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Everything posted by Vorxius

  1. Excellent, that's helpful and clear, thanks Guybrush
  2. Claimed islands with landlords, make great outposts... temp stop offs for you travels. Terrible for landlords as it generates no regular income / revenue. Our main base / farm zone remains on lawless, we have a secure, safe, large and spam free area with fabulous neighbors. Couldn't ask for more tbh. Lucky.
  3. I second this, what's nice, now, in my experience, is that there's no so much clutter along beaches now, the additional island space, it all adds up to really make a difference. Ofc now, we would like to just mark off our land (without asshattery, or greed) to just ensure our path to the waterfront remains build free, and, I have located foundations to the local metal nodes to prevent anyone boxing it in.. The neighbors are all awesome, and we're holding nothing back from them. We each have our own space, and, happy for everyone to tinker about as needed. Even been swapping various resources if anyone gets low (aka honey for bear taming or salt etc, which doesn't spawn on our grid). A little more radius on the foundations would be great, but ofc I am talking from our 'adult' gentlemans agreement with the neighbors, not taking into consideration that some players out there are far from considerate, and will be able to slam doors on whole islands still.... but would they do that anyway? Probably. Anyway, +1 here for slight radius increase... but, expect others with different experience to rightly protest.
  4. According to the patch notes, 100% of -whatever- should be going to the player, and the tax amount should be magically appearing in the coffers of the island management. If what you say is right, and the tax is deductible from your treasure hunting, then that sounds like an oversight, and will probably get fixed. We're playing PvE / lawless, it's pretty good so far, the experience has been better for us now than ever. PvE has turned into the casual fun I envisaged, no longer punished for working long hours, the neighbors are so far really awesome to.
  5. I can only really put any time in Atlas at the weekend, so the 2x rates work brilliantly for me. It allows us to keep up somewhat with the Jones's. One has to get into the mindset that weekdays are normal, and weekends are a bonus.. makes sense, some of us have work during the week, I work long days, and any week day game time is absolutely premium. Mostly, and primarily just to keep an eye on things, with no actual gameplay. 2x weekends is what we live for, it's perfect as is.
  6. Lawless works way way better for us, and it's never been better. 100x yes compared to pre-wipe. Hope it stays like it lol
  7. I think it's ok now, foundation spam was annoying as hell when real-estate was virtually nil. Now with the additional islands, space is not premium any more. People use foundations to just mark an area around to stop morons boxing you in. Devs are right to leave foundations in in lieu of being griefed by blockades or arsehattery like when someone boxed in our primary supply house... just because. Must admit, since the new fresh atlas, things are way way way way way better, it's never been better tbh. I actually feel like we're playing now, not begging / scrounging.
  8. Lawless on PvP.... Good luck! Lawless on PvE.... Awesome.
  9. I remember our first PvP encounter we had supplies, a schooner of rare supplies. We didn't have weight for weapons, and tbh, didn't entertain the need for it. So, we were just sailing in a diagonal with the wind and from the side saw a boat coming at us, again had the whole rack mount on the back, the pseudo meta. They had one or two cannons on the front as well. As they closed in, they fired the front, I was sailing and was able to turn so as to make the ship as thin a target as possible. They missed, and kept firing, it was easy to avoid from that distance. As they approached, they got the odd hit in, but my friend was capable with the repair hammer. The island we needed was off to the side by this point, and as we turned, they caught up, and the next thing I remember was them turning hard pointing their ass at us, I saw this and turned stern to them. They must have fired about 35 or 40 cannons... most missed, a few hit, but it was obvious they were just out to blow us up. Finally, as they turned in again I lined up wind again, and headed for the map edge, as they caught up I crossed the threshold, after the loading screen they appeared, I crossed the threshold again, and they must have followed... and so it went.. crossing the server line for about 5 mins.. All they did was hail abuse lol as they couldn't actually line up any shot before we had 'vanished'. I told them we were unarmed, their response? You're going to die then.. I said you're going to get very bored with loading screens. I got abuse, and mocking... but eventually they gave up.. Loading screen PvP... I knew then that PvP servers weren't for us. Joined PvE, and never looked back. Still thoroughly enjoy Atlas to this day.
  10. Pay shonce guys and gals. Atlas thou shalt be dealt upon us when thy divine being of light doth doeth its release. and many more 'th' words to make them sound biblical in stature. It won't be any time during the UK day, though. Will return tomorrow with many beers to see what's what.
  11. LOL, you know I read that as NAVEL action... chuckled to myself with glowing amusement, before realising you really did mean 'naval'. Oi oi! Perhaps navel action is what is needed OMG we can really tell I haven't had my coffee this fine day.
  12. haha ok fair enough. The ultimate humiliation... Just make sure y'all wear protection huh
  13. How would boarding and making other players slaves actually make the game fun for those being made to role play slaves? Just curious Log in for a nice relaxing night playing Atlas, and suddenly remember as the screen loads, I can't do it because some corp has me locked with ball anc chain, and it's peeling spud sim for me all night lol. Even worse, mopping floor sim. Could always play this instead, probably better frame rate. https://www.moddb.com/games/potatoes-peeling-simulator/downloads/potatoes-peeling-simulator-v02
  14. If it helps, I heard that Chuck Norris fancied calamari, so solo'd the Kraken with a pair of chopsticks and a bottle of soy sauce. Shows it can be done.
