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Everything posted by Stabby

  1. You guys undid your "fix". Crocs and Cobras are once again attacking NPC crew, tames and players on ships without any attack provocation. Please get a fix in for this asap. Anchor chains are way too short to avoid them at our island. And please nerf cobras! The only way to kill them is with ranged weapons to the face. Would be nice if we could melee them like we do Rattlesnakes. Their venom is too strong and their damage is a tad too strong. Oh and please reduce crocs AOE bite radius. They can bite thru an entire ship with that AOE. It kills everything.
  2. The difficulty would be fine if there was an amazing guild system in the game with equally great recruiting and retention tools.
  3. If they penalize death I'm leaving. Some areas of the map kill you constantly. Then there's food, water, weather, animals, combat.... no, just no! I hate survival games. The only reason I'm playing Atlas is because they softened the blow by allowing us to suicide our way thru the survival mechanics.
  4. At this point I'll be happy with any length. The longer the better (no homo).
  5. PVP is toxic. That's why I don't play it. Hate breeds hate.
  6. Hi Devs. Can you please make anchors a bit longer please? Maybe 2x or 3x their current length? The variable terrain depths make anchoring ships very difficult sometimes. It would help us tremendously. Thanks.
  7. Bye. I think you were gone for 72+ hours if you lost your stuff. GL.
  8. Honestly they should just remove Weight Sails and add a weight increase to Handling Sails.
  9. You killed off AFK players but somehow the flags are still contested. Their soul is still there. Flag has other bugs. It doesn't show any contested players at all, despite a player being present. Also, the flag count is wrong. I'm contesting one claim of a guilds 100+ claims. It says zero owned by the company.
  10. There are many, many islands that have nothing but wood, roots, stone, etc. Nothing special. Perhaps a rare spawn would increase property value. Maybe even have it island hop locations every day. In trading these things would go for a fortune. Not too rare that they're unobtainable tho.
  11. Get a friend. This mechanic would encourage guild recruitment. Perhaps there could even be a craftable item that's placed on claims (mastercraft) that will extend it up to two weeks. Make it brutal to craft. The crafting equivalent to Golden Ruins. Trading rare items could make this a fun mechanic as well. FYI my job requires that I travel to China, Europe, Australia, etc. Sometimes for up to two months. But I always have advanced notice. I could get guildies or friends to babysit my/our land.
  12. How about instead of a timer you have a power up? The more you're there the higher it goes. Stay away from it, say for a week, and it loses power and can be contested/taken. This will encourage large guilds to free up some of those unused claims as well. A win for everyone. Maybe even add distance to it as well. The farther it is from your main claim the faster it ticks down in strength. To reset it go stand on it for X amount of time.
  13. 1. All the land was taken. 2. Those that did get land have to grind out mats 24/7. This gets old. People just want to build. 3. PvP players are nearly impossible to retain. 4. Golden Ruins and the Fountain of Youth. 5. The guild system sucks. Everyone is soloing of in super small groups. 6. The only combat in this game is ranged. Melee is useless. This turns off a lot of players believe it or not. 7. No clear objective. These are the things I see around the internet and in discord. Streamers on launch day were their only real chance to make this game explode. Streamers have said it sucks. So it is written, so shall it be. Cause and effect. Oh ya and the fact that you need metal and paste from hell to make something the stupid creatures wont destroy or glitch thru. That was a BIG one!
  14. Depends on the ship. But ya, I agree, there should be no cost associated with ceiling tiles finishing the deck.
  15. I only stop at pink/purple ones. The rest are always trash.
  16. Ummm no? Gaming studios are finally learning that player retention comes from PVE. So many games are forcing PvP down peoples throats these days (in this genre) that any new MMO with PVE servers are an instant hit. A huge part of Atlas' success will come specifically from the PVE servers. My point was that, me personally, if I was to create a game today, I would design the game around class balance of both PvP and PvE. In other words both would get different classes, gear, weapons, etc. So many games make the mistake of ruining the PvE experience in order to balance the PvP experience, or vice versa. You have to have foresight and design with the anticipation of balance issues.
  17. It seems that most of the PVE damage originates on the PVP servers. I wish a game would think about that before launching. You can balance them both differently ya know...
  18. ... but this going to the Golden Ruins thing is bullshit. I refuse. If you delete my character I will leave the game forever. But I am not doing this Fountain of Youth at the Golden Ruins thing.
  19. This was a horrible change. 29 pages worth of feedback so I hope someone is watching.
  20. It's already too hard! You guys keep making shitty changes that we DONT want! STOP!
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