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Everything posted by znasser

  1. Just after they released them, I've used them to do a couple quick 2 sector runs of rare mats, and being able to carry 8000 kilos with an under 40% weight stock schooner even with the penalty was pretty sweet.
  2. IMO the problem is this game is onedimensional, you are supposed to do the same things if you are solo or in a 75 people group. So unless they dumb the game down so much the 75 man group is bored in a week, solo or even small groups won't be able to keep up. In pve that's not an issue but in pvp its a big problem, because your not only outnumbered but probably you will have also much worse gear and character, and in many cases you won't even be able to be online to defend yourself. Im gonna compare it to eve because some of you mentioned it, and because there was a very misleading article in pc gamer early in december just before release that stated this was eve online+ark. This game is not like eve in any way, even if they made you believe there is a resemblance. In eve everything was connected by the economy, there was more than 10 different ways of playing the game, practically none of them involved having your stuff up for grabs floating in the space while you weren't online, and you didn't even have to know how the others play because you could buy everything. In this game, everybody is supposed to do the same things, build a base and defences, get tames, farm resources and do the pve stuff that unlocks your adavancement. You can do all that being solo or small, it will just take you forever in comparison with bigger groups. in my case i wasn't very interested in the survival genre but the eve comparisons made me try this game. I loved ship pvp from the beggining and i stayed. I was like many of you, i dont want to have an online boss, so i was in very small group that got a lot smaller as time passed. As the fear of retaliation grew after attacking ships trying a kind of pirate playstyle( we only attacked ships that had cannons to defend themselves and never anchored ships, but everybody but our grid neighbours were kos for us) , i spent my last few weeks trying to do stuff i don't like and leaving behind ship pvp temporarily. Like building useless defences and breeding animals to defend ourselves, and doing things we didn't care about but we felt force to do like doing powerstones ( they are ridiculously easy btw it just takes a lifetime to get to all of them). Last week we got finally offlined, the last friends that were still logging in regularly finally given up, and the two of us left, merged into a big company as last atemp to keep playing. After trying very hard to stay in a very small company, my advice would be, if you are playing pvp and don't like pve, try to join a big company, if you don't like it move on to another game. Sry for the wall of text.
  3. no problem we have blackjack, flamecart and grenades, who cares?
  4. I haven't used a sloop in ages, and even if they improve it the way i proposed i doubt i'd use it, but people have been asking for some love for the sloop the same ages i haven't used it.
  5. I don't know if something like this could be done, but maybe they should change how render distance for ships works, so that bigger ships can be seen for a much longer distance than the smaller ones. Making the sloop something that you are unable to see unless you are very close to them could make them useful in some situations, at least for pvp.
  6. He ganked a sloop and you wanted to gank him to retaliate i get it, it's still not a fight. Fighting solo in the sea it's all i have been doing post wipe, pre wipe, a part of the last two weeks that i've been forced to build defences and boring the shit out of me 'playing', it's basically what i've done since february. We are always faster than the ships we are fighting, not a lot faster, but faster, and honestly other than mistakes on our part getting out of render distance for being too cautious to not get hit during maneuvers or ships reaching the freeport we haven't missed the kill in fights we were winning. You can still be faster, i give you a hint, every kilo counts, think out the box to drop weight.
  7. I have very limited knowledge of ark, but i don't think it's a small vs bigger company problem. Im in a very small company which has gotten a lot smaller as people stopped playing, and i have had high end gear since almost 2-3 days after wipe cuz back then golden age ruin servers had almost nobody farming. Having a few rare mats of each it's very easy, and now with cargo racks it's even easier. Crafting bonus and high end shipyard is more complicated but as time passes everybody will get there too, i don't think it's such an issue. Problem basically is you have 200%+ items. So if you have 2x damage and 2x hp, and you fight someone with 1.3-1.4x hp and 1.3-1.4 dmg (that's JM or low MW) you have so much advantage that it's impossible for the guy with the worse ship to win unless something unusual happens ( like game crashing, or you having a stroke ). High end gear is that op. Now you just have to add i don't know, 10% more speed and think about the consequences of getting in render distance of one of those things with a ship that it's not like them. It's a clear game balance problem, ofc high end stuff should be better, but not so much better.
  8. Seriously dude, this rant about not being able to gank people it's hilarious. By your description he has an inferior ship and doesn't want to fight back ( im not surprised tbh, only idiots want to get in fights if they don't believe they can win or get out in time) and as you are unable to catch him, you want gs to fix the rest of your op gear so you can steamroll him. What you are describing is the very definition of why this should never be fixed and the speed bonus replaced by something else, and why they should take a look at the rest of bp ship part bonuses.
