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Everything posted by Chucksteak

  1. The severe limitations on your ability to comprehend things and events happening around you hurt me. You only ever worry about how things stand pertaining to you from your perspective and completely disregaurd all other facts and information. It would be funny if it weren't so sad that you dont even understand some of the basic reasons of why there has to be a wipe.
  2. Hmm. Found the fly in the ointment. The anti griefing mechanism only applies to the have nots. Mayhaps this system wont last long in its current state. Seems just a bit too far fetched to imagine a small group excelling and that was the intention. Them again it all comes down to upkeep. That 2nd island better be god damned cost prohibitive.
  3. My worry is not witch owner you get. Its rather the owner will be a mega company. Beyond that, all onwers of any decent island will be a mega company. And they will all be allied, officially or not matters little and less. Why is this my concern? Becuase this is the way it was previously. I was in a mega. Guess who I was not supposed to attack? Pretty much everyone else on the top 10 list. It was a super lame pirate experience almost exclusively attacking much smaller groups who had maybe attacked a ship or said something wrong. I am hoping that the upkeep is significant, and that every additional Island adds (2) zeros to all upkeep costs. If megas are maxing out claims, add more zeros untill that shit stops.
  4. Can you quote where you read this? I dont remember them saying owners could attack other structures at anypoint after the 12 hour window. But Icould be wrong.
  5. Im guessing 1 or 2 flags per person was just too easy. This is utterly meaningless at this point in time. Thats a disingenuous stat to toss up.
  6. So no one seems to have remembered this, but you CAN take away someones claim like 9 hours a day. Or so it is implied. So its not like first land owner is all time land owner. The land owner only has some 12 hour window to take down your structures or they would have to attack it. So the whole gm thing is hyperbolic. Why they didnt keep it simple and fix all the issues at once is beyod me. Becuase its just too simple: 1. 2 claims and 2 beds per person. Claims are shared with the company, beds are personal use only. No taxation nonsense, no owner master sentiments, no issues where there isnt land available. 2. Leader board objectives changed to somthing siege like and involving gold ruins servers. (Sea castle where you collect 2% global taxes or get a dragon token or something) Also, this map/game can't handle 15,000 players. Id say 5000 maximum at any time on a full grid. Any more than that and there really just isnt the room to move about. Let alone the servers would just melt, its bad. And Atlad isnt the only game struggling to get over 100 players on a server with UR4 either.
  7. Well, its hard to say. Im not convinced the RTX 20 series is better than the GTX 10 series. I have a gtx 1070 and no issues on my end running max settings. And it gets smoother with every optimization they push out. That being said, just make sure your north bridge is able to keep up with you over clocked cpu and ram or else its not really doing much. And ofc if your not using a SSD then that's likely your issuse right there.
  8. ...you gotta be kidding me. Gate hoping City camping Old as the MMORPG genre itself. This can't be a serious request. Im just shocked you fell for it more than once.
  9. TBH, I would also like a a server setup with the exact ruleset I personally think would be best. Id also like to not pay for it and funnel a population into it by listing it as an "Official" server. I also love reading the vocal super minority plead this or that about the new rule set and claim it will eliminate pvp. When its designed to improve pvp and game play by setting a lose time frame on when an islands tenants will be there to fight with you. The real argument no one has the "balls" to say openly is summarized as this; "I was awesome at finding people and companies with litttle to no defense or personnel online and i felt smarter and better at this game than them for it. " #offlineFTW #sleepwell Otherwise, they would say, "Fucking finaly, i have a tool that lets me know there should be someone there to fight!"
  10. When a person is making a claim about something and they refer to thier own personal experience and/or the experience of hearsay it is called anecdotal evedince. To say the least, your discounting how many people strongly disagree with how the game was. I can say that and point to player counts as non-anecdotal a.k.a. hard evidence. Or refer you to the momentous feedback on the forums, although even that is rather anecdotal, but at least a vastly bigger sample size. Unfortunately you misunderstood how the new system actually works based what you said at the end. So that rather leaves us asking you to please go read up on how it should work going forward and then we'll discuss its merits on an even playing field. The irony is you accusingly asking people to stop pandering to the majority of players to pander to your exact preference. Thats perspective there. Now, as I do favor a hardcore element as well, I have to say that your 3 simple steps are an overly complicated way to accomplish this. Its way easier than that. Wait for it.... No fast travel. Problems solved. Ofc leave the raid windows and all the other changes as these sound great on paper (if you understand them). Also they are PvP rules not PvE. You can tell becuase they apply directly to PvP and not at all to PvE. Hope that helps -CS
  11. I care.....come at me bro. I prefer not to play with cheaters whenever possible. Also, your posts make you look dumb FYI. The reasons were clearly stated and very reasonable. Please regale us with your gaming industry experience and previous titles you contributed too. Oh thats right, your just a trolololoool who doesnt know shit. Also, why would anyone complain about releveling? You get max lvl really easily. I didnt spend anytime grinding and with very little hours comapred to a lot of people and I accidentally got max lvl. Easier than WOW and that was a joke. Lets try and act like weve been there before.
