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Enki Anunnaki

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Everything posted by Enki Anunnaki

  1. and this ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't hammer a nail in drywall with a sledge hammer.
  2. it could always be an unpaid player moderator. Runescape is a famous example of that system working like a champ. They get no real power besides sending the information upwards and "temporary mute" capabilities. like a community watch group. works like a charm. Make a reporting channel in discord where players submit a ticket for whatever reason they suspect is happening that is a breach of the rules. Player mod comes to the area, checks out the if situation is a valid breech or not. If it is, sends the information and proof up the chain of command and action is taken. Give the mods a fancy little icon next to their name in game and in chat that identify mods from regular players and that will make plenty of people volunteer to be a mod. hell i would. Boom. Mega menace and cheaters dealt with. (obviously player mods should be screened and a strict code of conduct with strict penalties should be enforced)
  3. Where there is a will, there is a way. could just make it the policy of the official colony server. server flooding could be investigated by GM's and broken up if Mega's violate small company server rules.. most mmo's have GM's anyways. The only mega's that should exist on colonies is trade networks
  4. Ill tell ya what, it would be a pretty lame pirate game if all you were killin was other pirates. Need other content to make an economy and merchants to rob. This ark 2.0 shit is silly.
  5. i watch to learn tactics and all sorts of stuff or maybe i find the person funny. I use twitch to spy as well. almost every major group has a streamer that doesnt think the enemy is watching. theyre wrong.
  6. reminds me of the ancent ancestor of the horse and camel https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/07/05/darwins-mystery-animal-camel-like-creature-linked-ancient-horses-finally-added-tree-life/
  7. im jus saying, jat literally said there's gonna a be lot of content added all the time, new everything. major updates on the monthly and a real captain's log right before the ptr. and this guys trippin over pics of 2 new animals that were meant to be a teaser and probably the most uninteresting part of what they have planned.
  8. bro, i get what you're saying if you're strictly a pve'er cause im huge into RP and that lifestyle... but pvp... cmon, some people be restarting every single week. it's about the thrill. the struggle. Atlas is a good home for that environment.
  9. Sometime you just gotta take a step back from a game for a bit so you can come back and fall in love with it again later. It's called gamers fatigue. it happens to everyone. Go out there and enjoy life.
  10. lol. thats why i make a shortcut to that file on my desktop so i can easy upload my favorite ones to the internet or cloud
  11. Heres the link for the pics on my computer. look for that file. if you pressed f12 in atlas and took pics, itll be in there. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\856983076\760\remote\834910\screenshots
  12. then be the dude that makes vids and streams this game when 1.5 comes. make that money homie. its an open niche that hasn't been exploited yet. get er done
  13. yeah but eso has fighting arena's, a faction pvp area and the ability to duel anyone on request. its a completely different game.
  14. believe it or not, the term PKing became popular from an MMO called Runescape, (Tibia before that.) Atlas would do well as to take some pointers from runescape. there a lot of things in runescape that keep it goin 20 years after launch that would work excellent in atlas. duel arena, betting, rare items you get from special events and anniversaries that can be sold at player auction and so much more. (I still have my first red party hat i cracked open from a christmas cracker)
  15. thats it im hiding npc pickles in every bush. peskie treasure hunters
  16. i stopped playing because the playerbase died out. my enjoyment was the player interactions.. politics, combat, random encounters. the ride or die thrills. there isnt much of that anymore. I mean let's face it, there isn't much content in the game other than that right now... there is very little pve content to keep me on that i havent already done over and over having already played almost 700 hours. Large playerbase is key
  17. man.. not gonna lie, just reading that OP gets me excited for atlas again.. lol. Just drop the 1.5 already. My soul yearns for it.
  18. it was a british colony. An island that wanted to break away and be a pirate nation. Damn i miss the series black sails... such a good pirate show.
  19. for real... its truly not a big deal. i wish they added more foods and potions of some sort
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