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Everything posted by DannyUK

  1. I don't even know how to buy a dragon let alone carry 16000. There is only 2 of us so that rules us out. Is it like the dragon in Game Of Thrones? Would be nice to breath fire over the ships haha.
  2. Yes they have stopped with giving people much warnings, very lazy of the team to skip these warnings and go ahead anyway. This was a big update, come on guys pull your fingers out, a warning would be nice next time. People put a lot of time into this game.
  3. I would like this also, I hope it happens but you know what they're like.
  4. This has happened on our grid as well J8 lawless. They have pillars going way out to stop you getting to land. They've also used thatch walls across top of water to block it off but mainly its random posts in water.
  5. After the first few times I'm more aware of it and tend not to jump on them. Unfortunately it happened again last night. I jumped over a huge rock expecting just shallow water below but nope a raft had to be there didn't it, got stuck. I usually just punch the air until drain stamina and kills you in 1 minute. If you do this with people near by its goodbye stuff, won't be there when you get back. Why they have made it so you hover on it i do not know. Surely its simple to just slide you right off?
  6. As far as i know the doors still cause damage on ships. As for the cannons there is a bug with it, when setting it to fire at ships only it doesn't work, they fire at everything anyway. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
  7. There has just been an update to 17.2, lost NPC's not sure what is going on with it but did not get any download. usually they add x2 with update on Friday, nothing yet.
  8. Well I wasn't wearing armour maybe that's half the problem. I've tamed them myself in the past without armour and did not have this problem so I do think it's some sort of bug. I've been in the position of the shoulder area where it says press E to feed, pressing it did nothing. I have a pen already but I shall give it another try tonight. Where are you, which grid? I might take you up on that offer if all else fails.
  9. Rather than create a new thread i'll ask it in this one in the hope someone knows. Do banks do anything on lawless? I've had a bank on a flag claim before and you get certain amount of resources back but I am now on lawless and wasn't sure whether it still works, I'm guessing not due to there being no flag claim but thought I'd ask anywhere to save me putting one down, thanks.
  10. Well that's my job for today, get those defence cannons up and running, been considering it the past few days just not go around to it. Not logged in today hopefully it hasn't been done to ours yet. They need to crack down hard on these people who bring them into land on purpose.
  11. If you look at the video you can see the wall sticking through the boat, there is the problem. As soon as it was released it was always going to happen unfortunately. I always leave enough room for the boats, I know how the collisions go in this game, some have been thrown into the sky. It's a kick in the teeth when these things happen though, I know all to well.
  12. Surely there is a team to sort these bugs out? I mean they are pushing small updates almost everyday why can't they just rectify the problem and put it in with the updates? Can't be that hard surely. They want us to test the game but do not listen or understand what the community are saying. We understand it is early access but come on it is pointless taming if you can't solve this.
  13. I hear they are leaving in their thousands and I'm not surprised. I still play and enjoy it but the devs do not listen. They have made the game for themselves to play and not for the public. The only people who are going to be left are the trolls. I said it before the devs seem incompetent, watch the Twitch stream, no organisation what so ever. This game could be the best game in a long time but it isn't in the right hands.
  14. As far as i know they fixed the issue with them coming into land on their own. This was a well known bug about 3 weeks ago. I haven't seen it happen since, all I've seen is players dragging them in on purpose. I don't think you can find out who did it unfortunately.
  15. Logged on about a week ago to find cobra had killed my elephant. I had them all in a secure place yet they got in. They need to change the system so where you build animals do not spawn inside your base.
  16. Yes it is mostly other players. Ghost ships do not come into land now, they fixed that issue, they stop so far out to stop attacking the ships. When they used to come in on their own I lost a Schooner to the ghost ship. Players are now realising attacking a ghost ship out at sea then bringing it in is a good way to loot other people. They will attack the ship, run and hide behind your ships and the ghost ship will fire at it until it sinks. They then take all your stuff and run away with it leaving you with nothing. I agree, this needs to change and fast. It hasn't happened on our part of the island yet and I hope it doesn't but I have been thinking of putting a defence up there with cannons for this reason. The trouble is I think there is a bug with cannons when you set it to fire at ships only it doesn't, it fires at most things.
  17. I've built on lawless, we've put a few wooden posts down ourselves to map out an area, nothing like your picture shows though. We've just took enough land for the 2 of us who play. Putting posts down stops trolls coming in and building something on your plot of land you've found. Luckily our island seems friendly and we have a good neighbour so we don't have this trouble although the Chinese with ?????? marks has plots all over the place and spamming these sort of structures you see in the picture above. I don't want a server wipe but on the other side of it i'll be sort of glad, even though we start again.
  18. Yes this is true about certain animals spawning near by, I realised this when our elephant got killed by a cobra whilst being offline. We've since rebuilt the base where the floors are raised and have an elevator onto another floor, it's worked out quite well as we've not had problems since. Yes you have to be logged on within 4 days to keep everything, I don't mind that but can see why it turns others away. i just find it more enjoyable on there.
  19. That does not surprise me at all to be honest. I've lost about 5 ships and just about everything else you can imagine. I've threw in the towel many times only to come back for more punishment haha. I can understand why many are leaving though, the devs do not listen, they want to do it how they want to play not how the community does. You get this sense by watching the stream they did on Twitch, it's THEIRS not OUR game, it should be tailored towards us not themselves. When you watch the stream on Twitch there is no planning in it, just switch on camera and talk about random stuff, I think this gives the impression of being incompetent I wish this game was with top game developers because it could be 1 of the best games of all time if it was unfortunately it isn't.
  20. This is the reason I love lawless, build what you want where you want within reason. I started off the game having 3 flags on an island, the group I was in decided to disband and the admin deleting everything which is another story. Started a fresh on lawless and never felt better, much better to play lawless and build, go out on an adventure. Can't be dealing with all that stress on flag territory right now, it's clearly broken and they know it.
  21. If it's a sloop from the freeport you get nothing back, there is alot of them as you can imagine. If it is a ship they've built themselves and not premaid then yes you can salvage the planks which consist of metal, thatch, wood and fibers. I've came across sloops like this myself, demolish and get nothing.
  22. I never thought pigs could fly until I seen it with my own eyes.
  23. Is there something wrong with taming elephants? I've done it twice before and not had much of a problem but trying tonight I just can't seem to do it. I'm using chillies for food, has worked before but everytime I go to its mouth he knocks me back and won't take the food when pressing E. I tried to change the food to wild chillis as i've done it with this before as well but it just won't take that anymore either. I've tried to tame it 3 times tonight and I keep dying, you can't get near it without it throwing you away and killing you. Is this happening for other people also? I've gave up with the elephant for tonight.
  24. Not everyone spams gates all over the place. Why should you punish genuine people for the idiots who want to place gates everywhere?
  25. We've lost a bear, it was on a boat and while sailing it started to bounce up and down going into the air. It then started to move further and further into the distance getting higher. I'm shouting no no come back, it was never seen again. Very frustrating.
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