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[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by [GP] Guybrush Threepwood

  1. Am I really? You like to make assumptions and point fingers? I play EU PvE, so no I am not "one of these strange people". So tough shit to people in countries like Australia and New Zealand where they have no choice but to play in opposite timezones? Yeah screw those players right? I hope things do improve over time.
  2. 02-10 what timezone? What you ask for is not possible when timezones exist.
  3. Peg legs and hook hands so that my Pathfinder can have 2 peg legs and 2 hooks! Can't wait to see what he looks like holding weapons with hooks! (If they allow that of course)
  4. Based on the icon on the English keyboard I think one of the two highlighted buttons on this Japanese keyboard should work. I can't say for certain obviously, but they most represent the icon on the English one. As for the German one, I found one button that most represents the icon on the English one. No idea if any of that helps anyone, but hopefully it does.
  5. I stayed at 100 for a few weeks to let the craze die down and the lagfest with it. One day I then decided i'd do the FoY. I created a raft, put a bed and storage on it, then set sail for the closest Golden Age that was only 3 grids away. On my way there I discovered the FoY was going to be there later that night. I found a parking spot, then fast traveled back when the FoY was expected. This was my very first attempt. I ran straight to the cave entrance no problem, squeezed past others in the entrance, had to wait a short moment for some proned people to move. I then ran right through to the FoY. It wasn't there. There was somewhere between 10-15 of us all there laying down on the ground waiting. I ended up waiting 1 hour before it arrived as it arrived at 10pm not 9pm. Over the course of that hour I died twice from bats, but most of the time nothing bothered us. When I died I had no issues running to the cave and getting through to the FoY area with the exception of bodies on the floor getting in the way. The easiest thing i've experienced, so I was pleased I ended up doing it.
  6. Yes 30% is still definitely a workable number. But with it already at 52% since yesterday it will not be long before it's reaching that 30% number. Doesn't mean the game is going to die, but for many new players it will be very off putting. At least the negative reviews have slowed right down, which was initially due to the poor server launch right at the start.
  7. I'm not one of those cherry picking anything here, but I do understand where people are coming from. You yourself state 60% retention is good for an early access game, but it's currently at 55% retention now. There is no doubt the drop is moving fast. It is rather concerning, however, i'm in it for the long run as I am interested to see how things pan out, I don't jump at the first signs of trouble.
  8. What stamina and durability debuff? And we're not back to day 1. You pick up a stone and you get 2 right? Then we're not back to day one.
  9. Yes, by taking regular backups. Otherwise if you don't take backups then no there isn't.
  10. Why are you acting as if they are keep pushing that update back? It has always been coming late February, at no point has it yet been pushed back. The version number has changed several times because there was a need to release several major version patches to fix issues. I think you need to rethink what it is you are complaining about.
  11. They are currently working on a patch to fix somethings which is expected later today. Don't act as if they've been quiet for weeks.
  12. Yes I know all about the attempted patch and the PvE rollback, but they are working to rollout the patch again, so it's still coming. As for your idea, a week is not long enough, they are intending on it being 3 weeks. You can't declare war on a raft/ship lol, you'd have to declare war on the company, which isn't possible. It worked fine before when you could claim and demolish, but since they took that away they are hardly going to allow people to declare war on a raft/ship and then demolish it.
  13. Just some inaccuracies i've spotted in the Skill tree. Survivalism > Water Temperature Fortitude Tooltip says "Decreases the rate at which vitamins deplete over time..." This should be water temp fortitude. Armory > Temperate Armor Tooltip says +15% when it is talking about penalties, should this not be -15% penalty? This goes for the other 2 in this chain of +30% and +45%.
  14. They are already going to be implementing a 3 week window for abandoned ships to disappear. Hopefully coming this week.
  15. Ah yeah well the FoY is simply run in and make it to the end of the cave, whereas powerstones yeah you got the added challenge of killing stuff too with possible lag. The boat thing will hopefully ease up the lag a bit when it is implemented. Depends on how many of those that have parked ships are still active. Some will disappear for sure.
  16. Based on my PvE experience, PvP may be different, but the lagfest is not so much of a lagfest now as many have already reached the FoY. I had no lag on mine at all, the main issue on mine was trying to get past all the prone players in the cave.
  17. I've seen people talking about FoY being hard and tbh I don't know if there's a difference between FoY on PvP and PvE, but I doubt it besides the fact other players can kill you. I got my raft the other week, went over to M12, found a parking spot on the south side to anchor my raft. Fast travelled back to base, then at 9pm (when it was expected to be there) I fast travelled back to the raft. Ran straight to the entrance, skipping past 2 cyclops and a wolf. Made it into the cave entrance where there was a bit of a squeeze with people on the floor. Made it through to the FoY, which wasn't there. There were about 10 of us all there laying around on the ground waiting for the FoY, with multiple bats either flying at the wall, or flying around hitting the odd person. The FoY didn't appear until 10pm, so over the course of that hour I died twice due to bats hitting me in the FoY area. The rest of that hour I spent laying on the ground on top of the FoY location. It was much easier than I ever anticipated. I'm pretty sure PvP should be the same besides players attacking players. I find it confusing as to how people struggle with FoY in its current state.
  18. There's a hotkey that disables tooltips, can never remember what it is. But go in to your inventory, and down the far left side you see a speech bubble with a '!' in it. Make sure that's clicked and not greyed out.
  19. I voted last option for me, still play and still enjoy it. When I decide I no longer enjoy it I will just walk away.... no need for a poll when I do that.
  20. Yup something not right there, but the question is which timer actually works, as in, is it actually claimable after the 3 day timer that shows, or the 20 day timer. If it's the 3 day timer that's fine, they just need to fix the issue of the other time displaying incorrectly. However, the thing that doesn't sit right with me, besides the conflicting timers is that the number of land claims on the picture shows -3 instead of 3. That could be causing the issue.
  21. Use this topic, there's usually people confirming where it is in there.
  22. These days I take holiday anywhere between 7-12 days. I never take holiday less than 7 days. I don't work my ass off for a living to take an extended weekend as a holiday.
  23. It means that when you, and anyone in your company leave that claim area the countdown will commence and your claim will be safe for the next 20 1/2 days. Each time you are active on the claim area it will reset back to 20:12:22:45.
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