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Everything posted by Vaenix

  1. You are severely avoiding the reality of the situation. Ark is a finished game and has been released from it's EA cycle. Atlas is barely out of the gates with it's EA cycle. And since you seem to not understand or are deliberately avoiding this simple fact. It is EA, Early Access, Alpha/Beta state. Nothing is finished, and they can toss the entire thing in the trash and design something different during this process if they really want.
  2. This is most of the issue but the part that causes the starvation has to do with the calculations the server tries to run after the area the baby is in is rendered again. The server tries to make up for the fact that everything was in hibernation by simulating what would have happened if it was rendered the entire time. The calculation on food degen vs health regen is out of balance causing many tames to die outright. The heat/cold situation compounds the issue as tames take damage from being too hot/too cold making any balance they found in Ark with this system go right out the window. If you want to breed in this game as it stands right now be prepared to be there for the entire duration from birth all the way to complete adulthood, otherwise wait til they get things balanced better.
  3. Sailed by one in the tundra region last night. Have had a few people complaining about there being a large amount in the region 1 cell north of me so I have a feeling we'll be going whaling soon.
  4. More than likely. I've got some near my port that will be getting treated to some cannon volleys not for loot but because they got too close, otherwise they just aren't worth the time let alone the ammo.
  5. LAN Support is wanted. My point is you are asking for something right now that may be on the plate but not something they are concentrating on now. It is primarily an MMO game they are focusing on that side of things just like they did with Ark.
  6. Cyclops is definitely the superior method but if you want to do Yeti's effectively build a 3x3 taming trap in a polar section and trap them in there. Then use an oil jar and fire arrow and boom roasted yetis and tons of mythos, cheap but effective.
  7. LAN did not work for the first couple of days, there was a menu that was available that shouldn't have been due to the base game being based on Ark. Saying Private Servers will be available is not the same as saying LAN / Single player will be available. And as I've stated this is EA they can expand it if they want or limit it further if they want. They don't have to do anything as they have not promised us anything other than an EA title that will change over the course of 2 years.
  8. Why should it? You are misinterpreting the store page to suit your own needs at this point.
  9. None of the store page indicates that. It indicates this is an online MMO and that it is in Early Access so things will change and the store page will probably also be finished out more once the game is actually done(in 2 Years). It is entirely possible that they will add a Single Player game mode, but that has not been promised and can be removed at any point in the process should they decide it's not worth the time.
  10. To add on to what Jean said. Make sure the image you are using to report includes the company/player ID very clearly so that they can easily identify what is going on and who they need to deal with. No guarantee on what happens but clear concise evidence never hurt.
  11. Sure and be right back in the same situation as we are in now with people on the forums whining about not having a claim and calling anyone in the top 10 companies or any companies that have land assholes who are greedy and so on. There isn't an answer that will appease everyone and until there is such a time to call for a wipe of anything asking for one is just being a child who wants to toss the chess board because he/she made a bad move.
  12. A claim wipe wouldn't make sense without a full wipe, otherwise people will just reclaim all of their territories via fast travel very quickly and all the people on here whining will still lose out of land. A full wipe at this point would only be useful to those who would have fun by ruining the fun others are having, as there is no logical reason to wipe the server in it's current state. We are about to have a content patch which needs tested, to test it we need to be able to build/buy the things in the patch. Wiping now means they won't be able to see their content tested for a much longer amount of time as people build up and get their lands back.
  13. Yeah sneak skill definitely doesn't work on them you have to be crouched in "sneak" form for it to affect anything. I haven't actually seen an Eel/Jellyfish in quite some time even when deep sea diving. I recommend a bow and some throwing knives for diving or a spear and some throwing knives. They seem to do quite well against them. If you are diving taking the water perks for advanced swim speed/insulation/oxygen consumption are a must though and I've always been able to outrun and kite around jellies/eels when I had at minimum "Improved" on those perks.
  14. Nah that option doesn't always work. The issue is primarily that animals have a set teleport zone with that feature and we are allowed to build in that zone so animals will sometimes get stuck in parts of the boat or glitch out by disappearing because they can't get to that zone. I've been using the follow option after I get on the boat they teleport to me and I just move them where I want them.
