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Everything posted by Vorxius

  1. Aye, it's all kicking off in the bug forum. Looks like we're done until the fix and roll back. many people in PvP are unable to log in to protect their stuff, which must really suck.. Glad we're on PvE :)... anyways, until then, guys.
  2. All good, but, when will we be able to log back in? 24 hrs + now and can't enter the game..
  3. There's an update on twitter now:
  4. Nothing yet, it's been about 24hrs for me now
  5. Checking in with the community, seems like many people are experiencing issues from inability to travel between regions, to not being able to log in, to being able to log in and not able to interact with anything. I just tried and suffer the latter. Rejoin atlas gets stuck loading, and choosing rejoin atlas allows me to enter the game, but further than that unable to interact with anything in the environment. When I press 'i' for inventory, it flickers, and vanishes... Tried validating files, didn't work, tried clearing cache, didn't work. So for me, for the moment at least, things are not playable. Just seeing if anyone else here is affected. Cheers!
  6. I'll personally be happier when SotD are not more abundant than Fibers
  7. same issue here, unable to launch Atlas. Stuck loading PrimalGameData_BP
  8. Can confirmed things are quite borked this evening (day) Stuck in a loading loop trying to get to PvE. primalGameData_BP Stuck. Symptoms of getting in on the occasion that it does seems me unable to interact with objects such as doors. Helpful
  9. Love the replies, thanks everyone. Mixed bag, sounds like it's a case of do and try
  10. Vorxius


    I do agree that the sotd are way too much in number. I feel like a skier doing slalom avoiding them, and we have had it that they're so many in number that they practically circled us. I do get the feeling that the numbers of these ships are set WAY too high....... make them twice has hard, and reduce their number by at least 50%. Then we may be getting somewhere. Swarmed by sotd during cyclones....... not good.
  11. Churning over last night in my head, it was the ghost ships causing the damage..... it's just the cyclones sure feel like we were caught in a net, ready to be toasted. If we'd stayed put, weathered out the storm, not agro'd the sotd's we may have been better off....... hard to tell
  12. It's a difficult question to answer... Offline mode... would be interesting.. but, the architecture of the game just appears to make it highly unlikely. Think of how many servers are powering the Atlas game world. There's many dozens. There is no one map to load, Ark etc just loads a game map, and seeds everything to it.. in atlas you have regions, poles, different climates, latitudes... Too much for an offline mode unless they sort of dynamically load a pre made world against where you are. It's too fun to play with friends. It'll be hell trying to program Atlas to be multiplayer and give the full world map experience... Long answer, I just have no idea. I rented a server...... for testing it's ok, but ONE grid costing 9 euros or whatever it is just isn't fun, you need atleast a 4x4 world map otherwise it's to restrictive. Official is the only place that gives the full menu. They do need to sort out the hackers on PvP and trolling.
  13. Just curious about this tbh. I know some of you guys have infinitely superior experience dealing with them to me, so wondered if I may be able to gain some views! Is it better to sail through, around, try to avoid each and everyone? or some, seem to say... pull in your sails, and sit it out... Some of my own observations on these (and we lived to tell the tale, granted battered and beaten up a bit).. Trying to avoid twisters is neigh on impossible... literally surrounded by at least 10 of the suckers last night, in a circle, ring around the boat so, no matter what we were going to end up in one, and with the wind changing direction so much, you can end up catching ships of the damned, and getting into a right royal tizz. That's what happened last night... was trapped in cyclones, and had TWO SotD on us. We were in our speed resource Schooner (trusty RMS Fleetwood), so we just prayed for a break in the storm to run. It did, storm cleared up, put the wind to the rear and made like roadrunner. Ran out of materials for repairs and made emergency anchor to scramble materials from the beach... After this, I'm more afraid of getting caught in the cyclone net and being killed by SotD, than the cyclones themselves.... trying to navigate around seems to lead to disaster pulling agro from the damned (who appear immune to cyclones)...... Is it better to stop dead, in sea... Wait it out? Do cyclones agro like NPCs? or do they just circle around at random..... I swear they have sentience.. They (imo) sure as hell come for you, and box you in! So, what would you guys do? Pull in the sails, scramble below deck and do damage mitigation, or try to avoid the circus, and sail through it risking bumping into ghost ships? (whilst on this, ghost ships are WAY too numerous still, they're an obstacle course in their own right, let alone coupled with cyclones!) Cheers for reading me out here.
  14. Stuff was stashed on the boat, but, boat is still there, but miles from my home port, and, whatever killed me ate my bed on it! Crikey. Well I just started over (again), and desperately seeking a beach in lawless somewhere.... Appreciate the replies though. Got atlas on one screen and forum on the other. Atleast something is WIN!