  9. A stock schooner and stock brig carrying 8000 and 16000 kilos of stuff, at a third of it's max weight with just a 20% penalty to speed is far from being useless, in fact it's incredibly useful.
  10. I'm not trying to convince you to be honest, i'm just trying to add a diferent perspective. There's a huge difference between better and op, and in this moment, better is so much better that you can't win even if at one side there's a monkey on the wheel and on the other side the best pilot in the game. That's true even for 'rarer' stuff like jm and average rolls of mw crap . If skill only matter in the cases where there's equally good gear, something is wrong with game balance, and it's bad for the game. Fixing the speed bonus would just make things even worse. I haven't played any game that had such an autowin as this game high end ship gear is, maybe that's why i see things differently.
  11. And hit harder when you have better cannons, and have a bigger hp pool with your better planks, you want your improved out of balance items to still being op, why wouldn't you? Ofc you don't want to chase for three sectors a guy that clearly doesn't want to fight you back, when you can gank him in just one. Im not trying to convince you, im just stating something that is quite obvious to me, bp bonuses are completely ridiculous, and now that warships are very lightweight, fixing the speed bonus would make it worse. Before you say anything about me getting better things too, i'm gonna tell you i already have them. I just wish the shipfights in the game would be more skill based like in post wipe early days rather than blob/op gear based like they are now.
  12. My point is now that they simplified so much weight management so that everybody is on the same weight, speed buff on sails would be completely out of balance. Instead of being fixed it should be replaced by other buff or simply removed.
  13. Im sorry to break it to you, but at least in pvp you are forced to have a safe place to dock your ship, and having your own island is the best way. Id love to play nomad pirate, living of my ship and generating all off my resources stealing other peoples ships to sell it on a tradehub ( That's basically the way i played in eve online for over 5 years btw). Unfortunately you miss the two key aspects for that to happen in this game, safe harbor for when im not online, and tradehubs to sell the loot and buy or resuply my ships.
  14. I agree with you, the amount of work even a small island like the one my company has is ovewhelming. No matter how hard you work cuz as the time passes your start lagging behind more and more. But in a game where you share anything you get with the rest of your clanmates , the way i am, and there's a lot of people like me, i doubt i would enjoy sharing stuff with 60-70 people. So at some point the game just will aqueeze us out. Id say nothing of what they are adding is specifically for megas, like everything this game has. Basically megas will get there much, much faster than anybody else.
  15. Im not playing the PTR so maybe they are copypasted. But usually what looks like the same island on the map, its not. Even sometimes what in the map appears to be shallow waters is land in reality. So looking like the same island in the map, doesn't mean it's the same island in reality.
  16. I was checking out the companies section, just to see if there are clans in my mother tongue recuiting. How can you find anything in that mess? How a player new to the game, who doesn't know anybody playing finds a clan In a game that's clearly design to play in larger groups? Maybe that has something to do with player retention in this game. Why don't you have a recruitment forum section like every other mmo ?
  17. For me this game is like that gf none of your friends like and you fail to see what's wrong with her. Let's deal with the fact that the game is a pile of shit, so many people trying it and saying is shit can't be wrong. We are staying, because we are the only ones who happen to like it, but at the moment we get bored of playing, and at some point we will, nobody will come to take our place after us. So i don't think there's just one reason why people is leaving, just that the game is bad.
  18. I don't get you, you have 1600 post waiting for a console release to do the same crap you can do already in ark?
  19. Thats the whole point. we dont know the details. We just especulate with the little info they've provided us, and we are showing our concern with some possible situations that we consider could be bad for actual gameplay. If a game forum cannot be used for that purpose i don't really know why they need a forum to begin with.
  20. well, i could understand something like what was anounced could be usefull for boarding and stealing ships. But if its used to tackle ships at medium/high speeds it will be just stupid, and it will kill the thing that's best desgined in this game. There are ways this could be implemented, like harpoons being only efective at very low speeds, and having a timer before the effect kicks in, so the crew in the ship harpooned could remove it.
  21. Considering the last changes to ships, i guess they want people boarding and stealing ships, and it'll be cool if it's well implemented. But if this thing turns out to be an external brake someone can apply on you to slow you down when you are at full speed so their buddys can easily gank you, it will be a ship fight killer as we know it and probably the end of atlas for many people that's only staying for ship fights like me.
  22. This may work for cobalt, but why would i put in the system a high end bp if i can't retrieve if it doesnt sell? Can i change the pricetag? if i can, what stop me to store it there at an insane price and change it to a lower one when i want to get it back and ask a friend to buy it for me? There's a million ways to exploit that, and would make the market system worse. Imo they have to realize this isnt like any other survival game out there and having safe spots isn't that big of a deal.
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