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war machine

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Everything posted by war machine

  1. people wouldnt ask for support as much if u stop with random holes like this, walking along cant see the ground because of all the trees, and bam, u fall in a hole, no way out, no way to get your feet on the ground, no way to recover your body if you die.... No its a game of see how long it takes to get a support to reply to help of moving me out of the hole.... any bets? My guess is 3 weeks also wtf is with 0.02 md max image attachment....... I had to shrink this photo from a screen shot by 95% to get it to load....
  2. thank you, not sure why only a couple of them where in that mode while the rest where in attack mode
  3. v as u can see it says order "stand down" I can not find anything that will change that
  4. you cant put a defined damage on any animal its completely subjective.... MY bear hits for 147, not sure how u get 35
  5. A good 6 to 8 cannons on my ship are in "stand down" mode, how do i change it so they fire, I do not see anything to let me,
  6. I lost 2 bears today due to them falling through my boat, I agree they need to make animals load in LAST I Log in to falling through my boat all the time as well, swimming 200 feet below the ocean is a fun way to die
  7. I started on the first day, I even laid down a claim, and was doing good, Until i traveled out of the sector and my account got deleted, I found a new claim 2nd day, again my guy got deleted 3rd day, Couldnt find a claim, and went lawless The problem is this game is set for those that 1 started first day, 2 got lucky and didnt get bbentover and screwed by the crap start, all the new people just starting wont be able to find a claim.... Devs didnt think about longevity of the game.... why start now when you are all fuked
  8. I on one my third gen bears, but out of no where it says cant breed do to undesirable biodome, WTF I just got done doing in the exact same location, did they change something?
  9. I am on my 4th baby line, and i am a solo p layer babies are pretty easy now expect the meat expires to fast to sleep
  10. i was in m1 today picked up 30 maps... i got 9
  11. Not sure what to tell you, i just raised 3 babies to adult 1000 health 200% melee
  12. how much are your elephants, i am looking for a lvl 40 plus unleveled... also i breed bears so i am always looking for one with a high stat.... 180%< melee 850< health 1400< weight etc..... If u got a bear that has crazy good stats, (even if its only 1) I would pay big
  13. i have wetwood softwood cobalt tin, I could use a high lvl giraffe and elephant name your price, also i tried to add u on discard
  14. I Have bred my first 3 bears imprinting is 20% so there are 5 imprints 1 ever 8 hours Now that the temps have been fixed.... (and they have i have tested it) the problem is food, I can deal with 40 hours to breed, i can even deal with the long time it takes to get to 10% I can even deal with logging in every 8 hours to imprint But what needs to be fixed is the FOOD.... The trough holds 20 meat in 1 stack, so 20 x 40 mins so in theory it will last 13 hours, But in reality A FULL trough of 20 meat per stack last maybe 3.5 hours... The easiest way To fix this problem is to increase stack size to 40. 40 meat would allow at least 7 hours between full and empty and that is about an hour before imprint to sort your self and food for the next 7 hours,
  15. This is a 2fer First, are maps random in quality or some areas have a higher chance of better maps? Second Most of the time when i find a map that is 15 or better in quality I pick it up but then it doesnt show up in my inventory, This is very annoying and makes me cry
  16. You know most restaurants (as an example) Deploy Happy Hour on slow times, or slow days Ark, Atlas for some reason takes this concept and does 2x on the busiest times of the week, the weekend, everyone already will be playing at this time.... it doesnt encourage play or growth What they need to do is encourage people to play all week long, and not just be a weekend game... So they should reward players who "come in" on the slowest days of the week instead, I assume Wednesdays are the slowest days, Why Not make something like "Breeding Wednesdays" 2x breeding, 2x harvesting food as an example.... The more people that play the more people that will sign up.... the more people that sign up, means more money for you... Just saying
  17. wouldnt be hard now that Ark has a pokeball system they could use something similar
  18. I would be happy with turning off the "claim" red, on the map.... ITS NOT IMPORTANT, everything is claimed so no need to check
  19. a simple fix would to only damage offline players.... so people dont park there who are not doing work.... if u are there and online u shouldnt be punished for it
  20. ok my question is why dont we have planks... every pirate should be able to make u walk the plank
  21. they reset the claim to 20 days, lame... there isnt enough land to claim for 40,000 people like they bragged about, they need to add more islands, and maybe unlock the lawless areas so new players can take part, not the players who logged on first day and where lucky enough not to have there accounts deleted 5 times (like me) when trying to claim..... o u crossed the boarder, sorry we misplaced your guy, please start over........ while we let others get 5000 miles of claims....
  22. I find your animal will delete if its near overweight and u try to load him on the boat, I wouldnt use the move to boat option ever.... Instead put him on follow and get on your boat he will "climb the ladder" on its own and u wont lose your (for me) bear or elephant.....
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