  15. I think there may be a bit of bouble-bluff going on. Back home in the real world, local authorities wanted to put a new airport in on some derelict land, the local residence up in arms took to the streets, campaign of anger and the whole proposal fell flat on its face. The authorities turned around and said ok fair enough, we wont build there. The residence cheered, and celebrated their victory. The next thing we heard was that airport plans were approved to be built upon old marshland / nature reserve further up the road... This caused an absolute uproar, 100x that of the original plan... everyone got involved this time, environmental agencies, green peace, we had friends of the earth, local Councillors... Basically the earth stopped revolving... The authorities started moving the bulldozers and tractors in, earth movers and the lot... the crowds and riots were unprecedented. At the very last moment, the authority said, look ok ok ok..... we hear you, but we have no choice the airport has to go ahead. In the middle of the crowd, a little voice chimed in "think I prefer the original plan".. and as more and more voices chimed in 'here here, here here'... the authorities switched off the engines, and openly asked.. this site or the original? It's your choice, not ours. The Airport was built on the original derelict land without protest. ....someone in the local council was heard to say " see told you it would work".... There's a moral there somewhere lol. Maybe that's what's happening with Atlas.. Players hated the original plan. Players HATE the new plan even more! Given the choice, players probably prefer the original plan lol. Not sure it's exactly the same but near enough for me! I like telling that story anyway... so thanks for reading
  16. I think then it's up to the community to prove it doesn't work and why. The only lemon sucking will come if it works better than expected after doomsayers prophesied the end of all things animate and inanimate. If it doesn't work and the community raises good points, it allows the idea to have been, and will no longer be.. the next idea in line will be tried. My only grit faced snarl will come if it doesn't work, it's proven to not work with demonstrable evidence, an acknowledgement it doesn't work, and the devs release it anyway.... that would kick the goat off the mountainside for me
  17. Just need protein, vitamins, and hydration. Done. Meat gives protein, everything else vitamins. Hydration speaks for itself. I quite like the having to eat thing, makes sense. But what doesn't make sense is dying from eating too much cured ham. At the weekend went to a buffet carvery, damn I ate too much meat.... didn't die... felt sick and bloated and had to stop, but I can for sure tell you that my vision didn't go green and I definitely didn't end up in a coma. I think the poisoning could go... unless you ate some poison stuff, or you got e coli from uncooked scorpion anus.
  18. Because we're effectively privileged to be able to play & test the game before it's official and released as a full commercial product. As a gratuity, we got it at a discounted price, compared to full whack. But we have to take the bumps as well. Wipes, clean slates, testing new features and functions and providing feedback is what it's all about. I think some people forget this, and expect a perfectly polished player experience... It is what it is at the end of the day. Some things are hellishly annoying, other things are rather fun... it's up to the players to work WITH the developers to steer the game in a direction that conforms to the spirit of the game conceived out of a passion for a pirate game with the Ark engine. People will hate, people will love. The developers need to maintain their thick skin and bounce off those that do happen to love the concept of Atlas. Which is why I'll seldom be hostile and toxic to a bunch of guys (and girls) pouring their souls into something they hope we will come to love. Plugged this enough... time for a rather large coffee now
  19. EvE online put me off PvP games for life. There's no road back from that. PvErs will always be to PvPers what cattle are to the meat farmers, or the mice are to the cats. There's unfortunately no ruleset, other than that which we see in games like WOW ('theme parks' ridicule to most PvPers) that can suit PvP and PvE play styles. I wish their was, but the phrase 'risk vs reward' is often abused to the point of scornful hatred when asking developers to force players 'with no weapons' into the spider webs of pew pew. I wish there was middle ground! There's an endless cycle of argument in Elite Dangerous on this exact thing, but unlike EvE developers, the Elite Dangerous team are sticking up for their PvE playerbase (much to the unrest of some), but screwing about with generic balancing FOR PvP much to the unrest of others! Cycle of hell. The only true way (and least cost effective) is to have two server sets, and two different rule sets. Let PvP & PvE flourish in their own environments.
  20. Thanks for the date confirmation Jat- Looking forward to test everything. Keep up the solid work, and ignore the doomsayers. (no i'm not a fanboi before anyone pokes me in the eye with the nobbly stick, I happen to like Atlas, and think the wipe and changes are very much the way to do). Let my public lynching commence!
  21. I'll be playing after wipe, looking forward to get some sensible gaming in. Right now with pillar spam and shipyard spam on 99.99999999% of coastlines, it's just silly. +1 for wipe, -1 for not just getting it over with.
  22. I can definitely relate to that
  23. comeonguysgivetheguyabreakheclearlywaspassionateaboutwhathewaswritingandforgotsomepunctuationwithinthewalloftextweallhavebleedingeyesnowbesidesitmakesitfuntoread.
  24. If only I could delay paying bills like this
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