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Everything posted by Ranger1k

  1. Tamed other difficult things but never an actual giraffe.. That being said pre wipe i was going to dabble w incorporating a shield into the above mentioned methods on frustrating tames. Heard maybe that might help a bit also.. Also heard about a method w multiple people using grapple hooks but, just to be clear, i never got around to it i was lucky enough to find a good breeder.. Maybe someone else could elaborate more regarding shields and grappples as an aid.. **woops just noticed shield in mentioned above my bad
  2. I remember i was like a few days or so into the game, total noob, built a schooner (on someone elses shipyard mind you)... went to launch and both the ship AND the shipyard blew up.. My jaw fell on the floor Still not positive what happened but i think i accidentally rotated the radial from launch to demo lol I farmed up a new shipyard then immediately switched to single player for a week to master basics lol
  3. I remember i was like a few days or so into the game, total noob, built a schooner (on someone elses shipyard mind you)... went to launch and both the ship AND the shipyard blew up.. My jaw fell on the floor Still not positive what happened but i think i accidentally rotated the radial from launch to demo lol I farmed up a new shipyard then immediately switched to single player for a week to master basics lol
  4. Lol I think that happened to me on my first build now that you mention it... Bet thats it.
  5. Last thing also.. Pretty sure if you take a shoulder pet off your shoulder while on board the ship (via sleeping possibly) a crew member gets added to the count...
  6. Ahhahaha... Lol Don't completely agree w trashing the devs BUT The second part about don't plan dinner is friggen hilarious. Lol
  7. Too much crew also dont forget... For some reason regardless if its a human, a bird or an elephant, etc they all count as 1 crew slot.. Go above the crew limit and the ship will start taking damage.. Atleast thats how it was when i still played... Im assuming it hasn't changed. On Atlas a cat burdens a ship the same as an elephant via the crew limit mechanic, just a reminder for your troubleshooting.. This is aside from weight which i think does vary by creature but i never measured the specifics
  8. Sorry no help to offer just a question... Is single player itself funcioning?... Has the new map? Sorry to hear about the coop issue...
  9. Ty for acknowledging my position and stating concurrence.. Im a bit torn atm.. Dunno... I kinda understand part of their need to downsize the clusters and optimize things a bit from a ROI perspective on NA PVE atleast.... Sailed through tons of basically empty tiles on a consistent basis... That being said though fluctuations are going to be standard if they don't change the model... and the process with which they handled the necessary adjustments was, shit, i dunno negligent or short sighted i guess id call it. Unprofessional maybe? In my original rage rant i said something regarding "a need to talk to marketing", meaning, from a business perspective, when ya get a customer in yer door ya should focus on keeping them there and upselling them.. Keep them happy, chatty and coming back... Right now its more "Thanks for the money. Here ya go. What? Take this then ...Cant talk more gotta go bye." I have a way of modeling it correctly for them.. Not getting into specifics unless a fat check clears though.. Thanks again . TC GL.
  10. Ty for responding. I wouldn't continue to invest my time and energy interacting w a product/company knowing that they would periodically grab said product, erase and mangle it, describe it as an upgrade and then generally ignore my requests for assistance and clarification. Sorry Im so harsh in my description but real friends tell ya exactly what they think. That being said this is why I'm simply standing on the sideline, chatting a bit AND, for an "indefinite period of time", going to take my time and money elsewhere in the future. Once again i apologize for sounding so harsh.. Have a good day
  11. Dunno Not discussing how to fix things unless a check clears... GL to ya lemme know how things work out
  12. Not playing since the wipe but i suspect the logic was as follows... 1. More npcs at base, manning th defenses.. 2. Large reserve pools for upgrades, ships lost at sea etc... 3. May tie in w the upcoming content also perhaps... 4. Sometimes npcs also make for nice decor lol... Perhaps w more npc guards raiding might be more difficult freeing up playtime to farm, sail, explore and plan attacks/pvp. Not here to debate it just surmising... Poot ya might wanna dial it down a bit.
