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[GP] Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by [GP] Guybrush Threepwood

  1. Nobody "needs" an island. People "want" an island. So if people want an island, then decide to sell it, and if it takes time to sell it then that's up to them. No way is it bordering griefing. Every example you just provided is comparing apples and oranges.
  2. Yeah I'd love to join stuff like this too, but I only have a Schooner too, and not even full of monkeys. Just me and my NPC Stan.
  3. Absolutely, and I am confident that there are no game rules regarding it, regardless of whether there is any ethical concerns from the community. Buying and selling islands should be fine, and both parties should take full responsibility for any potential outcome.
  4. That's just the same as insiding a company. You take the risk and suffer the consequences if there are any, you take full responsibility. Everyone in game is a pirate, you think pirates were honest people? Now if a trade involved real life money, which is against the rules, then yes admins would be expected to get involved, but when it comes to doing a trade for in-game currency then admins have NO grounds for action.
  5. I've not had issues with cobras spawning behind walls, but I have seen them time and time again climb walls as they glitch their way up. Halfsize wall = they climb Railing = they climb/pass through Full wall + railing on top = they can climb, particularly if there is something next to it that they can glitch upwards on. Even 2 walls high i've seen them climb because something next to it has helped them glitch upwards. Big pain in the ass.
  6. Basically anything you can sell in-game for in-game resources there shouldn't be any problems with it at all. However, I'm uncertain whether anyone would be interested in actually buying an island, because, unless i'm mistaken, there's still the issue of other people in the area contesting a claim. If that's still true, you could end up with people buying the island, you unclaim it, they go to claim it, but others are active in the area and it becomes a pain to claim it. So for that reason you may find it difficult to find a buyer. But it also depends on the type of island, price etc also. Why would admins get involved? There is no safe way to sell anything in-game for in-game resources. Excluding player shops.
  7. If you are referring to selling an island for ingame currency then there'd be no rules around that.
  8. Are you using the Steam Charts site to base your numbers on? Because if so i'd like to point out that Steam Charts has been broken the last 2 days. It currently says 4,322 playing 2 days ago: https://steamcharts.com/app/834910#7d It says this for every game you can view on Steam Charts. So the activity of the last 2 days since the mega patch released haven't been recorded.
  9. I believe ice has a spoil time of 12 hours in the icebox. The last time I looked at mine it had 44 ice in one slot, i'm not sure the max per slot. So basically you lose 2 ice per slot a day if the icebox is not being used to cool down the area. I haven't tried using it to extend spoil timers yet.
  10. I've experienced this too, quite often I'll spawn with a drop in health. I've also noticed that whenever I log on for the first time in a day I will log in with less health, then the same the next day. It's pretty consistent, as if it happens when i log on after a server restart due to an update maybe.
  11. I wondered this too yesterday and thought maybe it had been an oversight. The fact that the crossbow unlock was in between two skills that I had already unlocked was annoying. Although for me I am only lvl 50 so was able to respec anyway, but soon i'll be at my max lvl 51 until I increase my DP's more.
  12. It is accessible though. I play solo and was offered the chance to do the Kraken. The only reason I turned it down was because i'm not in a position yet to make a Brig. Plenty of solo and small companies have done it. It was like when the FoY was released, so many people, particularly those that never even attempted it complained that it was going to be impossible for solo players to do it and then they'd end up the the old age debuff constantly. I found on my first solo attempt that I could just run in and get it. So it shows that although something my look like it's impossible for solo/ small companies it's not necessarily the case. The Devs can't make it too easy otherwise there'd be no challenge at all.
  13. Yes but that's the point, a casual player, knows what Atlas is like, knows there are aspects that require more players such as bosses, yet still chooses to play a PvP mode in a game like this, which is fine, but then complains that things are locked behind stuff that requires either more time put in to the game or more people to achieve it. The issue is people going into a PvP game as a casual player when they know what to expect, and then complain that they can't achieve everything.
  14. My only question is, if you are a casual player that doesn't have time to commit to long term lengthy progression games, why would a casual player choose to play PvP in a game like Atlas when you know what type of game Atlas is?
  15. The island owner can only demolish structures within 24 hours of the structure being placed. If you claim an island with old structures on it then you can't do anything about those structures, unless the owner of them goes inactive for 10 days. Risk from settling on a foreign island comes from whether the island owner is good or bad.
  16. Ah I see, well then it should just be raised as a bug then, so that if it is a bug it can be looked at. As for the loss, you may just have to take the hit i'm afraid.
  17. You could always try the Live Game Support option. Where does it say those kind of things are no longer allowed to be reported?
  18. The thing here is that PvE is for casual players. I'm a casual player, I don't have time to commit hours on end in a game like this, that's why i play PvE not PvP. You play PvP I assume, yet you state you are a casual player and you don't have hours on end to play this game, yet you chose to play PvP mode on a game that requires considerable play time? Why would you as a casual solo or small group player choose to play on PvP in a long time consuming game like this?
  19. Maybe there is no warning because maybe it is not intended, which would mean it's a bug.
  20. I believe you need to place a large storage box on the cargo saddle.
  21. I have seen plenty of people on the forums and on discord etc setup Kraken sessions and stuff for small companies and solo players to join in to help each achieve it. The fact people say that it's only designed for megatribes are wrong, you just gotta think of other avenues. Plenty of nice people that say we are going to do the Kraken at such and such time, if you want to join come along with a Brig. There's opportunities, but if you are expecting everything to be easily accessible by playing entirely solo then you are going to find yourself out of luck.
  22. What's the cheating here? Sounds to me like one bear on aggressive with 2 bears following. Maybe i've misunderstood something?
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