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Diesel Power

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Everything posted by Diesel Power

  1. The way the Dynamic Maps work at the moment, they show the claims of the top 10 companies, and ONLY the top 10 companies. Which Kinda makes it only dynamic for a limited data set... It would be nice to have an 11th colour to represent "everyone elses" claims - whether it be always on, or a toggled option is up to you guys (and probably popular request). Making individual options to display only a specific companies claims might be nice - though only of the "Top 10" and "Everyone else" options, so it's not taking anything away from the top 10 achievement. In short: please add eleventh colour on dynamic maps for "everyone else's claims". (And then watch the map basically turn that colour :) )
  2. This is why i put in a suggestion for higher stacks for meat... not sure if they have read it, or will do anything about it tho.....
  3. SotD should be maximum one or two spawns per server IMO... doubt it'll happen tho
  4. nah, i mean the game files to have it show in-game But on a side note, nice map find
  5. Okay, so, gates reaaaaaaallllly need some changes. Really. First change: give the gateways the option to open gates, the same as doorways can open their attached doors - this one is such a no-brainer I don't see how it isn't already in. Second change: A Medium Gate would be nice... right now the choice is "kinda big" and "we need 3 claims to place this one". Third change: a half-height option, in the same vein as the half height option for walls. Because it's not LotR lol
  6. I can see a version of "designer babies" coming with that lol "Level 100 offering impregnations! 200G!" etc lol
  7. so... who's gonna collect and collate the whole map for us? XD
  8. This annoys me soooo much... Also when you get off a sheep, you end up stuck behind them for a bit too...
  9. Right up until the game crashes because it for some reason doesn't always like going back to main menu from being online
  10. Yep. "Keep nerfing until people stop complaining!".
  11. It's not a new idea, I'm not the first to have it. Just make overweight ships unable to move, and not take damage from it. Amazingly enough, that one actions prevents griefers from sinking a boat. And to fix the next griefing strategy of having a bunch of people grappled to a boat to stop it from moving, make the weight of them not count - though you'd probably want to have a damage mechanic added to the grappling person after a bit of time moving through water to stop people just being cargo carriers off the side (Hell, call the debuff that does the damage "Keelhauled" or something )
  12. Beds on ships is fine, but if you're not in a company, you might need to make one for yourself so they show up.
  13. Meat needs to either decay slower, or stack much higher... Why? Tamed animals. I can stick a stack of 100 berries in a trough, and they'll last 50+ hours. If I put a stack of 20 meat in there? 13hrs 20mins theoretical maximum - for all 60 stacks in there to vanish. (This applies to red meat and fish meats). And the same happens in the larder... Milk and other foods could probably do with a boost as well, but that's possibly a separate issue - depending on how much variety NPC crew needs from the larder. tl;dr: long day away from game = predator tames can die from meat decaying too fast, even in the trough.
  14. I'd like to see it change from "when you get to 90, you have a debuff until you go to the fountain of youth" (going by the patch notes, not hit 90 yet), and instead be "oh hey, you're old now, you can get a bonus buff from going to the fountain of youth and resetting your age". Or you know, just put the fountains in every server (Or add them too freeports )
  15. Sometimes predators seem to be unable to decide what to go after, and just run back a forth across the map, switching between targets... It's not super common, but it's often enough to notice it. The biggest problem with it, is that if you go and attack them, they will basically ignore you - or at least, you *might* be added for one run of its "I must run over to this, then run away" list. Really annoying when you actually want to tame something, or kill an alpha that's doing this, because you just can't lure it anywhere, and chasing after them to keep attacking them is almost impossible when they're going to run half off into the distance at a faster speed than you. I'm really hoping this is something easy to fix, but I don't think I'll hold my breath on that being the case
  16. The position animals fall in is now realllllly important... if i have any fall while "looking" directly in a corner, i can't feed them, but can if they "looking" directly at one of the doorways. Granted, I've not tried elephants, so idk how that will go
  17. the firearm reloading minigame is bad enough
  18. definitely need opacity sliders for the status icons on the right... so many times they just blend right into the background.
  19. and also, ability to change time for it to hide or even turn off auto-hide.
  20. not to mention it will turn with sails completely closed, just by using the rudder. even just having the raft turn slowly with the sail rotation and closed sails would help.
  21. yep, the reload while sorta accurate, is just a bit dumb in game.
  22. and lets not forget they can hit you 2 squares into your base -.-
  23. The font is nice for bigger graphic stuff, but on the interface it just looks blurry. That also goes for a lot of its usage on the forums - the top menus (Home, Forums, Dynamic Atlas Maps, etc) are just barely scraping by, but the menu options that popup on them are also in the blurry range. Please for the love of my eyes either change the interface font, or allow us to change it ourselves. (Preferably both in-game and on the forums/website).
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