  12. https://store.steampowered.com/genre/Early Access/ What does the banner at the top of the page in big letters say? "Discover, play, and get involved with games as they evolve." Its pretty clear. I could also cherry pick games that were EA for over a year and do fine. To say nothing that your 3 examples are from very large companies compared to GS. Oh also this link, please have a look for wtf EA is; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_access You can google the definition of anything.
  13. Setting aside the absurdity of someone having over 1000 hours in a game thats only been out for 2 months..... Did you really think your toon would make it to release? If nothing else it was a temporary situatuon to begin with as this is EA. Ffs was the EA part not marked clearly? So many people are all about this being a real game thats live. Just not the case.
  14. Ever been wandering around a mega companies island and thought to yourself, wow that rock and tree look familiar. Or what about those stone builings? Look alot like pubg? Or various other games made with UR4? UR4 engine is amazeballs. Have any of you looked into it? Its so good in fact that you dont even have to be an experienced professional to start putting a game together. With enough motivation and free time to youtube you can start building something in hours. Just use the prebuilt assest. That look so familiar... This has one wondering, since I didnt play Ark. Are there actuall trained developers building this? Or ...is this a B team of wannabes who would never get hired on at a bigger company due to lack of former training? Im talking about it being 2019 and we cant get 200 people on a server with no lag? Im talking we cant put in the work to make sure structures mesh together correctly? Im alking about how hard firm bans on cheaters and giving asia their own servers is mmo 101! Again, so far im still a fan. But i wonder as some things are less than professional looking. I guess I compare them the Intrepid Studios team and the Rare team on my head. The ideas sound like they are there, but the communication, game plan and execution is not on par with thier peers yet. The major changes and scheduled ptr, wipe and patch are all moves in the right direction though. -CS
  15. The game plays better with 1-3k people. Am I alone on this? Maybe one day, when lots more stuff is added, it would be better to see 5k-10k on the map. But not now. The way it plays/played is terrible. Im a big fan of the game, or at least the concept, and I cant wait for the update. Ive been having fun with the spawn anywhere rule. Even with only around 1500 players on, every inch of every island ive been to so far is just wall to wall claimed by a top 10 company. There can be no one in sever, pop down a claim and they magically show up. With bed travel the map could never be big enough. Everything done on land is before, durring and after attack of the snakes. My next toon will be named Sam Jackson. Some of the clever EA players relentlessly, shamelessly cheated no holds barred. All of this is the play experience of most people who tried to play after buying the game in EA. Its no question round 1 was a loss for Atlas. This is 2019 though. The gaming industry is fucked. Anygame thats not riddled with P2W and/or loot boxes is going to look appealing. Atlas isnt dead and cant be becuase it hasnt released yet. If it doesnt release, then it was never going to and thats a different conversation. Lets dig a little deeper...
  16. Easy, they didnt. You must have missread something. There are 9 hours each day you can attack a settlement. No limts on anything else. If that 9 hour window is insufficient, you may declare a war with a token. Thus choosing your own schedule. You can attack anyone elses structures on your island at anytime. There will be a curb, not a stop, to offline raiding. If your preferred method of PvP is to raid someone offline, you might not like these changes. However im sure you would agree that its still very much a PvP server. Im sure you would rather fight against people who can fight back. Now we have a 9 hour window where we can both plan around to be on to PvP each other.
  17. I'm trying to understand this, humor me. Your a PvP player, who is against offline raiding, or at least certainly is above participating in it. Yet you feel Atlas is going soft core because there are SOME offline raid protections? I mean, there will be a 9 hour window to freelance raid on every island. You can attack anyone else's things on your island at any time. You can buy a war token and schedule a siege, where you get to set the window for attack. Lets not forget these rules only apply to settlements, anywhere else is fair game. There are no rules on the sea, attack anyone at any time. I am open minded and willing to hear you out.
