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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. +1 To topic. I think the bow sprits, should be automatically setup either when placing the most forward sail or there needs to be a specific sail type that incorporates this look, so when it is mounted it has to be mounted at the bow of the ship, so we'd need to have a speed sail for the bow, speed or turning sails for the mid/center and speed/turning sails for the stern. Each would have it's own styling and be specific for those parts of the ship, so some could be used in combination, whilst others could only be placed specifically. I'd also like to see extra sheets for running sails which would allow overall faster speeds, but would perhaps have a lower durability and might cause increase durability loss during storms etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sail_plan
  2. The changes must come from the playerbase, not the devs. It is "we" who need to change our attitudes to the gameplay, we don't/shouldn't need to be forced to do what will only be fought against. However.. it again comes down to opinion on what your pvp game is. IF 3 ships locate 1 ship on the open sea, does 1 of the 3 then solo it or do all 3 attack it? There is no particular reason why both outcomes shouldnt be equally viable. The next problem is when is a group viable as a group.. when they limit themselves or when they unlimit themselves. Are we here to win or lose?
  3. They should add additional eating animations, that show you holding whatever you're eating. And when drinking as well.
  4. Nothing wrong with mega's. The problem is with people's attitudes to playing the game. Could do with more options for organising megas tho, into smaller companies whilst maintaining mega size overall. Assigning managers/leaders etc colour coding maybe as well. Individual text chat and voice channels. Stuff like this. So a Mega would have a Tribe name, then company a, b, c etc then each company might break down into platoons/fleets and those into sections etc. Each with it's own level of support ingame. This way groups of 6 or 12 or 20 or 50/100/200 etc could be better maintained. As for the complainers.. go play a single player game if you don't like a multiplayer one. Also mmo and multiplayer aren't actually the same thing. One just means alot of people. The other means they tend to be in competition.
  5. I like the idea of the vitamin system. It does need fixed tho. People who die should get a negative hit for a start, so they either need to die more often or eat more food. Over a timed period the negative aspects could be reduced, eventually removed. Also the bonus for vit balance should be increased so people get bigger bonuses for being in balance. I'd also like to see the drops whilst at sea removed completely. It shouldn't matter how far from land you are how rapidly your vit levels drop. Similarly with food & water I'd like to see those levels drop faster if you're doing physical exercise or affected by the cold/heat etc. (They're already done alot here, but it needs revamped to work properly) Maybe they could even add in a bathing option, where a player who doesn't bathe gets smelly and attracts flies over time. Eventually they become easier to see as the smell makes it unmistakable where they are.. meaning animals attack them more often etc. People who die alot should also get respawn penalties esp timers, if they die the vit levels should be low say 5% and if they die often, they respawn slower. Similar to bed timers. People who rarely die should get buffs and the buffs for food should last longer, be better as well, and they should add melting screens etc for people drinking alcohol.. so it's like real life.. spinnning rooms...oh yes.
  6. I remember in Ark they had something like OpenGL support to be added in next patch.. and it stayed pretty much like that for 2-3 yrs. I have no idea if it even eventually got added to the game. But because devs update their own ideas for a game their developing, doesn't mean it's a negative for the game. Realist keeps saying stuff like "they changed their minds" "they can't even do this or that" very negative attitude for something that everyone does almost hourly, everyday of their lives. I don't see what the big issue is to be honest, they've announced an intention to change the primary game design, they're gonna turn eu pve into a test realm to finalise some stuff they're working on, there's going to be a couple of different pvp designs being put in, with dedicated servers, to help them gather data on who uses the 2 systems, how often they play and how many actually play etc.. totally intelligent processes to go through in development. Then on top of this, they announced that due to the over the top level of exploiting, cheating and several design issues, they're going to be doing a wipe. This is not unexpected. Nor against alot of peoples' wishes. Indeed a couple of days after the release of the game people were already demanding wipes.. and then a couple of weeks later, when noone could find land to build on, again, demanding wipes, then after they added sotd and they damn things wipe out like 99% of all shipyards and ships.. when you couldn't even stand near a shoreline without getting shot at by an ai that didn't miss and aggro'd seemingly from half way across the map, there were mass demands for wipes and restarts.. when people were using the weight exploits to destroy the shipyards.. again demand for wipes. Now an announcement is made to wipe the servers.. people are demanding NO WIPES!! Like seriously.. Whilst a wipe is obviously disappointing, given the pretty big changes in design, the fact that the pvp game styles are going to be in 3 sets + a pve one on top. As I understand it, 50 player companies, 200 player and no limit plus a sort of storyline/mission based pve system. That's my take on it. I could be misreading, but it seems the new systems require a wipe to be setup.. so complaining about a wipe is a moot point. As for people leaving.. well, if the servers are being wiped in a few weeks to a month.. why stay in a game where you gather and store resources.. if it's all going to be deleted. Also the pve servers are all pvp right now.. again, if you're aren't into pvp.. why stay. So obviously people left. In droves. And people were leaving before due to various reasons. Exploits, cheats, hackers, thieves, pirates.. the usual. Plus boredom.. it is an ea afterall, so a lack of content is expected. People leave games, sometimes they even return. But after it's all said n done, people might come back, they might not, new players may join or may not.. until the wipe actually happens and everything is in place it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks of the intentions or changes. As noone actually knows what will happen. The only thing all these against posts above indicate is that there's a few people who have a very negative outlook on life.. and we all knew that before the game was even released.
