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Everything posted by Nari

  1. Those are the numbers and numbers don't lie. I posted them right after grabbing highest level 0% imprint bear and beating on a dummy. Then I unlocked Natures Cry one again and tested again. T1 is a 200% buff and T2 says in it's description that it only affects duration. Edit2: Lol... You're also not wrong I just tested again, then unlocked T2 and DPS dropped to LMB: DPS 74 RMB: DPS 97 Edit3: First off, I'm starting to think I need glasses neither T2 or 3 increase the buff they both only increase duration. Second, after losing DPS I decided to respec. I'm getting different numbers than before with the same bear at the same MD%. Without Cry base is 40 not 56 with RMB and T1 doubles it to 80 not 112. (the same DPS as Edit2 97) Edit4: Neither T2 or T3 decreased DPS this time after respec. It just lasts longer as intended. Something is fucky tho... A bug or shadow nerf to bear with that update. Maybe the dummy can't be trusted. I know for a while it was unreliable in ARK. I'm going to keep this bear at 140.4% for testing purposes. FinalEdit: So I'm not going crazy. With a different bear that has the same MD 140.4% the numbers are the same. Both with and without the buff.
  2. Lol yes you can. Reverse engineer the base stats and then extrapolate with the assumption of 100% affinity. Look up DodoDex for ARK.
  3. The C and V keys when at the wheel? I'm not exactly sure what you mean by stand down mode.
  4. I forgot to mention Natures Cry. Using the first tier alone doubled those numbers. LMB Base 85 / DPS 85 and RMB Base 92 / DPS 112. Tier 2 is just duration but T3 increases damage even further. Don't have it (yet*) so I can't test it.
  5. Exactly. People breeze over patch notes like this: - Optimized performance of various server subsystems. then complain about X,Y,Z not being addressed because it didn't directly impact their experience. What they don't realize is that these are the necessary steps to get from here to there.
  6. Bear: Wild levels 42. Tame levels 31. MD 140.4% Imprint 0%. LMB: Base = 42 / DPS = 43 RMB: Base = 46 / DPS = 56 Edit: These are numbers from just your avg high level spawn. Affinity affects the value you receive per tamed level too so to min/max you actually need Beastmaster T3 affinity perks, and maybe an affinity scroll even, to perfectly tame breeding material (who's wild levels are RNG so some are better than others) then you need to pure breed them for imprint and so on. If they reintroduce Mutations the rabbit hole goes even deeper. This is why I advocate that Bears are OP. Name ONE other tame that once you complete this process has any chance to compete?
  7. Child's play. Pure breed from level 30's and imprint 100% THEN dump all level into melee and report DPS and MD% from a dummy as Kummba mentioned.
  8. I just wanted to emphasize this. Also, new mechanisms related to land claiming, such as upkeep, as well as some possible limitations which we’ll be able to cover precisely in the next Captain’s Log I'm looking forward to the next log is all I'm going to say.
  9. There is. Behavior > Ignore Group Whistles
  10. As they should, EA is far from perfect. I think it's clear at this point that EA is a double edged sword. Those that just say "It's EA" are ignoring valid criticism and those that say " Excuses" are just as ignorant. Regarding clipping: I think you're confusing the collision issues with the collision mesh. I was there from day 1 in ARK. Fauna glitching through walls To The Other Side was a bug and it was fixed however because the collision mesh is a box that doesn't cover the head (for performance reasons) you still have issues with the heads clipping through and possibly biting you. As for LOD's well they have also been improved over time. A simple search of the patch notes would show you that various LOD's have been adjusted in no less than 10 different patches. So just because you and others have complained about structures specifically with nothing to show for it implies that there's little they can do about it or something would have been done throughout those LOD patches. The obvious solutions to obvious issues are rarely "easy" or just a line of code. If you want provide valuable criticisms on something as technical as Collision or LOD's maybe educate yourself about the engine and public aspects of the design first? Before making claims such as "We provided feedback and it's STILL not fixed" This has derailed this thread pretty hard so I'll digress. If the UI says feed you should be able to feed. Period. To call it "Exploit Protection" is laughable.
  11. I don't think you understand how development works and where they started from when creating Atlas. The only accurate part of that horrible comparison is "They are relics of it." You're free to voice your opinion and please keep doing so, but if that opinion is EA = Excuse people will call you out.
  12. They almost removed water claims entirely under the logic "We don't see a use for them right now" that was changed to "fixed some bugs" soooo yea. I have feeling Tarot is really gonna turn you off then.
  13. They have priorities that don't align with yours. So what? Pointing out the fact that we're in an EA trial period, for 2-3 months out of a predicted 2 years mind you, is NOT an excuse. It's a fact. edit: Seems to me you just like correlating the two.
  14. A pen can be the reason people are having issues with the UI saying feed but the game not accepting it. More so after the patch. Bears are so OP I just use them to tame everything but wolves and lions/tigers (they die to easily). Just mount a bear, beat em down and bola, feed and repeat.
  15. Do you happen to remember which GR grids have spiders by chance? I feel like it was either desert or tropic but I can't remember which.
  16. Nah, plenty of maps have spawned chests in areas you literally can not access in any way shape or form. It's pure RNG with minimal constraints.
  17. There's a good chance they will rework loot tables and stuff when they release the new models/SoTD types.
  18. AFAIK yes, I honestly haven't played with structure BP's. Most of my time is spent on PvE.
  19. Just like everything else you won't notice the real benefit unless you're min/maxing. Repsec Int and get a crow then upgrade your legendary/mythic gear and you'll start seeing numbers that make a big difference.
  20. If the UI is telling you you're in position then it should work.
  21. Technically there are. Borderlands doesn't actually have a Bazillion guns stored. No mans Sky doesn't actually have 18 Quintilian planets, but technically all of these statements are accurate and true.
  22. The topology and resource distribution are not the same. Calling it Copy/Paste is an overstatement.
  23. Can confirm sharks will spawn I've seen it first hand but idk about Jellies. Never seen a Jelly spawn at a wreckage site, only when someone glitches off a ship in the middle of the ocean.
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