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About Ian-C

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  1. What ever happens to this, it's been 9 months and there has been no update?
  2. There is a mod called CustomShip that allows you to configure the base ship weights using the Game.ini file with the following... [CustomShip] RaftWeightAdd=1000 SloopWeightAdd=1000 SchoonerWeightAdd=1000 BrigantineWeightAdd=1000 GalleonWeightAdd=1000 MaxExperiencePointsAdd=17390 I have not tried the last option for points add but it's supposed to increase the level you can put in a ship. The mod is located at https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1632927688
  3. That would be the Engine.ini in the config of the save i.e. "C:\AtlasServer15x15\ShooterGame\Saved\0403\Config\WindowsServer" The DefaultEngine.ini is in "U:\AtlasServer15x15\ShooterGame\Config" and supposedly should be used for any save that does not already have a config but that seems sketchy weather it works or not.
  4. I thought it would not make any difference as turning off the overlay makes no difference to the server unless you are running the server on the same machine you are playing on.
  5. I have had the issue again, and again the server console window showed "CreateBoundSocket: ::bind couldn't find an open port between 60076 and 60076" but this is not captured in the log file only visible on the console window. Copied from server console window: [2019.02.08-11.15.43:853][ 0]ATLAS Version: 18.58 (Rev. 107965) [2019.02.08-11.15.43:853][ 0]PID: 236 [2019.02.08-11.16.11:157][ 0]Primal Game Data Took 25.91 seconds CreateBoundSocket: ::bind couldn't find an open port between 60076 and 60076 [2019.02.08-11.16.21:168][ 0]Network range scales set to: 48 start, 77 end, 0.440000 endscale [2019.02.08-11.16.22:794][ 0]Server: "Atlas_B5" has successfully started! [2019.02.08-11.16.27:823][ 0]Commandline: Ocean?ServerX=1?ServerY=4?AltSaveDirectoryName=0104?ServerAdminPassword=***********?MaxPlayers=50?ReservedPlayerSlots=25?QueryPort=60076?Port=6076?SeamlessIP=***.***.***.***?RCONEnabled=true?RCONPort=28469 -log -server -NoBattlEye [2019.02.08-11.16.27:823][ 0]Full Startup: 46.91 seconds (BP compile: 0.00 seconds) [2019.02.08-11.16.27:824][ 0]Number of cores 2 [2019.02.08-11.16.28:893][ 2]Finished start-up log processing Again the only way to release the port that i have found is a restart of the server PC then the server starts fine.
  6. I have found an issue on a private server that relates to this where if we get a disconnect on server transition and can't rejoin with the message about being unable to query server for invite, a server restart shows "CreateBoundSocket: ::bind couldn't find an open port between 60076 and 60076" in the server console window. This is not captured in the log file and only shows in the server window but the only way i have found to resolve the issue is a reboot of the server PC. It's like the disconnect is leaving the port open or blocking it somehow.
  7. This is something i have come across several times and from my limited probing i found if you restart the servers you will find some of them report "CreateBoundSocket: ::bind couldn't find an open port between 60076 and 60076" in the server console window" and the port is being blocked by something. The only solution i have found so far is to reboot the sever PC and then everything works fine but i can't get any further finding out why the ports are being blocked. The last time this happened i was traversing south across a server border and i found two of the servers had blocked ports, the one i was traveling too and the second one was the server to the east of the server i was moving too, which i could not understand as that was just a clean start server. I have posted information about this on the bug forum here but i think that is bugged as i cannot find my post other than through the fact i followed the thread and you can also find it with a search but i can't see it anywhere just browsing the bug forum.
  8. Hi I am running a private server and have noticed something related to the "UNABLE TO QUERY SERVER INFO FOR INVITE" issue. This has occurred several time on my server to both me and other players. When transitioning to a new server it hangs and we get kicked, i have in the past tried restarting all the servers but without success today i noticed that the server i crashed on (the one i was transitioning too) had a report in the server screen about not finding open ports at the port specified in the batch file. As a test i edited the json for the grid and the batch files for the server start with a new port number and the server started and i could join, I then reset the server files back to the original port settings and started it again and it still said it could not find open ports an the port location from the files. It's as if the ports are being locked or blocked because of the disconnect somehow, I tried resetting the network card with "netsh interface set interface name="NAME" admin=DISABLED" and then ENABLED but this made no difference the port was still blocked. The only way i have found to fix the issue is a complete restart of the machine running the servers which is freeing up the port for use and then the server start fine with no complaints. I don't know if you are aware of this and i am posting this in the hopes it will give you something to work on to find a solution to the problem, i have looked at the log files and the logs for the period of the problem seem to be missing but if it happens again i will try and get a log file for you. if there is any other info you need let me know and i will try to assist.
