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Everything posted by Whitehawk

  1. Hello Devs. Ok so poeple are playing your game long term, and I've said it before you need furnishings for bases and ships, cos staring at an empty building or a ships innards that's as blank as weinsteins diary, just isn't entertaining anymore. Even a decent ornate captains chair and table, maybe curtains and carpets would be ok for a start. but c'mon we are playing for a long time and many hours a day, and the outside of ships and buildings look good but the inside is getting drab now. and on xbox you can't import into pictures for the wall either, and drawing with an xbox stick is like wearing boxing gloves with crayons.
  2. First of all you've come in late to the party with some of your comments anyway. Secondly no, people that run a business don't have to pander to their customers at all they can just ignore the players and go bankrupt like so many before them eh. Also attacking unarmed villagers was a known tactic, so was marrying your sister in medieval times, but that doesn't mean we do it now does it. Quoting history when you play a FANTASY pirate game is so lame it's unbelievable. This game is less historically accurate than the boasts of baron munchaussen. people who buy and play the game are entitled to put their ideas and opinions on this forum, whether we agree with them or not.
  3. I disabled them and still get one camp and ship spawn on an island where I only sank one ship, but I haven't seen them anywhere else.
  4. Well mr legacy as a mediocre sheep I can tell you i've done more protesting in my lifetime than the years you've been alive, and I still do, but this isn't politics this is a video game, so do yourself a favour and keep your armchair revolution away from gaming. I bet you use facebook and google yet the owners are millionaires now. Save your hypocrisy for twitter they seem to thrive on it there. And if you really were doing anything in your life against the injustice of wealth you wouldn't have the time to keep spouting your rants on here would you? If your views are really that strong why not move to alaska or somewhere remote and live off the grid? Cos calling people names who you don't know and have never met is gonna get you nowhere.
  5. Has anyone noticed how coco pops are just rice crispies with chocolate? Or frosties are just sugar coated cornflakes? What an outrage! and they sell them as something different , why do people eat them? Oh I know cos they like them. Yes atlas was an ark dlc that was never used, And they took it and made a whole new game of it, so what? People who like it play it, people who don't won't. I play it cos I like it, and I don't give a damn about it's origins either.
  6. Yeh single player is easy in that respect cos you just leave the game and re-join where you left. You can't just abandon a voyage online cos you don't know what you'll be coming back to. I don't get why people who are against fast travel are against other people having it though. You wouldn't be forced to use it would you? Some people walk to work in the real world while others get a bus. I walk, but I don't shout and rant at the people on the bus cos they get there quicker, or for being lazier than me. Not everybody playing atlas has the luxury of being able to play for 9 hours a day.
  7. You used to have to beat the ghost ship too as I remember.
  8. I think you should you should have, Cyan, red, yellow, green , pink, white, orange, dark blue, purple.
  9. To have played atlas for 2650 hours in eleven months is roughly 9 hours per day, and you still manage to play ark too? But anyway lawless is better because you do get bad landlords that will destroy buildings they don't like and I don't think we need an extension of these powers, Although they should do banning for spamming, even if it's temporary each time.
  10. yeh agreed, that's why the only way to ensure fair play is challenge only pvp imo.
  11. Let's be honest though pvp stands for player vs player right? not player vs empty ship or building right?
  12. yeh and if you wanna adventure beneath the sea try subnautica, this is a sailing game dammit, why the hell would we need a submarine? Oh sorry my hypocrisy meter was flashing for a minute.
  13. Why the heck not, we've got submarines and torpedoes now anyway.
  14. The problem here is this, just because someone says the sea trips are too long doesn't mean the same as saying sea travel is boring. I travel for hours sometimes by car, not boring journey's but I wish it was quicker. If it's just boredom then they could easily sort that by expanding the fishing to trophy hunting and rare fish catching etc, or things of that nature. If it's a time issue which I suspect for a lot of us it is, as not everyone has hours every night to play, then that is trickier. Because if you sign off in the ocean, the chances are you'll find you were in it by the next day. If you could safely sign off it would be fine but obviously you can't. What worries me is all that will happen is we'll just get a more hostile environment with sea volcanoes and whirlpools in every grid to stop people getting bored. Which will discourage the newcomer from going anywhere at all. I still remember my first raft being sunk by the SOTD on my first to third outings. What the devs will do if anything about the travel I don't know, but it's not gonna be easy.
  15. Well atlas has its bosses too, and a countdown timer on artifacts, also a lotta them other mmo's do have mats you need for better content, conan exiles for one, will require you to travel for the mats you need for upgraded weapons and armour, and the map is smaller. Although I do find with conan there is a lotta trade that goes on and if you really needed something people would give it to you anyway.
  16. I was watching sea of thieves the other day, and even though they are cartoony and not much customisation the ships do look good, I like the personal touch to ships in atlas but there are a lot of things they could easily add to make them more realistic. Even the paint is just too old looking when its on. They need to work on these things if they want people to play long term.
  17. I personally think all pvp games should be challenge only anyway. If you only attack a base when it's empty then why play pvp? Doesn't pvp mean player vs player? not player vs empty buildings or ships!
  18. Yeh I play both xbox and pc of most mmo's and in general xboxers are definitely not as chatty. Don't know if it's because typing on xbox is such a damn pain and atlas has a few mic probs on the xbox at the moment too.
  19. LIke i've said before I, and possibly quite a few players aren't bothered either way, but it's interesting how many people on here and playing atlas already play mmo's that have fast travel, and it doesn't stop them playing either. Conan exiles, ESO, WOW, Fallout 76, FFO etc. And even some single player games like skyrim and it didn't stop people buying it. If people are so diehard that they don't want it, then they wouldn't have to use it would they? Some people use multipliers, some people don't, it's a question of choice. And the Atlas map is big.
  20. If i've learnt one thing from playing mmo's it's the fact that unless you know someone in the real world then online you don't know them at all. They pose as different people different ages genders etc, not to mention motives for befriending you. That's why I always try to talk to people on the mics. And yeh it is only a game but if someone destroys something for you that you've put hundreds or thousands of hours into then it becomes a real chore. You can't run a company being the only admin either, it doesn't work. I won't bore you with the details but I got stitched by someone in my company so badly it made me go back solo. And it only has to happen once to stop you playing, if it's bad enough. If people want this then that's their choice but you need to know what the downside could be too.
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