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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Sean Murray, his crew who made No Man Sky are a good example. They took every verbal beating from their playerbase, pro critics, news organizations, everyone. Because they made outlandish promises, said everything was going to be there on launch day, and we got an Early Access title for full price with a whole lot of nothing, and they suffered. They suffered so hard, having literally no playerbase, but they said they were going to commit to making the game what they promised everyone it was supposed to be. And they did, they admitted they wanted to quit and move on to other things, but they stood by their conviction and turned that dumpster fire into an amazing game, and it took time. But they kept at it. And it has a massive amount of content now they havent charged anyone extra for. They worked it out, they found a way, and they accomplished it. They kept their communication with their customers and players and media outlets going so everyone knew what they were doing. And literally everyone had respect for that, they repaired their broken reputation by taking their blows for their mistakes, and making good on what they said, and it's truly respectable of them to do that. On the opposite side, we have Grapeshot, a "studio" made to turn an ARK DLC into a standalone, that flopped hard because it was a complete mess. And their response to the game flopping on PC? Silence... And then... Well lets put it on Xbox. And more silence. Silence silence silence, and then we come to find out theyre not even working on the game, they all went back to Wildcard to start work on a new DLC. When the entire employee base of a Studio fucks off without a word to their community, to work on another project. That's a serious lowball move, a big fuck you to the people who supported your idea by funding your Early Access.
  2. 1 point
    i dont wish ATLAS to be this bad forever, but when we grow up we learn that we must differentiate hopes from reality, specially with this company track record, but hey if it eventually gets fixed in a future i will be glad.
  3. 1 point
    I have played and watched the forums since launch. I love the game and play almost everyday with my Mrs. I have not been bored and love just putzing around the PVE map. I have had my 25 bucks repaid in gameplay. My negativity stems from the fact that they promised more. More fixes, more stuff, more attention. Then they disappeared for a bit before Xbox, had a flurry of activity to sell Xbox Atlas and then disappeared again. It screams of money grab. Don’t promise something and then not deliver it. I hate that. Blatantly lying by making a huge deal of what to expect to sell a game makes no one happy ever. Even the people that enjoy playing it.
  4. 1 point
    Well, then you can say that ARK was just as shit as Atlas in the bad days. So there’s somewhat a chance for a positive future.
  5. 1 point
    I hear things only get fixed if you remain silent and complacent.
  6. 1 point
    Stop speaking sense but yes you are right people use forums to vent their frustration, not gonna lie I do also. After playing since day 1 and see no real change, then pause Atlas to focus on another game is a reason to drive anyone crazy. I also know they couldn't care less whether we angry or not but you just never know it might strike a chord in them, if they had any sense that is.
  7. 1 point
    Well I have to agree on that one. I have defended the devs in the past, a lot actually. But ever since I found out they are working on an ARK DLC.. Well.. maybe that isn’t the worst part. The worst part is they don’t tell us and ignore everything about Atlas. That’s literally giving the atlas community a middle finger. It’s actually insane how they screw us. And they’re timing, as always, couldn’t be better. They had the opportunity to win back a certain amount of the Atlas players after the christmas buff when more than 10K PC players were playing again (haven’t seen that in a while). Now they’ve abandoned Atlas knowing New World is gonna come out so the little group that’s still left will leave it too if New World does promise what they say.
  8. 1 point
    "Working Hard" funny guys literally the most useless devs and community managers I've ever seen please find a different career.
  9. 1 point
    Garbage Patch considering the time you all have been gone on vacation... Sad
  10. 1 point
    oh look, another garbage patch
  11. 1 point
    Bye. So many snowflakes in this thread. Simply put don't play PvP if you don't want to get captured. All this criminal offense nonsense wouldn't hold a day in court because you can simply close the game. This debate is just as dumb as the cyber bully debate. Just turn off your computer and go play outside or something.
  12. 1 point
    you first competitive online game you played? sorry but i am sick of this shit... do not infest my last escape of real world where people do whatever fucked up shit they want to do.... i do not agree with a lot of them... but that is not the point... the point is that we all free here... and i believe steam made their choice some time ago and decided to go for freedom.... if you can not deal with retarded shitheads do not play games please...or maybe dont even go onto the internet.... humans are fucked up... just look at our society in real world.. dominated by greed and money.... let us escape this shit without being confronted with other RL shit!
  13. 1 point
    this game is labeled "mature content"... if you have issues you might as well forbid your daughters visit internet at all... its not an ok behaviour and its not nice... but the real issue here is that there is mechanic stoping people from playing for more than an hour for a game they payed for... all these moral issues... well humanity is fucked up especially if people are anonymous and if your kids are on the internet, you would be naive to think they did not have gotten a glimpse into the rotten humanity already PS: i have voice chat disabled to not have my family listen to the BS in these games
  14. 1 point
    No about people being too sensitive, taking everything seriously and starting up community groups for ever flaw society has to offer. It’s just a game, this is a game mechanic. Like I said, it’s not like there are people out here trying to have sex with young girls. It’s a mechanic they wanted to have fun with. In my company we’ve already locked up our own members and trolled with it. If he wants to go to the police with this, be my guest. But I’m pretty sure he won’t come far.
  15. 1 point
    the game states "MATURE CONTENT".... so yes if its just chat or voice or imaginary game mechanics you have to able to deal with it or not play a "MATURE CONTENT" game... what is not ok is that you can be restricted of playing the game for more than an hour! you have "MATURE CONTENT" all over the internet... get over it and i know of firends experience restaurant with the chef doing kinda "MATURE CONTENT".. its his restaurant and you can choose to go there or not the bigger issue is when you start censoring crap, where is the line? what can be censored and what can not be censored? its a very difficult topic... and i prefer open internet with BS that i can just ignore over being censored just for my opinion!
  16. 1 point
    You might be a bit too SJW here.. it's true that a mechanic that potentially locks you out of the game for many days is very bad... But it's still open internet and if people want sex slaves or behave in other ways bad it's their own thing... It's just a game! But not being able to play a game you payed for without restart because an asshole locks you up and force feeds you is not ok
  17. 1 point
    Yeah be that somewhere else plz kk thx bye, back to WoW or whatevz
  18. 0 points
  19. 0 points
    I like this new patch. Very excited, thanks devs
  20. 0 points
    An actual good patch, very nice, keep it up!
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