  7. PTR? Realm.. I worked out the first 2 words.. but couldn't figure the last one.
  8. You'd almost think this was a released game from all the complaints. It's an EA. Bugs happen, deal with it. And it sounds like zone crashes, not battleye failure. In which case you wait 15-20mins and then log in again.
  9. I like the idea of claim flags, but I think they should be tied to players who plant them. As the player rises in level, he can maybe access technology that allows them to expand the flags overall area or maybe add extra flags. If they reroll, all their flags are deleted as well as all buildings etc. If the player leaves the game for say 2-4 weeks the same happens. Flag areas should not cover any currently owned land. This allows a player to build what they need where they need it. It stops people cock blocking the shipyards with other objects etc which is what happens on pve servers, you get people who will play the antisocialist game just because they can. And you can have your own flag ingame.. which is also really cool. I'll miss not having a flag ingame. And everyone cock blocking each other off with pillers, shipyards, gates etc.. just out of spite.
  10. Oh look a dev posting. That'll upset all the naysayers who are claiming they don't post at all.
  11. I hope they do leave. More space for me. And room for new players unaffected by wipes.
  12. It's an interesting thing this "ark never did wipes" I'm fairly sure when they added the Giga.. many bases were wiped.. in fact, I remember trying to defend many bases from gigas.. before we learned to lure them into the sea and drown em. They also nerfed flight speed, which essentially was a wipe.. they reset several empty servers.. or turned them into something else. Also still a wipe. They did partial wipes with release of snow biome expansion and swamp biome. Yeh they gave notice.. provided maps.. which weren't entirely correct. The fact is.. if a wipe is needed, then a wipe is needed. The reason a wipe is needed in this case, is because of the players. And in many cases it actually sounds like the very players complaining about the wipe, are likely the ones that caused the wipe to occur!
  13. I will. I know of a dozen others who are also. I do also expect to see piller and gate spam on every island. Will be interesting to see what if anything gets done about it. I'll be starting on pve eu. So there'll be at least a dozen of us
  14. Welcome to wildcard..aka grapeshot.. aka snail games. They post what they want, when they want. That said.. you could also watch twitter for jats tweets, he tweets out something almost every day. So not exactly a blanket of silence. You need to pull your head out of the sand to see it.
  15. Still playing eh.. I've seen you a few times ingame. Well, no spaceships... well.. not yet. I actually think they should get rid of all the pvp freestyle stuff. Make a dedicated pve game. Then add in Arenas for players to pvp in, where the ships are something you pick from a list, which come with a full ai staff of cannoneers.. and people can just sail around shooting each other like World of Battleships. And the rest of us, who enjoy being part of a nice treehugging community, can play the game and enjoy it, without listening to the minority. Most of whom, according to these forums, don't even play the game anyway. Some don't even own the game.
  16. No this is just your opinion on what you enjoy doing. We get it. There are many names for people like you But we're not allowed to use them here.
  17. This always cracks me up. People can be any age, 50, 80.. 20, 35.. 14... and be children. Act like them, work like them, talk like them. Think like them. I can be as well. Probably why so many women smile at me.. and I'm over 50. (just)
  18. No, lol. Some people like to watch, others like to take part.
  19. I used to do this in wow.. roll around and just gank people. Usually 2-3 undead rogues.. that's all we did until someone decided we have to go to the arena or do boring quest within the guild. My guild, Violence Reborn, had over 2k people at one point. Huge Tribe.. but then some dude killed himself and I figured I was probably part of the problem, so I changed my attitude towards pvp quite alot. But been there, done that, got the wardrobe. Been on both ends of the worst gameplay.. even used aimbots for awhile, mainly to see how they worked in world of tanks. Didn't feel right cheating. The pm you got was right tho. Being in a mega tribe is also very hard work, it's more of a mental strain, very little fun for the people managing it, they also tend to split into factions and riot.. in Eve, there's been some pretty terrible megaguild splits, leading to irl fistycuffs.. even to people trying to kill each other. And it is mainly because of this last issue, that I find myself turning more and more against pvp and any type of online virtual violence. I don't think people are really capable of playing in pvp environments and this thread has shown quite clearly, that some people, are not even capable of holding intelligent conversations about it.
