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Everything posted by Luxfere

  1. Early access is test server hahaha sandbox, again time to take a break no big deal. Id rather have the game launch and not be a fluster cluck
  2. Because you have to use a sickle to get bamboo and darkwood maybe a design flaw but its in the game this way,. I can harvest bamboo, darkwood and rushes from a tree with the E key do you understand? And yes it is a bug. I can harvest by hand and get 10 bamboo, 12 rushes and 1 darkwood by hand By Masterwork sickle i Get 1 bamboo 5 rushes 1 Darkwood if your lucky. By bear about the same as by hand. Its buggy.
  3. When harvesting bamboo trees which also give Darkwood, You get more resources by hand then you get with a sickle. Tried this with a masterwork sickle and was still getting crap amounts than compared to using hand harvesting. Read the entire sentence before posting an ignorant response.
  4. Ah nice time for a break
  5. MOst games are 60 bucks and you get 300 hours of game time and you beat it so wtf lol Most games you buy are 60 bucks and it takes maybe 300 hours to complete i think you beat this dead horse also you should of read the FAQ
  6. yea its beta its not set in stone thats how you test and qa a game welcome to software dev 101
  7. Again you did not even bother to listen to the reasoning behind why they have to wipe, they will wipe them anyways at the end of the early access like they did in Ark...land claiming is currently a goat fuck fest because of greedy ass players Best flag ever image for the quitters No you should of read that thing called the FAQ that everyone just clicks on accept
  8. It doesnt work that way its still going to be tested its not even on the test server for us to see if it will even be workable. Did you watch the video they posted no>? You havent go watch it and listen turn up the volume...seriously you guys come on
  9. Wow you cant seem to read the patch notes or listen to the video, If you ever played ark you would understand the whole foundation spam headache and what the intend to do on it. You chose to be part of early access aka A BETA TEST go look that up sorry man you just dont seem to realize you signed up to be a guinea pig. They didnt state it was a perm fix thats why you are here to test it again and again and again. I know we paid 25 dollars to play this game yea so what 25 dollars is nothing, if you dont like early access testing i suggest now is the time to run away and come back in a few months and see how it is going.
  10. Kids these days dont understand how shit works hell even in the real world....
  11. Guess you didnt read the part of a self healing building you put mats in and it fixes your shit....guess you missed out on that open your fking ears
  12. Its early access its a beta that you signed up for. This was a long time coming as they cannot fix some of these bugs... Bye...
  13. Go watch the video explaining the wipe and up coming changes to the game.
  14. Yea they did its in great detail, every item you place will have an upkeep to it the more shit you drop the more it will cost you. You did not listen to the video im not going to explain it when your to lazy to go listen to the video explaining on what they intend to do. And it will be tested before its dropped on public
  15. Its early access its a paid beta read the patch notes and watch the video. People have stopped playing because the claiming system is in the toilet., They are removing claim flags from PVE
  16. Read the patch notes coming at the end of march also watch the video they explain it in great detail
  17. I knew it was coming they gotta do it and its early access like a beta Everything can be redone. Thats not the reason for the wipe, maybe you have tons of time if you have 500 hours hell you got me beat and I am usually up there in time, but work over rules a video game. Its early access welcome to the beta
  18. I suggested this crap with arkh years ago now they are finally considering it.
  19. So wiping characters starting over again i take it?
  20. Its EA like a beta test i know it sucks I just log out and find something else to do, you can drive a schooner alone its a bit of work but not that bad., oR have a friend give you a hand though cannons will be a real trick hahaha
  21. Well gold should be a bit more and maybe some cargo
  22. Its a rng thing so make more and just scrap the crappy ones
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