  13. Actually I need a breather from getting mauled by a rare spawn and had some time to reflect so here we go... 1. Does the usage of the word "Season" mean wipes will be a consistent game element when "pre-release" ends? Like sports seasons or something? If yes, ok, good to know.. If no then is "Season" being used as short for development phase during "pre-release"?..Can ya ballpark guess how many "Seasons" till its officially "released"?... In either case any plans to change how wipes are handled?... Carry over, unlocks, rankings etc? 2. Can ya offer ANY specifics on the new features YOU mentioned, for example... How will the farm work? How will the dock work? Is it a parking spot or an npc activity hub or something? Tradewinds?.. So like lanes with better wind speed and more predictable direction?... If so any other goodies associated? If not then, uhhh what are they? Warehouses?.. Better spoil timers maybe? Or deeper?... Like a universal resource access point for members spread around th map?.. Am i hot or cold lol Any other ideas on the table?... Answering question 1 asap is pretty important imo.. Question 2 I understand, kind of, if it cant be FULLY answered atm... But ya got ANYTHING at all more specific than game jargon? 3. Any timetables shorter than "months"..for example a specific feature sooner or higher on the priority list? I understand that your still addressing server optimization but some basic, chatty conversation would be nice... Tweets are overrated.. GL hope to hear something soon
  14. Was going to ask important, specific, and thoughtful questions regarding the development schedule.... Then i realized, i shouldn't have to ask... Peace out back to the other game im having a blast on...
  15. Nm found enough info in another thread to figure enough out
  16. Sorry dumb question but i refuse to even click the play button for fear of giving the game boosts in background algo metrics... So its 2pvp servers (new map) and EU pve (old map?) and thats it, correct? NA PVE still gone like a chair removed as i was seating myself, correct?.. Someone lemme know please, ty.
  17. Might wanna pick a spot that straddles another biome... Probably the method picked to encourage interaction.. Both biomes will be lacking a 3rd maybe?.. Sounds like it'll turn into a giant stalemate for part time players Id be curious regarding follow up
  18. Haven't logged on since they wiped the NA server...so...much..grinding....flushed..... I've stuck through some shitshow mmorpgs over the years too...Games that could have made billions and been both revolutionary and insanely fun... The tech that goes into making these things jive...to let 100s or 1000s of players interact w eachother and the environment in realtime, via a multitude of scenarios, in a dynamic synthetic reality can be simply awe inspiring to a guy my age. Ive learned as a result to let some shit slide... However.... Basic mechanics so poorly mismanaged... Zero in game reimbursement after a wipe.... PR updates so out of touch w reality.... This game itself screams potential. A few tweaks, lil polish, some proper management and some clear decision making could launch it into the stratosphere. Seriously. No bs. However, the things going on atm are the exact opposite. Ill take a pass on beta testing for a charge... or being milked then brushed off or whatever the fugg is going on.. Going to spend money w the competition now... Gonna offer to fix ALL of it for a fee still but till we talk, buh bye...
  19. Sidenote the starving cats were so ridiculous i just spilt my coffee reminiscing... Lol... Not to mention i could place some on a wet rock and theyd catch more fish than a sponsored pro bass team lol... Jus sayin...
  20. 10 person Conan server ballpark $10 a mo retail cost... Take your proposition many levels further if you suspect its a ROI issue... Jus sayin i could make the game a smash hit w exponential ROI...
  21. It is generally better to be wrong and have things work out well than to be right and have things go bad. More specifically Im speaking to Gortok... Im intrigued... Ive been playing various RPGs since pen and paper D&D in the 80s.. Dabbled with many MMORPGs over the years.... Want another hand on deck?... Im interested.. I can turn shit into sugar... Lots and lots of sugar.. GL. Offers been made. Has a time limit before i shrug...
  22. Both points valid and easily rectified. Wont explain how unless devs pay me $$ lol... I ask again... Did they implement tradewinds, farms, docks or warehouses? Any info about it even released?...
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