  20. The cannons on one side should be an exploit, I hope they remove that. Some aspects of the keeping it real I like but other stuff like putting all the cannons on one side on a galleon.. it works.. but it looks stupid. As for "it's a pirate game" what exactly doe that really mean? Free licence to act any way you want? Never seen a game like that.. the forums have rules, the game has politically correct rules, with regards to communications, so really, you can't actually act how you like. You can't be free to thine self. So what is left.. griefing people? Ganging up on them, 50 v 1.. jumping noobs.. slaughtered sleeping players? using exploits.. you could argue it's all totally legit.. you're a pirate for gods sakes. But it could equally be called out as not playing the game as it's intended. The pirate aspect of the game is purely cosmetic, it isn't a pirate game, it's a game with people in it who can fight each other and who look like vagabonds.. that can fly a skull n bones flag. And pretend they're pirates. But they can't actually be pirates.
  21. Reminds me a little of the start of Pirates of the Burning Sea. Later on, when they went free to play and wrecked shipbuilding etc it kinda went downhill, esp on the player communication side. But in the start, it was good fun, the melee fights were abit of a joke but the sea fights were fun. Potbs if you haven't played it, was a pve map, with hotzones for pvp, around specific ports. Anyone who entered the hotzone went pvp enabled. You could also do that voluntarily. Timers for switching it off as well. I mainly played as a shipbuilder, made ton's of gold, got sunk alot. As for my favourite pvp game i'd still go with early planetside. Or maybe just maybe, wow.. before the arenas.. I like the open ground freestyle sort of pvp, with magic and mashing buttons, it's alot of fun. Not so keen on this "more realistic" stuff with firing arcs etc. Point n click is good enough for me.
  22. The island in question was actually in tropics, B line I think 8 or 9 maybe. After about 6 weeks or so, people did find it, they completely ignored me pretty much. Killed me a few times but never destroyed me hut, built a base down the shore. The island, had a central waterfall, with scorps around it, fish was good there, plenty coal etc, would have made a nice base. entrance/exit a rear way in, if you are careful. As for companies, I don't follow who is who, I just stayed away from anyone who shot at me. Eventually I moved onto pve server and stayed there for about 50hrs, before getting griefed into the ground. It was probably worse on the eu pve server , than on the eu pvp server. But I couldn't find any "nice" english speakers there, who'd take me on so I left. Post Wipe/patch I'll go back to pve to start with, maybe move to pvp later on.
  23. Yeh basically you talk to people all day, ask how they're getting on, have conversations, I've sat on my fishing seat for hours listening to people all over the eu and in the usa talking about their problems and lives. Like some unpaid psycologist.. hehe, other times I'm out farming or taming, sometimes building some unique thing, like a tower to glide from or some pretty building, I tried making a snake maze once. Left the door open at one end for people to run into, to try to grief me.. but the snakes kept despawning. There's plenty to do, small empires to build or you can go sailing and exploring or treasure hunting or farming sotd etc.. depending how many are on. I like painting.. although most people hate my painting.. there's been falling outs with people over it. Pvp to me is boring now, I think I actually prefer trolling my mates and pvp between mates who are all logged into discord for example, than playing on a general pvp server against unknowns. If you play with friends, the nastier side of pvp doesn't really show itself, it's all people laughing and having fun. People don't go that extra yard to grief you, because you're all mates.
  24. It's good if you can find a zone like this. I've found a few islands where I've never even seen another player, not even once. My raft was parked outside of it for a month, noone ever sank it. Noone destroyed my hut, looted it or anything. Although I think a nasty must have caught me on a couple of times through the wall as I logged in dead, but I logged out naked so, no loss. But on some islands, usually the medium sized or bigger ones, you can have 1 group of naked losers maybe 4-5 of them, and all they do is log in exploit, weight kill, steal, laugh, logout.. probably even suicide before they do.. log in next time, rince repeat, they are there purely to find targets of oppurtunity.. lure snakes to a tame.. or get alphas fighting next to your hut etc to smash your stuff. The big "megas" which can be anything from a brig to a galleon, sailing around just wiping out entire towns, sinking offline ships etc. Many of them don't even pick up the loot, they smash and leave. Sometimes it could be chinese or russians or americans or brits or eu or koreans.. and so on. Can't really tell unless you hear them talking. As for naming companies specifically.. I am sure there's a rule in the forum that actually states you can't do that. Which is why I try not to mention names, I don't even like saying racial or cultural names. As it is a generalist global issue which can be misconstrued. And also, if you haven't seen their behaviour.. either you're very lucky or one of the perps yourself. One other thing.. you're on 95% of the time.. but you haven't logged in for weeks.. which is it? I used to help people.. then over time I just got sick of people helping themselves.
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