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Everything posted by Tallios

  1. I'm more annoyed with the fact that a barrel holds enough water for 5 full drinks, but weighs 500 kilos
  2. I fish with a swivel gun or a bear or cat. NEVER a pole.
  3. What i have suggested in many places is NOT gold. But resources, if you don't pay to offset the decay of the buildings those buildings take damage. Also the claim flag should be a built item.
  4. Would like to ask that chickens actually not lay eggs unless they are tamed. I imagine this would add to server stability and performance, also while requiring the taming of chickens to actually be productive. As a secondary suggestion I would like to ask for a hen cage for placing the chickens in, which would remove their wandering. If these could be stacked on a shelf of some kind, it would be ideal.
  5. Explosive Barrels need to be suspended and made inert, until they are properly fixed. The ability for these objects to be glitched through a hull and onto internal secured decks is ridiculous. It is broken and needs to be removed until it can be fixed. Leaving them as an ammo type can be fine, but not placed. As a side note, I recommend that the power of Explosive barrels should be reduced for outside placement. If the barrel has the "sheltered" effect, then it can be multiplied because it's an enclosed explosion.
  6. There needs to be a balance in the form of maintenance and upkeep. Let a resource box feed all the structures within a claim flag radius. If people have to pay materials and possibly gold to maintain large places, the structures will shrink. It MUST however be materials not just gold. This will tame down the mega's and provide some aspect for trade. Also metal for stone walls is just stupid.
  7. Paste is nothing, it's actually light when made, and you can make thousands in a freeport.
  8. The could even make Docks "auto-repair" if materials were left inside of the docks. A lot like a Depot level maintenance. I would and have suggested that there be craft-able "Mooring Posts" where 2 is needed for sloop, 3 for schooner, 4 for a brig and 5 for galleon, all spaced according to the ship size. Use grapple hooks, or noose for tethering. When grappled it would limit the movement of the ship like the anchor, and would pull the ship into the dock slowly.
  9. I think it would be better if you could place Mooring Posts on structures that would when grappled allow a ship to be pulled in and tied off via the anchor. 2 for sloop, 3 for schooner, 4 for brig, and 5 for galleon.
  10. I think you're the only one who wants it corrected. What I would recommend, is that in lawless areas all build objects should take damage, regardless of actual presence of owners. This would require people to actually repair these structures with materials. Also the demolish timer is stupid, It should be that from the inside the wall is taken down x10 faster, than on the outside. I forgot to add, that if they added the exterior pieces of a building took the most damage, this would clean up the 1 piece items left around.
  11. With the drying rack, next to a fire speeds it, in the sun works well, but if it rains it slows the process.
  12. I would like recipes that are "Filling" but not so much on the vitamins. Also I would love for liquids to be liquids. Grog, Rum, Ale, Milk, Water should all be stored in a barrel. Water should also at some point become stagnant, and then fetid. Also, totally new thought would be a drying rack that would allow for the drying of herbs and meats. For longer term storage!
  13. I would like it if it was a craft-able placement item.
  14. Never stopped, but the throwing stuff overboard is a thought.
  15. Could we please get some basic cooking recipes for cooking meat. As a cook I find it very frustrating that my animal meat cooks before i can use it in a recipe. Also, a recipe for salted meat and fish? Not just leaving it in the sack will do. Finally I would like to add, a Jerky style for meat and fish, where using garlic, onion and maybe something else you can make a far better, less salty meat? Lastly, a Supreme version of these recipes for the prime meat and fish? Thank you!
  16. This is where returning them to a freeport they should pay you in gratitude.
  17. I said 5 - 25 PER LEVEL, so a level 5 is 25 - 125 gold. A modest amount at minimum
  18. I agree with RENSHI; this is so stupid and broken. You should get at least 5-25 gold per level of the ghost ship. Or perhaps you get the gold for taking the NPC's back to a freeport, and they pay you at least 1 gold per level as a thank you?
  19. Water jars are better, at only 5 they keep the water from evaporating, and 3 jars at 15kilo's will easily save you the pain of a water barrel's weight alone.
  20. 1 US barrel holds approx 120 liters of water. 1 Liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. Could we please use this as the basis for water barrels? The reservoirs Should hold about 500 liters i would imagine, but just require plants to need more.
  21. This would be interesting, perhaps something that would allow for temperature to affect the spoilage rates of different foods? Then this would become far more effective.
  22. As far as you and your sinking tons of ships and offline raids. Go screw yourself, I throw shit on the ground because a$$hats feel they get to take everything I've made/harvested. *$&! you and that thought process. If someone is willing to "play the game" and ask for a bribe. I'd consider it, but people like the mentality you just ascribed will get nothing from me. I don't know how many times people have tried to run up beside me and demand I open everything for their inspection. NO. You play the game, fire some shots, threaten to sink and ask for money for safe passage. It's worth discussing. The "Take everything, leave nothing mentality" does nothing more than make me want to grief you and your allies.
  23. NPC Humans need a serious re-work as far as their self defense methods and abilities to melee. They cannot fight in melee worth a shit, they will not defend a boarded ship. A single player on board a ship needs to have a chance against a boat of other players. NPC's need to be able to be assigned to a ship and STAY WITH THE FUCKING SHIP. NPC's Should be able to equip ranged attack weapons. I strongly recommend they are able to be skilled up in various stats to make them useful for different things. Not just an all purpose thing.
  24. How about getting rid of ship leveling? Make it about how the ship is built. What special things does she have aboard that make the difference.
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