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Everything posted by arzosah

  1. NO Sure Hell No Meh Sure Fuck you.
  2. Can you allow us to put levers on boats so we can turn lights on and off?
  3. Does anyone know if reducing the size of each grid would reduce the resource requirement?
  4. Any plans on adding a resource weight reduction to the Rhino for stone, similar to the Elephants wood weight reduction? I can hit 2 rocks at full charge and have to run back to unload.
  5. using a user created map to disprove a user modified wiki article doesn't really work out. One of them is wrong, and since the OP claims to not be able to place claim flags in those regions I figure the wiki is correct. It is possible that those zones were set up as Lawless zones but not home servers, or they were incorrectly flagged as lawless.
  6. I think this has more to do with the official server not allowing you to clip into the environment, so if you're using the fence post on unlevel ground you can't place wall tiles to close the gap left below the wall snap point.
  7. Because ARK's knocking them out and force feeding them food made from the eggs of other animals(Even herbivores ) was so much better. At least taming in Atlas is more active. In ARK you knock them out fill their inventory with their desired food and walk away for a while, only checking back periodically to make sure they were still knocked out.
  8. Griefers will always find a way to be douche bags, but this is at least a step in the right direction for the game.
  9. I've shot fire arrows at them in the past, it didn't do any damage, but still aggroed the ship on me.
  10. I can't easily go there to verify for my self since I'm based on the opposite side of the map, I based my claim off the wiki. https://atlas.gamepedia.com/Map
  11. Are we going to see a fix for gun damage against wild animals? Can you scale down the spawn rates of predators, sailing up to a new island and seeing 3 lions, 4 wolves, 6 crocs and 10 giant snakes, is a bit silly.
  12. It was a side effect of a bug where the ramshackle sloops were exploding when they left the freeport regions.
  13. A8, A14, and A15 are lawless regions.
  14. You can actually craft gear without the skills to be able to wear it. The skills that allow you to wear the gear are in same categories as the skills that allow you to craft, but the skills are separate.
  15. treasure hunting is by far the quickest way to level, the map bottles are everywhere, and the common maps are generally either on your grid or 1 grid in any direction. Using flame arrows you can easily solo the common maps by shooting the ground in front of the mobs as you kite them around.
  16. I prefer to maintain the equilibrium buff, since it allows me to live longer against the roaming hordes of wolves, so dying isn't a great option.
  17. armor, bow, guns, tools, and melee weapons trees all have skill that allow you to use higher quality stuff. I can understand requiring the skill for crafting, but it's pretty dumb that you can't use it unless you have the specific skill, especially in a game that heavily restricts what skills you're able to select.
  18. there are other trees that look similar, but their color is a bit lighter. The trees that give syrup have dark red blotches, like the ones on the screenshot you posted.
  19. Jat responded to me when I commented in his musing post last week, no ETA just mentioned that they're working through issues. Still being worked on by our team, we have some technical issues we need to resolve; stability is the primary concern but it is on our priority list and hope to have it available as soon as possible. - Jatheish
  20. I suppose that's one way to stick your head in the sand.
  21. I am in no way saying that solo or small groups should just leave. I am currently playing solo for the most part, I am part of a company but I moved to the other side of the map and built up a little base to play on my own. In order to do this I had to go into several skill trees in order to play effectively solo, however doing so meant I am unable to go deep into any of those skill trees. I'm simply saying that this game that they designed to have 40k people, also appears to be geared toward playing in groups.
  22. No real trick, pull them off the sails/cannons, be in a valid zone, and anchor the ship.
  23. No, the crew members won't repair boats while in a freeport zone. The ship also has to be anchored for them to repair, so you can't have extra NPCs repairing while you're in combat with Ships of the Damned. Additionally in my experience the crew members will only repair the ship if they are on the main deck, if they are left below decks they don't repair.
  24. The "nerf" was a side effect of a PvP change to make them better against armored targets, they reduced the base damage and added multipliers for armor. Jat acknowledged the issue, but hasn't given much of a response beyond we'll think about it.
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