  15. Logged out for some Dinner with the family, came back, and killed by shark.. on my sloop...also bed gone ... how!? All my stuff is on said boat. On PvE server. Mind blown. Back to punching trees? again? Either this is getting old, or I'm getting old. Probably both.
  16. Me: Wait, did the sea just turn light blue? Mate: - yes why? Me: Aaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhh ---- Crap, quick drop the anchor.. quiiiiiiiiickly... ! *scrape* Our house boat just turned into a beach house. Doh.
  17. Got a Sloop runabout stuck yesterday... luckily managed to wriggle free lol.. but it does make you think!
  18. Someone suggested a while back to try a hanging cliff side 'home'. Must admit since then we have been off the spawn points
  19. I always wondered to - I did manage to get AI to man the three masts on my Brig Not put one in charge of the wheel though... Wont do that, be like giving the Mrs keys to my car... I guess though that crew will auto repair hull when anchored? Do they do that automatically? Or is it something you need to assign? Still new at this side of things
  20. Of it's EA. No one is blind to that. I'd never go out on a limb and say that Atlas is PvP exclusively. The end game will suit both PvE and PvP. The only difference is that in PvP, other players get in your way... but anyway as I said in my earlier post: On a private server, however, with custom (realistic / sensible) server rules the game is turning out to be extremely fun. We have a boat as a home, we're nomads, sailing from island to island, collecting resources, trading with other players... the game is VERY civilised. It's my dream that official PvE servers could be like that. So i'm not going to deny that private servers are a boon to things right now. Private servers blew a new lease of life to the game for us. It was difficult to find a distinction between PvE and PvP servers, players being quite abrasive on either. PvE official servers *should* be a place to relax and have fun.. but, it's not quite there yet.
  21. Not really, we shouldn't have to contemplate a 'lazy' mindset on PvE. Players should not be an issue, but because of game flaws and gaping bugs / mechanic oversights, players can sink other player boats by cheesing them. Nomads also cannot build large garages... nowhere is home, which should be possible on a PvE server. PvP and PvE are two very different games, with two very different mind sets. People have to distinguish the two. On a PvP server, someone trolling can be shot, but on PvE, you have to watch, idly as someone moves like an unstoppable slug towards your ship... knowing that it WILL be destroyed and short of running for it and sailing off there's nout can be done. That's moronic design / a bug that needs to be fixed (but just one example). I'm not here to rant at the flaws of the game though, I'm here to say I agree that the game is treasure / a gem, once you get past the nonsense stopping many from enjoying it.
  22. 100% this. OP, no need to quit. Find a sensible private server with tuned settings / spawns. Play there, test the game, learn the game and more importantly have some fun. The official servers are encumbered by democratic vote, so for every two asking for a fix, probably three saying it's ok (on whatever it is). Private server will change your game... have a look and see before dumping the game.
  23. If playing PvE, any player should be able to give the game a fair crack of the whip. As a two-man corp, it's impossible to survive on an official server, too much cheesing mechanics to inflict loss of boats on fellow players is a crippler. On a private server, however, with custom (realistic / sensible) server rules the game is turning out to be extremely fun. We have a boat as a home, we're nomads, sailing from island to island, collecting resources, trading with other players... the game is VERY civilised. It's my dream that official PvE servers could be like that.. but alas the players are the life and Achilles heel. Some players are fabulous company and make the game worth every penny, and other players are just trolls and abusers of game mechanics. Whilst Wildshot have no control of the nature of the players, they MUST iron out the primary crinkles. That is where most of the venomous and toxic posting is directed at. The game is great, and I agree the hate is sad, but, the hate is actually a testament to the gaping functional holes and mechanic flaws that ruin the fun for anyone not blessed with a sensible admin on private servers. The solution resides with Dev. Players have spoken, and... feel ignored. So feedback is as is.
  24. We have a 'home brig' and everything fits. Sure some things are large, but we started by removing the middle floor. The hull of the ship houses all the crafting stuff / main storage. On the bow deck, we have build a sizable cabin that holds beds, foodstuffs, grill etc.. The cabin at the stern of the ship holds the wheelhouse tools etc & access to the lower deck.. So as you can see we had to hollow the hull to fit everything (plus also, who finds it claustrophobic with all sub decks?) [WE DO!] so the hull is nice and open with access to the deck via the stern side and into the wheelhouse. We're playing nomads on a private server... forget doing that on official servers.... some numpty will sink it for the lol's and we put a lot of work into it! Will be back on PvE official servers when they fix players being able to sink other player boats via the various cheesing.
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