  15. Last night was mildly uneventful. We were gathering up treasure maps from nearby areas while searching out a close source of salt. We took our cargo ship and 2 bears over a few blocks to the F column to find some high desert areas in the hopes that we'd locate a salt deposit and fortunately we did. Before this we nabbed a few nice treasure maps and managed to net about 1.5k gold and about half of a level(62-63). I'm hopeful that with a few more islands I'll be able to push my max to 64 before hitting the treasure map tonight as that will likely push my xp over 63s mark. Tonight we are hopeful for going to O7 and doing a special map there before we hit the powerstone. On Unofficial I hopped on for a few but realized I need to be able to dedicate more time at once to it as I don't have any set goals other than grinding materials right now. I need to finish fitting my tattoo shop and get a few more designs in for people to choose from along with setting up the pictures for modeling them on canvas.
  16. The design we use is a brigantine with a small section for food storage and crafting on the top deck, no middle deck at all, bottom deck with beds there. Full speed sails we haven't done anything with weight sails.
  17. I don't need pictures, I sail between 6 regions every night minimum either for resources or for treasure maps. The only areas where they are super heavily spawned in are typically the north/south(polar/tundra) or the golden age. That is primarily due to the fact that no one is hunting them there and for the most part they aren't worth hunting unless they are being a pest.
  18. 99% chance about the same stuff as the big islands. It's not a golden age area or anything like that.
  19. There is no stamina or durability debuff. And we are already on permanent 2x.
  20. Yeah you don't need all of the decks on the ship. We run a cargo brig with only the top and bottom decks.
  21. Sounds like this is more of a "I didn't get land and want it" based off the last part of "fair game to start off". Launch sucked but everyone had roughly the same experience. Want a fresh start? Go to an unofficial. Wiping right before a major content patch would be extremely foolish and would just mean they wouldn't get to test what they are about to throw at us for another month or two.
  22. Spawn rates aren't insane, you are just travelling in areas where no one is killing them. If your in a fast boat stop worrying about dodging them, sail directly behind them and you'll be out of range before they have turned enough to fire more than once. 1. They are not everywhere, they are not too powerful, if you wanted you can take em out with a sloop. A well armed schooner could drop em in just a few volleys. 2. Golden Age is meant to be more difficult. It is quite literally balanced for large groups of people with bigger combat vessels(galleons/brigs) 3. They don't wait, there is no AI mechanic for this. You are just spawning in at a very unfortunate spot. 4. Galleon is useful, can have more cannons than the brig but it's weight and maneuverability are what makes the brig outclass it. A brig can turn way faster than a Galleon. You don't need to build a Galleon unless you want to. But in it's current state it is better used as the cargo vessel while your brigantines handle combat. They upped the number of whale spawns. Makes for better hunting and the mean ones will definitely attack your ship if you attempt to sail it, but you should be able to outrun them if you have the ship setup properly.
  23. Oh sure, but this place just loves to hate them no matter what they do.
  24. Yesterday was a bit of a grind day, finishing up the 2x weekend since it was through last night(not sure if it's been disabled or not). Worked on expanding my outer wall as we have an overabundance of bear tames(needed for alphas). I laid the foundation pieces, I need to make more and get a stairwell setup on it later on but will have to gather more materials as metal is not natural in this outpost. We travelled from D2 down to D4 in order to locate a new metal spawn location and found Iron in a large abundance and brought home roughly 5,000 of it for finishing up our yard. After we got home we expanded our farm, doubling it's capacity for making food. Then took a run around gathering some other building mats(wood/stone/thatch). Needing just a little bit of xp to get to lvl 62 I ran around the island on my bear (Major) looking for alphas, I ran into a lovely alpha bull on the other side of the island. After killing the bull and returning home I noticed a nice lvl 28 bear sitting outside just waiting to be tamed but unfortunately I needed to get to bed for the night. I believe my crewmate may have tamed him. Hoping to tame up a new rhino/elephant this week for trade and get some materials moved down to M4. We are likely going to be working on a Cargo Galleon here soon though.
  25. Not on EU PVE but on NA PVE, The polar region of M1 has penguins, yetis, shale oil, and I believe some metal nodes. It's been quite awhile since I've visited so I don't remember fully.
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