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Everything posted by Warspectre

  1. I get your frustration, but walls of text are bad. Use paragraphs, it's so much easier to read that way.
  2. While the patch comes too late to save the crew we spent 2 hours getting and bringing back only to have them devoured by a rampaging alpha croc for no other reason than they happened to be in the area, it's good to know any future crew we get will not have such an unprovoked demise.
  3. The problem isn't that we don't know how to kill snakes. The problem is the snakes aren't alone, for one thing, because we also get crocs, which are now faster than us on land, working with the snakes, and the snakes never end. We literally spend like 90% of our time running from snakes, the rest is gathering resources, most of which goes towards repairs and ammo for fighting the snakes, which now takes 2x as much ammo because the devs, in their infinite wisdom, decided to nerf guns. And you don't always get that perfect scenario where you see the snakes coming and you can start kiting them. Sometimes they spawn right on top of you. Sometimes they chase you into even more snakes and crocs and/or a wolf. Sometimes you get stuck on a rock or a tree because you're running backward and they all catch up to you and you're dead in seconds.
  4. Ah OK, now that I look at it, you're right. Got my hopes up for a moment there.
  5. Not going to get any argument from me on predator spawns, I live that ****show every day on Giant Snake Island. My question is how the heck did you get crenellations on your wall? Is that a mod or something?
  6. Swivel cannons are quite effective against multiple creatures. They're basically the blunderbuss's big brother on steroids. I really want to get one of these mobilized on a cart or something. I can't even begin to express how useful this would be on our croc/snake-infested island.
  7. We've had multiple rafts and ships abandoned on or around our company land for over a week, and we can't place a claim flag on them. Does this only work in Lawless or something?
  8. Holy hell that's nuts. Yeah, that is definitely a major major issue. Fully automatic cannons, there's no getting away from that, you wouldn't have time. OP, ignore the internet tough guy trolls, I've been out and about enough to know you can find yourself in spitting distance of a SoD through no fault of your own, and if they had rapid-fire cannons like this, I would have been hosed too. I also know that you're probably SoL. It sucks, I've lost ships loaded with hours worth of resources and items. It's early access, and for this game, it means you're gonna lose a lot. You can hold your breath waiting for the devs to restore everything but it'll do you no good. Customer Support is basically non-existent right now.
  9. Everyday man, every day. Every 1 we kill is replaced by 2. Non-stop, all day long. That we get anything done at all is a bloody miracle. The non-aggro animals that spawn are killed within minutes. We didn't even think non-aggros spawned on our island for the longest time until we witnessed their horrible fate. IRL if an island had such a lopsided predator to prey ratio, the predators would start eating each other and cull the population. But not in this silly ass game. In this game, for predators, it's happy fun get along time, all the time!
  10. Yeah, I keep asking for them to do this, I have been since pretty much my 2nd day. There are parts of my company's island where we literally can't go because there is this constant flood of crocs and snakes there, teaming up with the occasional wolf to really **** with you. I tried to go over there last night and no less than 6 giant snakes aggro'd me instantly. And now with half damage bullets, guess how much that sucked? To be fair it does seem like they toned down the crocs a bit last patch. If only it didn't coincide with the massive gun nerf that they still haven't rolled back.
  11. Well, the loot from the green ones is pretty bad, I don't know how well it scales up, as the yellow one (lvl 14) we fought beat us up so badly we ended up losing out on the loot for it while trying to keep the ship afloat after the fight. To be fair though, the level 14 was the first time we fought a ship vs ship battle, so mistakes were made and it didn't go as smoothly as it could have. But if you've fought before, if my experience is reflective of how tough greens are, taking them out isn't much of a problem with a full loadout of gun ports on a schooner. Yellows are manageable, but you need to know what you're doing more than I did. Anything higher than that you might be pushing your luck, but it depends on your luck, skill, and the skill of your crew, and how your ship is equipped.
  12. Yeah, that's what gets me. Basically what we're told they did was decrease the base damage of guns and increased the armor pen damage. Tada! More effective against armor, but guess what? Substantially less effective against unarmored targets. Way to think it through Devs. So apparently now you're better off naked when facing guns, and creatures who are naked all the time get to laugh off your bullets before they rip you to shreds.
