell,thats why i stopped playing LoL for example. There is so much toxicity going on on officials which gladly normally Happens behind the Scenes so New Players wont be affected. But griefing And toxicity is even worse on PVE than PVP for some reason.
  21. For me it already surpassed ark And also did alot Things better. By the Time i started ark, there was not one Single official Server where i could Build. The Maps where way too small And for me personally Abberation was the best add on because there were no flyers. I loved the quetzel but the you saw Nothing from the map as soon as you started flying. There wasn't And Economy on private Servers And breeding And taming with official rates was annoying as hell as solo player. In atlas i can do everything alone if i Want to or join others, there is alot of trading in atlas And Players Are able to make it feel like a real pirate Game.
  22. So a metal hatched could roll from 0%dmg to like 400% which is a 25% Chance it ends up with 100% dmg. If i find a legendary One it which goes to like 300% dmg i have 33% Chance it ends up at 100% dmg but also a 33% Chance it gets 300dmg while i only have a 25% Chance on the mythical to be that high if im Not wrong?
  23. We still have Plenty wild Level 89 to sell with alot of points to Spent, so you can Level them to 125 Instant can Check as soon as im online
  24. Are there plans to Change the skill System And reduce skillpoints per Level so one Charakter only has 2 Professions to Force Economy in Game. And if yes will we be able to use mythical Equipment Without beein able to craft them. As it is right now a Charakter is able to learn everything atm which is Boring imo.
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