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About captmoroni25

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  1. @WARSPECTRE Thanks thats exactly what I mean, Its sooooo frustrating cause I'd rather not take someone elses land but it forces you to sometimes, But thats why we sailed down to the snow regions where theres not many people playing
  2. Thanks for the help but it’s not lawless, specifically in A14 and A15 in the snowy regions but it also happened in A8 which isn’t lawless, its very strange but thanks!!
  3. What is the deal with places that don’t have any flags at all not being available to claim? There are chunks of land blank and no claims and I can’t place one because it’s not an “enemy” claim well I’m on PVE and it’s pretty stupid that these chunks of land can’t be claimed when they ain’t anybody else’s. And a huge sidenote, wolves are broke AF!!
  4. Friends, I am having huge problems with Atlas killing my COU. Game was running fine until a few patches ago. The biggest problem is the memory usage is through the roof and the cpu usage is spiking more and more. How do I fix this or change some settings to fix this problem? Anyone else had any issues similar?? I am really trying to play but its getting a little out of hand and I have plenty of CPU power. Thanks, CaptMoroni25
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