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Everything posted by Caldrin

  1. Their qa guys prob to testing for major changes but we are the testers for balance issues like animals and so on.. because it needs to be tested on a large scale.
  2. Caldrin


    That's what usually happens with early access games. 1. EA launchtons of people jump on for the hype then leave when the realise what EA is. 2. More leave after the first few weeks as they realise they don't actually like the game. 3. Game population will stabilise out to just the people who want to help test and find bugs and have fun doing that . 4. Pop will jump back up with major updates and then drop back down again. 5. Finally you get release and players come back if Devs did a good job haha. Don't get me wrong there are some games that are exceptions to this but it's usually how EA goes.
  3. You could kill him instead of watching him burn your ship down.. damage does need to be to edit down a bit but not much.
  4. BattleEye takes some time to start working correctly.. It scans files that have changed and then waits to see how many others are using the same modified files and if a lot are you will see blanket bans and people starting threads saying they never cheat but BattleEye banned them.
  5. This usually happens with all early access titles.. to start you get people jumping on the hype train.. lots leave because they dont like early access , then you will get the people who actually want to test and help the game develop sticking around.. with major patches you will get a bunch of people that don't play all the time popping in to see what has changed and then on release if the devs have done well the population will come back.. Happens with all EA titles really so no surprises.. I guess it will stable out a bit more..
  6. They prob have not allowed it.. either a bug from last patch giving people access to do this, someone has hacked the servers or Devs have gone crazy lol
  7. Really patch notes only mention PVE and I can't remember having an issue last night will have to test when I get back home. That fix has no place on a PvP server. It's fine as a quick fix on pve but it's stupid on PvP.
  8. Just ally up with them and leave after. At the moment it's a good fix to stop people sinking ships and I am sure it won't be the final fix.
  9. As far as I know it's only on the PVE server.
  10. They did have a position on Twitter saying they were investigating the connection issues when this was posted here
  11. I am sure we will get more options to transport stuff online at some point..
  12. It's in the steam workshop for atlas now..
  13. But it's only pve servers so you can't really be a pirate there as there is no PvP.
  14. That's the point it's not suppose to be easy for you to transport tons of stuff around by yourself. You can take an elephant or bear and level up their weight to transport stuff around. Certainly needs a few more options to get the animals to carry more.. But you really need to work with others to move large amounts of stuff.
  15. Was pretty sure you could not use metal tools to sink at ship at anchor must admit never tried the sickle.
  16. There is a mod on steam that installa the global font.. you can use that. You will no longer see squares but the Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean or whatever language it is.
  17. What are your plans with Alphas in the game. Currently they are just an annoyance more than anything. It would be good to see some kind of random event built up around an alpha animal spawning.
  18. Also BattleEye works over time by analysing files that are changed and if a lot of people are using said changed files.. so when initially turned on it will take a good few days to work things out and then if it's detecting the hack we will prob see a lot of posts on here along the lines of "BattleEye banned my account but I don't hack honest"
  19. BattleEye was only enabled yesterday so let's see how things go.
  20. Battleeye was only enabled yesterday so let's see how things go now. Hopefully it will start picking up aimbota and ban people. We know the aimbota existyou can see them working on YouTube.
  21. No don't want region lock I am on the EU PvP server but play with friends from the US.
  22. There is a mod on steam to install the global font.. makes things easier to read.
  23. Great story go back with another ship and salvage her
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