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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. I just stab anyone who calls me cogent with pruning shears as a general policy. I’m cogent? Oh yeah? Well so’s your face!
  2. I wouldn’t. Some games require you to own the game in order to register on the game’s official forums. Atlas clearly does not, a fact which suggests Wildshot is more open to outside criticism than a lot of game developers. If they are willing to let Realist or others like him have their say here when they are footing the bill, who am I to say otherwise? Realist has not to the best of my knowledge run afoul of the Code of Conduct, which is more than I can say for some others. I think one of the fundamental problems with the society we seem to have become at the moment is a lack of willingness to hear views which differ from our own. I have probably disagreed with Realist as often as anyone on these forums, but that disagreement harms no one, and in reading our differing viewpoints, others may find themselves considering ideas they had not before. In a free and open society that is how it should work. I am perfectly willing to let others weigh the merits of my arguments and his and judge for themselves. To me me this is much to be preferred to banishing people with whom you disagree. Remember, everyone has a purpose in life, even if that purpose is only to serve as a negative example to others.
  3. I suspect more ships will come over time. But your post does point to an underlying issue. Your recurring complaint so far has been that the game lacks content. One could say that 2 months into a 2 year EA you should expect minimal content and more will be released over time. But in the meantime Grapecard still needs people to keep playing to test what they do have. Now, I think that the game’s sharp decline in activity is owing to multiple factors, but I’m inclined to agree that lack of content is probably one of them. Players are generally disinclined to put up with the downsides of EA once the novelty wears off unless they still have things to do that they haven’t already done.
  4. I haven’t had the chance to log in since the patch. Have you tried putting the note on your hot bar and then actively using it like an item?
  5. Nope, because believe it or not, Realist does not own the game.
  6. Silly bugs are part of what you should expect 60 days into a 2 year Early Access period. When you purchased the game through steam there was a rather prominent disclaimer that this game is in Early Access and is not a finished product. That is why you were offered the game at half or less what it’s full retail price will be.
  7. If the game spit out 20 dollar bills, some people would complain that the serial numbers weren’t in order.
  8. I like all of these ideas, but especially poison food. It has nothing to do whatsoever with being my companies cook. Nope. Not at all.
  9. I feel your frustration but a thing to keep in mind about game development is that developers are not all interchangeable. The people who find and fix bugs and clean up code are not the same folks who design new content. They are separate teams with individuals who do not have fungible skill sets. By analogy, the stewardess, the pilot and the mechanic all work on planes but are not necessarily able to do each other’s jobs. To extend the analogy further my understanding about fixing bugs is that making the team bigger has often proven counterproductive in the past ie hiring more pilots doesn’t fly the plane better. This leads to the frustrating situation where all we can really do is wait for the bug fixing team to fix the particular bug that’s driving us nuts atm. Not producing new content won’t and can’t lead to that being done faster.
  10. Everything I have ever said about you relates back to your views of the game, something I have direct knowledge of. Everything you have ever said about the game is second hand information. That is the qualitative difference between the two. There is no hypocrisy because I do not comment about you except as it relates to what you have to say about the game. Were I to conjecture about things like your age, educational background, what your real life situation is, that would be hypocrisy.
  11. Wow. Just wow. This is truly impressive, you have clearly invested significant time and energy into both thinking these suggestions through and writing them up. For that alone I hope the devs will look closely at your input. As far as being able to read it, I had no issues. Even if every word wasn’t perfect and grammatically correct, it was more than sufficient to be understood clearly and frankly better than some folks born speaking English. Well done sir.
  12. This is my favorite post today, primarily because I had no idea camels were native to Central Asia. Learn something new every day.
  13. I keep mentioning you don’t own the game because you continue to comment on gameplay as if you do. What you do is akin to a blind man giving his thoughts on the Mona Lisa as described to him by others. It has decidedly limited value. I find your characterization of yourself as waiting for console curious since your publicly stated premise from the beginning has been that Wildshot is an unethical, deceptive development studio and your purpose here was to sound the alarm, call them on it, make others aware etc etc. If they are that bad as you have said repeatedly, why would you even consider doing business with such an unethical company?
  14. If you have to ask you have not been paying attention to my posts. Also you have been consistently and overwhelmingly critical of a game you do not own and have yet to play. That is a curious definition of seeing both sides of the coin.
  15. There is an issue that future ship designs will hopefully address. If you are trying to move cargo of significant weight then the galleon is the obvious choice because of its highest weight allowance and good speed, but it also has the largest agro radius, so one often winds up chased by all manner of things. In the future a ship with good carry weight capacity and speed but smaller aggro radius, perhaps with limited ability to carry armaments might be an option.
  16. Or the usual toxic few trying to shut down anyone saying something positive. As always, observation bias is an issue.
  17. Do find yourself often wearing bookshelves? Yes there is already a functional bookshelf in Ark. At most it’s a reskin of that item.
  18. This. Unfortunately losing things to these types of bugs or glitch is part of what you accept when participating in an EA game. Over time their frequency should lessen but this early in the process there’s just going to be a lot of it. The best way to approach it is as an excuse to tame another.
  19. Based on these developers track record with Ark, a wipe for this reason seems unlikely. Any wipe prior to game launch is possible, but not something I would put money on.
  20. Well, since this sounds an awful lot like DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!, let me just point this out: raid windows as a mechanic to prevent off lining exist in EVE, work quite well from all accounts, and since EVE is already the game Wildshot says it wants to pattern Atlas on, its not too much of a stretch to say that a perfectly workable solution is available if they don’t hit upon anything they like better. You may continue with the regularly scheduled DOOOOOOOOOOM!!!
  21. Realist isn’t a king. He’s a knight. A knight with an impossible dream.
  22. I think Realist’s return is cause for celebration. I feel a song coming on.
  23. Atlas was never in any way announced or implied as an Ark DLC by anyone connected to the game’s development. The notion that it is or was intended to be is 100% outsider speculation. It’s not a theory that I personally subscribe to, but there is not strong evidence one way or the other. Just clarifying that if you are remembering it ever having been announced as such, then unfortunately your memory is in error.
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