  13. Just go over to the Bug Reports forum, there are multiple threads about ships going AWOL after zoning.
  14. I've been seeing reports of people losing their ship when they zone after this last patch. I think I'm gonna refrain from changing sectors until I see an all clear. The devs should probably warn people in game about a major bug like this but apparently, it's more fun to let players find out the hard way.
  15. I disagree, I think it helps them to know just exactly the level of bad some of these 'balance changes' were. So maybe next time they'll put more thought into it and consider the broader implications of things.
  16. I can imagine why these changes were undocumented, they range from merely ill-conceived to beyond obnoxiously bad ideas. Except for the fiber in the Tundra Zones, I can get behind that. The rest, at best need to be either rolled back or toned down. Bad ideas, so many bad ideas in one patch.
  17. If you put gold in the resource box they'll deduct their payment from that. It works, I've built it and used it in this manner. I haven't had any luck getting the autorepairs to work but if you put resources in the resource box you can walk around your ship with a repair hammer and it'll pull from the box, which saves you from having to carry around resources personally. Funny that bit about them playing fast and loose with the term enemy. I haven't tried giving them FaW orders yet.
  18. Agreed, as if hyperaggressive predators weren't already obnoxious, let's make them tanky AF too! I haven't seen anyone asking for anything but the opposite of this, maybe I just missed those posts? I guess there must have been someone somewhere going, "I like being steamrolled by hordes of crocs! It makes me feel alive! They need to be tougher though, I don't want to have a chance in hell of beating them!" and the devs were like, "This guy is ON to something here, let's do this!"
  19. You can set them to auto engage, yes, and alter their hostility level and give them categories to fire at will on and what general range to try and engage them. The AI can be a bit wonky though so YMMV.
  20. Well, if the intention is to make encounters with aminals play out like some bad horror B movie where they're all escaped genetic experiments gone horribly wrong, then I'd say they're right on course. I don't know about everyone else but I'd like them to be less B movie more true to life. Like no eating houses, no biting players through walls/sides of boats/etc, being killed by a sane amount of bullets, things of that nature. Turning every croc and snake into unstoppable killing machines is not fun for any player I've talked to. Maybe I've just happened to meet up with the minority and most players like this sort of thing, I don't know.
  21. This is one area where Conan Exiles has a more intuitive method, in that game you simply have the container/waterskin/whatever in your toolbar, you look at what you want to fill it from when you are next to it and press the number on the toolbar and that fills the container. The Atlas method is very clunky.
  22. I was able to do a head shot on a Giant Snake after the patch, so maybe lag or wonky hit registration? Other than that, 100% agree, I don't care for the PVE ramifications of the firearm nerfs. Our island is overrun by snakes and crocs. What gave us a fighting chase was being able to one shot crocs at extremely close range with a blunderbuss, but now they only take half a crocs health. So imagine being chased by 3 crocs, (this actually happens to me quite a lot), and now your extremely long to load blunderbuss will take 6 close range hits to take those crocs out, close enough they hit you back before they die and take 1/2 to 1/4th your health. Guess what, you're gonna die taking out the first croc now. Thanks, devs! I like this new mutually assured destruction approach to PVE, it really gets the blood pumping.
  23. The trader stopped short of ramming the Youtuber in the video I saw. They neither glitched or flew into space, the guy was able to hop on the trader ship and deal with him and leave without incidents of weirdness. Will it work like that every time? Possibly not, it's EA, bugs happen, things break. I can't make such promises on behalf of the developers.
  24. Paying customers have a right, even an obligation, to complain when they receive poor service, or when the service doesn't meet expectations. If you're happy with the way things are/were, that's certainly your prerogative, but expecting people that don't share your perspective to go away just because you said so is laughably delusional. And complaining about people complaining is priceless. Welcome to not only the internet but life in general, where people complain about everything! Justified or not. I also love your business model of "I already have your money, if you don't like it, just go away!". P.S.: Scammers and con artists love that business model too! And not in a sarcastic way like me! But no honest, self-respecting business owner would have that approach, not if they want to stay in business.
  25. The way I saw a Youtuber do it was they basically pulled their ship directly in front of the merchant and stopped. That was before this patch but it probably still works.
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