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Everything posted by Pant

  1. The problem is that established players have such an insane advantage over new players. Just look at lawless, if you build a house there its offline raided the next day. It is way to hard for new players to establish themself and the current playerbase is slowly leaving. Theres of dozens of issues the devs won't adress because giving us 20 hours of pve locked content and 2 tames noone haved asked for is a higher priority. So to sum up, players are leaving and noone is joining. #howtokillagame
  2. I have read the topic.. And you are just illustrating the problem I adressed in the other thread. Higher level players just have to much of a health advantage and higher level crafts should give you a small advantage like 10-20% not 300%. The HP scaling just makes pvp way to slow and boring. Cannon carts are fine.
  3. I have and i have commented on that, but thats not the topic is it? You can't nerf cannon carts because its op when an exploiter use it, everything is op when an exploiter use it... If exploiters is the problem then join me and the rest of the choir and ask the devs to do something about the exploiters, instead of all this other retarded bs.
  4. You can ride out with a flame swivel or team up with some friends and shoot the cannon gunner in the head with a carbine... If someone is activily attacking your base you need to activily defend it, while yes i agree the combat timer is way to long for someone with work and a life, but saying theres no counterplay to cannon carts is just bullshit.
  5. I am not a fan of grenades, i have never thrown a grenade with the intent to kill anything but tames or blow up walls. I have been in the receiving end of grenade spam probably more then you have and i don't think its a problem. I don't defend the base by sitting inside it, we focus on controlling all the high ground and slowly wear down their supply of tames, armor and weapons. The only way someone is filling their entire inventory with grenades is if they don't respect you at all either by idiocy or they have no fear of dieing before they can unload their grenades. Grenades cost a lot, you can only carry so many on the ships and everytime someone dies with an inventory full of grenades its a massive blow to the attacker. Defending is a many times easier then attacking. Do you really think this game is dieing because of grenade spam? This game is basically designed to murder new players at the gates and slowly grind down the current playerbase, while we at the same time have developers completely out of touch with reality. Theres no way for a new player to fight a level 100+. A PvPer will always put every single point into health, with journeyman and above gear you can easily get 500-600 hpl. Just so you know a carbine headshot on a player with full plate and damage resistance food does 60-68 damage depending on the resistance on the armor so 9-10 headshots on someone with 600 hp. Thats a time to kill of almost 2 minutes while they can basically one shot new players with bodyshots. The developers handling of cheaters and exploiters have been fucking appaling, The guilotine bug took them two whole days to even get the finger out and when they finally did they gave them a slap on the wrist and reset them to 100, honestly i was on the fence about quitting right there because it just shows how much of a shit the developers care about cheating in this game... Then you had the duping which i belive cost them the biggest chunk of the playerbase, I actually quit the game over that and was dumb enough to return a few weeks after the wipe thinking shit had changed. EVERYONE knew chemB was cheating the devs turned a blind eye to it for atleast a month and its not like it requires a lot of investigation to figuere out items are duped. The duping cost them a server wipe and half the playerbase. And then we have the offline raiding, which i am pretty sure grinded away the first 30k active players. But sure you keep ranting on about grenades. Like it matters at thins point the game is basically dead now.
  6. I have and thats not the topic. If we were to nerf every weapon because its op when an exploiter or a cheater use it then we would all be running around picking flowers and counting rocks.
  7. Theres no way you can kill 100s of tames in seconds with grenades unless you parked all 100 of them in the same room and basically did nothing to defend them. All i can say is we have fended off dozens of attacks without letting anyone near our tames, but then again if someone throws grenades at us we just shoot them and take their grenades. I think the problem here is that your mindset is that the only way to kill someone throwing grenades is another person throwing grenades and 40 hours breeding your tames does not make up for 0 hours of securing your base. At the end of the day its the players defending that will be the deciding factor and if you don't build your base with that in mind you will get stomped.
  8. Because grenades are expensive and cannon ammo is not. Cannons have more range, you can out range puckle turrets and take them out from a distance. Cannons also do more damage to single walls then grenades, especially if you have cannon reload speed and a higher % damage cannon. Grenades might make a bigger hole and do more total damage, but if your objective is just to make a hole to get to what inside then the cannon is just better. Down side to the cannon is that if you are facing competent carbiners its pretty easy to headshot the gunner. Grenades are mostly used for breaking into buildings you can't reach with cannons or for killing tames. Yes theres some grenade spam, its very situtional, a competent player is almost imposible to kill with grenades unless you bola him and i'd argue you'd be better off knocking him out with a torpor weapon then. Nerfing grenade damage on people seems totally uncalled for. These cheese tactics are only made viable because the conventional weapons like carbines, flintlocks and melee weapons have way to long time to kill especially against higher leveled players specced into hp. The most fun pvp battles i have had in this game was at level 50 so how about just stop giving attribute points after level 50 and make pvp more about skills then grinded pve content. And finally if you make stone immune to grenades every mountain base out of reach of a cannon bear/horse would basically become immune to raiding.