  9. Hi @ChromeSDK, Loving your app, it's just excellent for managing a small cluster running the full 15x15 map. I'm also looking forward to the new version pictured above but i have one question, in the current version I am able to lock one server on by activating it using one of the side grids 6-9 and if the tracked player moves out of the area the locked server stays on. Will there be an option or way of achieving the same result with the new 15x15 grid layout? The purpose for this is so one group can go and gather resources of a distant isle while leaving a second group or individual at the main base constructing, It would not be possible with my hardware to maintain two 5 server grids tracking the two separate groups but running 6 servers is possible. The gif shows you clicking on servers to activate them but i can't see anything regarding locking on home servers or individual servers. Maybe you could include a right click context menu that allows you to lock a server on, so a left click will activate a server and then right click to lock the server on so if a tracked player leaves the area the locked server will remain on. I don't know if you have already considered this issue but from the gif image i can't see any option or way of achieving a locked server but this is just a suggestion of a way it could be achieved. Thanks again for such a excellent app, it's pure genius. Ian
  10. At the moment i have a couple of batch files, the first creates all the save directories and the second copies all the config files into the save folders for each server. I manage a master folder that i use to edit the configs and these are copied using the second batch file. using this method the first time a server starts it has the correct config files. It might be an idea to add a similar system to the program that allows you to manage a single folder for configs that are then copied to the server save folder if it does not exist and an update all configs option for when you make changes to the configs, although this will depend on weather you use individual configs on different servers. It will possibly also allow me to wipe a particular server by deleting it's save folder but this is dependant on what info is saved in the Redis database. If as i have been led to believe the database only holds info on what player is on what server so deleting the save folder for a server should wipe the server. This situation has not yet become necessary to test as yet so i'm unaware if it will work.
  11. This is absolutely genius, and i would love to have a tool like this for managing my server. my only issue is I don't have the hardware to be able to run 5 servers, 3 is doable 4 at a push. would it be possible to have an option for manual server activation of the servers on the main server grid like on the 4 side grids, so if i was going to travel to a particular server North, South, East, or West I could just activate that server and once I left the origin server I could shut down the server behind me. As an idea you could have an option to stop auto server activation then manual server activation would be by clicking on a grid square to load it up, changing colour to green and clicking again would deactivate the server back to red. Using the new player tracking to centre the grid on your current location would allow for activating the next server in the required travel direction while still being able to close the server behind you. I play with a small group of friends mainly PVE and we tend to travel around as a group, we mainly base ourselves on a ship so even if logged out we all travel together. This would be an ideal tool to allow easy server management.
  12. You could create your 3x2 on a 3x3 grid but never start the bottom 3 servers, so all you're islands and content would be based in the top 6 servers. As long as all the servers that people occupied are active there is no problem with servers not running, you just get the red wall barrier. The only issue is there would be no traveling north to get to the southern servers. Uploading all the CellMaps and map image would give yo a square map you would just never uncover the 3 servers at the bottom.
  13. Now you have implemented preserving raw meat and fish with salted meat and fish, could you separate them from the preserving bags so we can continue to keep a supply of fresh raw meat and fish. You could implement this using a preserving barrel where you can place meat and fish with preserving salt to produce the salted products. We are a small company and don't always have time to cook meat and fish when it's brought in so preserving it was our way of maintaining a stock level and also a source of meat and prime meat for taming. A preserving barrel would be the best solution to separate the storage of fresh meat and fish but retain the ability to create salted meat and fish.
  14. So we can no longer store raw meat and fish due to the preserving bags using all our salt to produce salted meat and salted fish. That means we can no longer store meat for taming and means we have to cook all our meat and fish straight away as the salt usage for creating salted products seems to be 1 preserving salt to 1 meat and as we don't have salt available on our island it is not economical to use salted meats. Please make the salting process in a separate container like a preserving barrel so we can continue to keep fresh raw meat and fish.
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