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Everything posted by Herasea

  1. It's straight forward, I just need 500% black paint lol
  2. Read my above post, admitted it wasn't a bad suggestion. i.e my previous post before that was stupid
  3. You would have thought, but literally after the other fix people stormed the forums complaining that can't act as stowaways or view other peoples ships or immersion. But i concede and think that's a good suggestion, i'm not one to be petty and no admit something. Hopefully they will do this in another update, unless someone else know a reason why not
  4. You said it in your first sentence, they were harassed non-stop to implement something, what did you want them to do? Not do anything to they find a solution? They tried something to temporally help, was it the best? Not at all, but it was something, anything that would dampen the destruction. The amount of posts now compared to before about losing ships is much lower, so it did help, it's just people are A-holes and will do whatever they can to screw others over. So no, no one is sucking up or saying it's perfect, where did you read that? Hate when people make up BS because they can't be bothered to debate it anymore. What about those who RP on PvE realms?
  5. What if it's more than one person? 5 to 10 people at 50% weight or just enough to grapple?
  6. pretty much, also if they're over weight, which if they allowed will add another exploit which we had before So again, it's not as easy and straight forward as we would like it too be.
  7. i think it's an easier said than done. Also that means they will jump on your ship and log-out, meaning your ship won't be usable anymore. it's better, but still exploitable.
  8. Ahh that's annoying, haven't had that bad, but i get what you mean by the angle. Need to be in a certain position or it doesn't work
  9. I don't mean storing, just for taming, i just put my rhino on my boat, take advantage of creatures not aggroing on the ship and have my ele on a elevated platform and my bear wolf inside on the top floor. Haven't had problems ass of yet
  10. Are people actually specing into taming affinity? I've been taming level 30s and none have taken over an hour. while i think the re-bolaing is long, prefer over the toper nonsense, having to stuff narcos down a tames throat and tames taking 1hr + In terms of keeping them alive, I've been scouting very time I bola one. So ill catch it in the pen, look around for any vultures or predators and kill um (have a wolf with me), start taming, then repeating the process.
  11. Army of the damned are really weak in comparison to wild animals, i remember going to a powers stone island was killing lvl 100s with not much difficulty, the only thing that makes it hard is like 900 spawn all over the place, aim for high quality maps, anything that gives 200+ gold. Said this in another thread, go for a schooner, with current rates should be easy to build one if you have tames. I'm playing solo and have a crew of 22, I've only had to repair a leak twice fighting SotD both occasion i messed, the first i rammed into one, the other i let one side get hit too many times. Schooner can take quite a few hits , giving you time to go to land or if you're nervous repair on the sea.
  12. Why are people using sloops? Upgrade to schooner and see your troubles wash away. More speed, more Def ( I think), more dmg, i'm saying this as a solo player. It took time to make, but it's so worth, when you kill your first one, you start to realise their capabilities and they're not much to fear. Killed my first lvl 10 and anything below that seem trivial and gains no attention, either zip past or blow them away. But yeah, there a lot of them, my concern is, where the merchant ships at? I feel it would make sense seeing more merchants than SotD.
  13. My point wasn't directed at you, I quoted the person i was directing it at. We know it's shit, but that doesn't meant they're not listening. Again just because it's not being fixed as quickly as YOU or others would like, does not meant they're not listening or doing nothing about it. You're on assuming this, which does nothing to help the game or contribute to the development.
  14. I don't think you can actually die yet, will have to see. If not, i'm not going to rush to the fountain, frustrating as the debuff maybe, already die constantly to mobs and other effects lol, so won't make me feel anymore different than I already do
  15. Yeah, logged on briefly this morning, saw and alpha lion running about, trapped it, shot about 5 -6 fire arrows, bow broke and he's Hp was still about 90%, before for, know was probably unintentional, but shot a alpha lion with 2 fire arrows and it died. It's frustrating as hell and know it takes time, but wish they balance alpha mobs in the next upcoming patches. I feel they're too common, they need like a 1% spawn rate and drop something of worth.
  16. No one is accepting the problems, not one person has said, "the games perfect". it's stupid when people call everyone a fanboy just cause they're not frothing at the mouth every time something goes wrong.. What people are calling out are those who bought and EA title and are expecting it to run smoothly, no bugs or the Devs to magically make any problems they find disappear in the next 5 mins. You said you're leaving cause it's broken and glitchy, then don't buy a fucking EA game lol. I don't like to swear, but it's just pure player ignorance at this point. Again, no one is happy with the bugs, but most of us (I hope) understand what an EA title is and the cons that come with it. On the topic of a review, no game should be reviewed in EA, because the review comes pointless after the first few patches. Stema for example, a lot of the reviews are about not being able to access the server, thos eprobelkms ended weeks ago, meaning the rewview become pointless and paint a falsh picture of the current game. With a game that's changing day by day, week by week, month by month, the points you make in your review on that day will become moot, meaning they will have to update it constantly and change their score.
  17. All you have to do it click the bird at the top of the page and your on the official twitter, that would take less than a second for you to do than writing a thread about it
  18. I agree, i must of missed it in the notes, so i take back what i said in other threads. Implementing a debuff like this when the majority of people are 80+ years, layer on top things aren't really balanced yet in terms of creatures, weps, armor, etc, to have us further be gimped against the environment is not a smart move. If i'm being brutally honest? I don't see the point in the debuff, I don't see what it adds to the game, it's just another arbitrary thing to worry about, dying is one thing, but saying i will be debuffed till then is like, why? Maybe down the road it will make sense, but right no it's a pointless addition
  19. Swear you can retract your ladders? or can they lower you ladders?
  20. You're not being punished, you can participate by just asking companies to tag along. also I'm sure people will announce were it is and everyone can come along and use it. for what i read, it's doesn't seem like a one time use thing.
  21. Exactly, there will be more options. The fountain of youth isn't the all be all way to keep your toon alive, it's one of many options for doing so, it just so happens this i coming out first, nothing more, nothing less. Can player please just listen to what the devs write or say before posting?
  22. This game isn't launched, it's EA, The fact it peaked at 58k, for me is a shock. I wasn't expecting more than 5k - 10k imho. The numbers are droping cause people just don't understand what EA is, they threw money at a game in desperation for new game to play then got upset and expected the Devs to insta fix everything and the game to run better than some AAA titles do. There's 2 years to go and imho they've changed a lot in a few weeks. Complaints and criticism are welcome, but threads that just spread doom and gloom or tell the devs they're F-ing stupid, do nothing at all,. People will leave, but will be back again down the road, i just wished people thought about that before throwing money at a game imho
  23. Can see that and agree, I'm solo, if i lose my scooner it's gonna make me ages to recop all the cannons, ship parts, etc, but i'm sure they will implement other things to counter changes they are making, so far they haven't just stopped and given up, they've actually been doing the opposite. For me just feel people seem to be over reacting to changes
  24. I feel you on that, they haven't reduced how much a elephant can gather, just the reduction to wood, so i'm kinda confused. People are acting like the worlds ending, not that I don't understand, the reaction just seems over the top imho. This is EA, find it weird people feel the game going to die when we haven't seen everything all together or all the implementations yet.
  25. The fountain of youth is meant to 1 out of other options, they even said that in the stream. One they already talked about a while baack was mating with an NPC. If they introduce death now and the fountain is the only option, then that's stupid of them. I think the death system should be the last thing implemented once all options are in. Also they said they will make it so you can join in with group content, things like the Kraken, without having to join a the company, most lily you will be able to type in chat and ask whos doing it and party up wih them, again something they said in the stream
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