  9. I like how you are calling someone weak in the same sentence you complain about being schooled by two naked dudes who just started the game. If theres one thing in this game that needs to be balanced its the health attribute.. HP scales with the levels while damage does not. The higher level the playerbase gets the slower pvp will be. A level 110 with common gear and pudding can tank something like 8 headshots from a common carbine before he goes down, even against someone with 100% Headshot accuracy he have like 1 and a half minutes to find cover, hell he can just stand in the open and heal up while being shot at. When the time to kill approaches 2 minutes of course people will start turning to cheesy tactics, bolas and torpor weapons because its the best way to get a kill right now. If you could just snipe the rider of the tames or killing people in general with a reasonable amount of shots, this wouldn't even be an issue. So how about fixing the actual problem instead of targeting the symptoms.
  10. Thats a shitty excuse for not doing their job. Cheating and exploiting have been the problem with this game since day one, everytime theres an exploit or cheaters are running rampant on their servers the devs just sit around like a bunch of clueless kids. Any serious developer would have patched the guilotine out of the game the minute it hit reddit, somehow it took 2 fucking days before they even lifted a finger... Letting the exploiters keep level 100 is essentially like the police catching a bankrobber and letting him off with a warning and half the loot.
  11. Really is this all you get for cheating in this game? A tiny slap on the wrist? For all this talk about hardcore gameplay you are real pussies when it comes to taking action yourself. If you are not gonna ban them atleast reset their discoveries and set them back to level 50.
  12. After the server maintenance today all the salt on our island (K13 EU PvP) dissapeared. We used to have red rocks with pink salt spawn in the same zone as the metal. I haven't read anything about it in the patch notes, so i found it strange that it was gone. I also can't seem to find any on the grids thats surrounding K13 either. J13 had flake salt on the beaches before but i can't find any there either.
  13. But can they offline raid other players?
  14. I remember PKing as a term for killing a player that wassn't flagged for PvP and the term PvP was used for consensual fighting between two or more players. But all this is beside the point. Why should we name PvP survivor? PvP means exactly what it is, one player fighting another player, why would we need to complicate it with some term that doesn’t even relate to the action? What’s even the problem of calling PvP for PvP?
  15. That makes not sense at all. I don't think i have ever heard the term pve or pvp even used in any arena shooter, maybe the odd shooter with some kind of coop mode. But the term pvp and pve is mainly used in mmo's. I mean you can rename pvp to what ever you want i don't think anyone else is gonna stop using the term PvP.
  16. The sample size was 200-300 people if i remember correctly while yes it needs to be taken with a grain of salt like every poll. You are never gonna get 100% participation on a poll, its meant to be an indication and the indication is very much in line with my experiences. I really can not speak for the silent majority that you keep bringing up, but then again neither can you so I don't undertand why you keep using it as an argument.
  17. You posted one of your chestthumping walls of texts a few weeks back on how you would offline raid an enemy in ARK before the main raid. No you don't flat out say that you offline raided them, but anyone with half a brain can read between the lines and understand thats what you do. You are dillusional if you think online attacks on the current system happens more often then offline attacks. I remember a poll a while back about how people lost their ships and losing it while offline had over 80% of the votes. If you made a similar poll about offline raiding bases, I am sure you'll get a similar result.
  18. That first statement is kind of absurd, since you have already written in detail on how you offline raid and anonymously grief people because you don't want face them head on. While it might be true "hardcore PvP players do not give a damn if the base is occupied or not", you are clearly not a hardcore pvper by your own definition.
  19. Yes so your 5 just have to be better then their 50. This is what you don't comprehend at all, some people much prefer being the underdog because the victory feels a hundred times better. If sneak attack does not translate into offline attacks then surely you can still attack their outlying base while they are doing other stuff. I don't understand your argument at all.
  20. If you want freedom i suggest you set up your own server where you have the freedom to what ever you want. I don't even understand why i have to point this out but if the vocal minority wants colonies and everyone else wants empire then surely the empire server will be fine no?
  21. Yea that's kind of the point, you have to actually beat your opponents by being better then them at PvP. I really don't understand why it is so hard for you to comprehend a lot of us prefer fighting our opponent and not the bases they have built.
  22. Yes thats the kind of responce i was expecting from someone raving on about solving arguments and communicating with his fellow players.
  23. Are you saying theres less diplomacy on the pvp server? If anything i'd say theres a lot more diplomacy on the pvp server because theres an option for violence. The picture you paint of the pvp server is nothing like my experience of playing on it for the past few months.
  24. Yes and no the light will bounce of the walls inside the cable and that will slow it down some and i have not seen any technology improving upon that. The equipment at the ends is slowing it down yes, but no i don't think that can be improved upon other then laying down more direct cables and skipping hops. The connection going through the sea cables is much faster then the ones on land due to there not being any hops on the way, but i really don't think the equipment is ever gonna make it faster then an uninterupted fiber cable and thats pretty much what we have from EU to US and its anything but low ping.
  25. I find it hard to believe a company like them would pay per grid. They probably have rented one or more servers that they run multiple grids on. Might be able to support two 15x15 grids with the current hardware, I have no idea.
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