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Everything posted by Zlax

  1. I would be okay with some, steampunky, things, but have magical shields or power armor would be way over the top.
  2. Could also do something like add a fixed amount of stat points based on level, say you gain 5 HP 5 stamina, 10 weight and 5 fortitude pr level, that would fix the need to spec your stats for PvP/enviroment/PvE ect. Could also go another route with the stat points and add them to the talents, so that learning stone crafting adds to your weight, while learning sword fighting might give you more stamina, and fist fighting might give you health ect. with the amount of talent points we are privy to atm, and the ease of increasing the level cap, this way would make the differences between a pure pvp and pure pve spec less while still giving you the freedom to chose your talents.
  3. God I hope they dont go the way of tek tier in this game, was horrible in ARK!
  4. The actual ship is usually the least costly part of the ship, cannons, sails ect often run much steeper.
  5. As long as your online and evently numbered with the enemy, you have a massive advantage already as the defender.
  6. There is already a major cost to flag spamming?
  7. Food is easy to make, and saves you alot of hassle. And with the latest duration buff there simply is no reason not to just cook up some pork pie and monarch cake and be done with it
  8. There are plenty of reasons to build said items, um guessing you play pve though where those reasons dont matter to the same degree
  9. Mostly see complaints from the pve crowd, on pvp the systems actually work pretty nicely
  10. Ones they get shot off, what happens then? Ship loses levels if it gets common planks on it? Rather see BPs for the shipyards that does this. Ie. Get a schooner bp that sets max lvl to 50 or something
  11. Most of the people posting these topics play PVE, you hardly ever get bored sailing on PvP, nor is there any land issues
  12. Having lawless zones work like low sec in EVE would help ALOT of the small companies out, adding a reputation system for attacking random players would go along way aswell, you wanna offline random people all the time? Fine go ahead, but now your locked out of going to freeports and lawless zones (yes the wording on lawless would have to change then) and then add 2-3 pirate coves around the map thats basically freeports but for people with bad rep. Now all of a sudden there is a consequense to randomly burning ships and being a big bad pirate. Now lets let companies declare war on eachother to negate the rep loss, with a timer obviously so that just meeting some random company and declaring war instantly wont help prevent it (like 12 hour to start a war, and mutual agreement to end it). The problem is that currently there are ZERO ingame consequenses for being a dick, and thus the internet WILL be a dick. Also, I have zero idea how to do it so that it fits thematically, but having some claims become "city" claims, and working like the siege menchanic in EVE, where you first shoot down the bubble and then after a set time you can actually siege the base underneath. This will provide real PVP action instead of the current pseudo pvp that happens. Maybe via the mythic and then having a town hall building that requires mythic upkeep to keep the city defended. And then limit it to having 1 city claim pr island, and/or have an exponential cost assiciated with having more cities.
  13. I never advocated for ORP did I ? I said, look at how EVE dealt with this and do an ATLAS appropiate version.
  14. The solution? Play on PvP, tons of land available by now.
  15. Thing is, its NOT hard work for the initial raiders. They can just pick any random grid. Hell, a single person from their company could even sail a ship there and the rest spawn in later. So in actuality to get revenge you would have to spend a hundred times if not more, the effort than the initial raiders did.
  16. Yeah .. make some storms that actually moved around the maps .. maybe in a somewhat fixed pattern so you would have cyclone zones .. just like in real life. Make it spawn a different type of weather for the map its on, thats wilder than the normal rain, and have it last for X amount of time, then go dormant for a while and respawn along its path, and ofcourse then ramp up the damage so when you see it comming you are not just go straight through it and go below deck and repair planks till your out.
  17. Maybe have a healing penalty for X amount of seconds after being in combat or something.
  18. Not gonna pretend to know the inner workings of the engine, but fairly certain that there is already more than enough stuff clogging up the engine based on how slow things load, that adding another X amount of sectors to each ship on the map isnt gonna do anyone any favors, but hey, I could be totally wrong aswell.
  19. The problem isnt that, its that you have to send alot of information back and forth to the server that way, what happens if someone moves around on the ship, move items from one slot to another, shoots a cannon ect ... would simply create WAY too much lag.
  20. Agree, didnt realise it till we build a galleon tbh
  21. No need to remove it, just add a slow effect to any mount wearing a cargo saddle and maybe nerf the damage of a moving cart (to simulate inaccuracy) and you would have something thats still usefull without being OP
  22. Thats alot harder to code though My biggest issue with this is base defences just got nerfed hard
  23. But you already had a 50% reduction so nothing much changed in your scenario
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