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Everything posted by Coggage

  1. As Realist says... nothing. Nada. Zip. They MIGHT do something about it, but simply making boats too heavy to move rather than taking damage is too basic a move for them to do, so it seems. I doubt they'll try anything more complicated.
  2. I was grounded on hard-to-see shallows with a sloop but managed to back off ok. I held "D" down as I held "S" down and did a bit of a reverse turn. Maybe you were really badly wedged onto the shallows?
  3. After I extended my land a bit, courtesy of the 50% reduction in "no build" radius, after my neighbours had blocked me in with Floors, I watched a pretty big base further down the beach run out of its timer and it was demolished and looted by some players. Impressive to see a shipyard with schooner unreleased in it just implode! They didn't build on the site and neither did I so there's a nice spot waiting for someone to find. Guy turns up just outside my front door on a raft with nothing, made the mistake of aggroing a couple of beasties. Helped him kill them and gave him some starter gear. I would have told him about the available land but he had logged out by then. Might see him today.
  4. It has been an excellent night, truly excellent. They fixed the resource spawns in Lawless after the best part of 3 days of nothing spawning AND they reduced the "no build radius" of Floors, Pillars etc., by 50% to cut back on people hogging a shit-ton of land. One in particular on the island is a truly horrendous land-hog, and has a HUGE area blocked off with building spam, about 300 yards by 300 yards, roughly, if not more. He's not near me, thank god. Also, when I built my first little shack on Lawless I demolished one that said it was eligible - no harm, no foul - and only built a 4x3 to get myself established and build a Tiny Dock. I would have made it a bit bigger - the place I demolished was pretty big - but it was late and I couldn't gather the resources, what with work the next morning. Two of my neighbours obviously didn't want me daring to move in, even though they both had huge buildings and a quite big shipyard each - one actually had two shipyards. So, they both built as close to me as they could with Floors, and that 4x3 was all I was able to build on!! I had to build upwards. So, when they unexpectedly announced the 50% reduction tonight I thought "payback is a bitch" and put Floors as close to THEM as I could and have now got myself a reasonable piece of land as they slept. I have sufficient for my modest needs even have room for a Shipyard that I can build a Schooner in, with a bit of luck. They aren't going to be very happy in the morning, even though both of them have build areas 3 or 4 times the size of mine. Why they need that much space is beyond me because most of it is empty.
  5. Thank the gods, they FINALLY fixed the resource spawns on Lawless.
  6. Where YOU are, yes. Estimates put it that 10% of islands are not getting respawns of resources. Jat says it might be foundation radius locking everything down "or it may be something else" and they are "investigating".
  7. We must be unlucky then. The whole island is not getting resource spawns, EVERYONE on the island is suffering. It's all people are talking about, and it's been two days now. It was fine until Patch 10 messed things up. Now people can't build ships, or anything else that uses trees, stone and metal.
  8. Lousy patch = no resource respawn = not much point in playing if you can't build, repair, whatever. Once the patch's patch has been patched I'll be back asap.
  9. He says he's NOT hungry and his vitamins are depleting, which is normal in this game. I told him how to GET hungry so he can eat to RESTORE his vitamins, with the bonus of NOT taking any damage.. Do keep up ffs. Exactly. SOMEBODY gets it, at least. Be active, get hungry, top up vitamins without taking damage.
  10. Coggage


    Sadly, I don't give a crap about your boat and have no desire for any servers rolling back and therefore wasting MY time just to get your boat back for you. Life is tough. Move on.
  11. Run, chop trees, mine stone, lots of activity. You get hungry fast.
  12. Doesn't work on Rafts, if anyone is trying.
  13. The entire problem is that people are exploiting the weight bug to get on ships with THOUSANDS of kilos in weight. Look at the video that is doing the rounds, where ONE person and what he is carrying is enough to sink ship after ship, effortlessly. Making boats take damage based on how much they are overloaded is currently a laughable suggestion. Make them too heave to move and that's it, for now. A better fix will come along eventually.
  14. Thanks for the warning! I did a Salt run recently so I have a good amount of Salt, but I don't fancy wasting it on a 1-to-1 for salting meat.
  15. Hard to tell, since the patch refunded everyone's points. Because it counts as a respec I can't do another one until I level up. Same for you?
  16. Think of it as a mobile poop receptacle now.
  17. Death due to the crazy amount of mob spawns is often 5 to 10 times in as many minutes. That's enough to contend with apart from adding penalties as well. Didn't read the wall of text. You want penalties, I get that just by reading the underlined subheading.
  18. I hope the weaklings DO quit. The chorus of wails, moans and sobbing is quite distracting at times. Most players just get on with the challenge.
  19. Are you trying to start in a Lawless zone? Your details are not very comprehensive.
  20. Yes, they didn't specify WHICH 8th of January though...
  21. They are reverting back to what they originally. Zones you have to sail to in order to get there - no spawning in new characters any more. That was just to take some of the load when the game launched. Land is not Claimable and beds still only work on rafts/boats.
  22. Tried backing up with S and the sails up and not backed up an inch in 5 minutes.
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