  18. Bwahahaha. To be fair I love your honesty. Offline raids ftw right? Fuck actually playing against someone when you can just wait for them to have to sleep or work. Ofc its sarcasm, thats a terrible view to take. Its like saying you would prefer to compete in the special olympics. Enough of that though. @mrfoxtrot Your first contention, that the game is not what is was, is a baffling statement. Its still a game called Atlas, about sailing and being a pirate. Thats still a thing and I immediately start to question your views. Your second issue, that there is no more PvP, as you stated or implied several times. What change do you think is being made that eliminates PvP? There was no such thing. This leads me to believe your sore as hell about not being able to offline raid someone. Forgive me if I could care less about your preference for a lack of competition. See above. This brings us to your main point. Due to your delusional interpretation of whats going on and why, you feel it would behoove Grapeshot to give you a refund, and anyone else with hundreds of hours of entertainment becuase....it would give them better PR? What? LOL! What, save them from the "bad" PR of letting you buy a game for less than half of what it will retail for 2 years early so that you may participate and help the devs finish thier product with your feedback? Did you really think that on 2 years when the game goes live on retail you wouldnt get everything wiped? Did you expect that no major changes would.be made in EA? Do you not understand the reasons behind these changes, that even if you dont like THESE changes, something was going to happen? Now for the best part of all. The fact that you took so long to make your lost and get EMO all over the page lets me know you will be back. Hell you had over 500 hours of free time to game in a 2 month period and you choose this game. Ill see you soon. I would recommend a PvE server for you and labatt though as you guys dont seem keen on actuall PvP. Now please, more tears, more yummy tears!
  19. ...go try PvP. In fact, everyone playing a pirate game where they cant really be a pirate should go check out the pvp server becuase who cares:) you might find its fun to be a pirate in a pirate game and not a farmer.
  20. Your wrong. Lets say it together, WRONG. Its just that, I really like using words correctly whenever possible. Please visit the link below, realize you misunderstood something and come back enlightened. Not being offensive, just pointing out for everyone who does not understand what exactly an EA game is. My tools are very well organized I assure you ;P https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_access
  21. Oh FFS. Look at all the crying, LOL, your tears are so yummy! I love it. Your all dumb dumbs #1 Reason for wipe, Jat said repeatedly and no one listens. You guys fucking cheated and duped. You know who you are, and sadly your probably not the ones crying. Math time. some said they put 600+ hours in, some said as many as 1200. *Side note, if you work 40 hours a week, you have likely worked less than 400 hours since this game released to EA (aka alpha/beta, your a noob if you disagree sorry get woke) some perspective children* So at 600 hours played, you spent $0.04 perhour to be entertained. You should be sucking Jat off for the experience. At 1200 hours (JFC the Sun is asking about you) your at $0.02/hr! Im so sorry you all had fun for almost FREE. I'd ban the lot of you and make you buy the game again, and you know you would! Becuase that live stream and this patch looks amazing! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GS! -CS
  22. Question, on PvE, I start claiming your your territory, you see it and port to bed in that territory. What happens? Do I still get to process my claim, or does it dissapear, or does the timer just stop? Im assuming I still get to claim the land no problem bc its a pve server and the bed is not exploitive in that way as you clearly stated. Yet, lots of people on PVE have claim issues, so where is the breakdown? If its NOT exploitive why are there issues at all on PvE? Try and not be naive. You act like there is not a box of gear next to the teleBed. If your in any sort of bigger company, there are beds, boats, gear, tames and bases at every location. Its the single most exploitative thing in the game and I cant comprehend the mental gymnastics your doing to say otherwise.
  23. I accept that you prefer to be a pirate that...farms (?), and not a farmer that...pirates(?). Your silly but W/E. You can still comment on it as its the same version, just W/ the pirating part turned on. I have to assume you didn't read my previous post in this thread as I debunked your argument. The simple fact that your placing beds at various places for the simple act of treasure hunting is indicative of what the problem actually is. Your first instinct is, I dont need the boat to get there when I can use the beam me up scotty button. You instantly went from treassure hunter to farmer. Am I making sense? People cant find a spot to claim, but you have so many spread so far out you rely on a bed to maintain them. Am I getting through? When the message pops up, that somone is contesting your claim and it tells you the exact location, I bet you take the first bed there to shut it down. Most of all, this; "So it saved me from having to take a boat.." ....exactly our point -CS
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