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Everything posted by Vorxius

  1. The game frame is there, looking forward to more flesh, but right now, it's very playable... Things will get better. Looking forward to what can be added to this framework.
  2. Bush, always to my rescue. Thankyou sir. PS when server settles, will look to coming back in official servers and shall look you back up. ATM seeing what the game is all about on a private
  3. Whilst in poor taste for sure, I think we shouldn't let ghosts of the past decimate players choice to be what they want in a game of pillage, plunder, murder and conquest. It's a paradox when you endorse all the things history has taught us not to be, and at the same time, telling players that they cannot do xyz because of history. This is a game, and we know by logging in we're putting ourselves in wide open territory. I personally have more issues with a certain terror group hell bent on terrorising the world right now, but even if we had ships named or sailing flags with certain symbols on it, it would make me want to fight them and grief them IN GAME, rather than take it out of the game. I get what you mean though, it can dredge up uncomfortable memories. My advice is to take out an in game vengeance, not out of game one. /saluted
  4. Hello all, don't wish to keep folks from sailing the high seas and plundering all that delicious booty.. Quick question, and for the love of research I cannot find a solid lead on my question.. so wondered if you good people may know this. When you hire hands for your ship (I play solo atm), they cost gold. Does anyone know how payment is done? Does it take from you automatically and you just have to have gold in the 'coffers' or, does it work like 'food' where they have to have it in their inventory? Not delved into that just yet, wanted to be prepared Cheers! Vx
  5. and we still have alpha's spawning in our base tearing it up from the inside on PvE... That is if we can get near our base for the sheer amount of crocks and giant snakes? In PvE, all they had to do to win a sea battle, would be to get onboard... and sink it with stone I guess all in the pipeline. Good vid though!
  6. an outer wall made up of doorways, with a second storey works perfectly for me... gators, wolves, pigs... actually everything apart from birds and rattlesnakes appear unable to get past a doorframe.. easy to shoot through to.
  7. This has helped me in the past, anchor and it should be ok.
  8. This is the solution. On land, in our experience, creatures spawn IN our base, not come in, SPAWN. All the while this is a thing, you have to keep your animals out of spawn locations... like a cliff platform, or boat.
  9. That's exactly what we're going to do But avoiding freeport, decay rate is toooooooooo high.
  10. I had wondered as I do have 2 storey walls... But I have never seen anything jump over anything unless they have been butted by something else (seen an elephant butt a wolf pretty far but not over a 2 storey wall (unless off a cliff, which our base isn't near it's just flat coastal. I think they're just spawning, and our base has a spawn point. Seen all kinds of animals in here now... chickens, pigs, an elephant, wolves, crocks and snakes... interestingly they all appear around the same area. So we have boxed it in. Unusable part of the base, but everything seems contained, and nothing has been found wandering around the complex now.
  11. Agree it's always the same, nerfing something that works well in PvE to suit naked fail zergers in PvP. Pistols and guns should do a lot of damage. They DO do a lot of damage, but, for gamey mc game, they have to be balanced against... who knows what. I'll have a Gamey Mc Game, with extra fries and large wtf.
  12. haha reporting a bug. It's easier to report something that works
  13. 100%. Folks might have issues with fire arrows in PvP, but for heavens sake, stop calling nerfs that on PvE we need such tools to get rid of over tuned alphas et al. Happy medium. remove fire arrows from PvP servers and leave them the hell alone on PvE
  14. Sounds like you were another one of those human beings that actually need to sleep. Your boats sank because you weren't dedicating enough time to a recreational game. (they decay over time, especially more so in town).
  15. How dare you go to bed... you... you slacker you!
  16. if anyone finds it let me know, someone somewhere must know the chinese HQ. Banned account or not, I have 50,000 stone waiting to meet the deck of some boats.
  17. There was an idiot in Tesco acting all 'alpha' and abusing an attractive check out assistant. Punched him in the face. Got a date with the lass. I'm sure now we'll see a nerf to hand to hand though
  18. Found an alpha wolf in my base, and a couple of giant snakes. I checked the entire perimeter wall for holes and gaps, and could find none. Even checked for burrowing, none. Checked the main (locked gate) for signs of tampering.. nada. So.. just throwing sand about atm, trying to find the invisible wizard that must have summoned them. When I find him, his skin will go towards a new sail.
  19. To be fair, with the game in the state it's in, if you're getting gangbanged by critters, you're getting stuff smashed up whilst at work etc etc... It's a very stressful game. PvE takes half the stress away! There's enough face palming bruises on my face from crocks eating you through your hull, let alone being pursued by SoTD AND players at the same time lol. When the game settles and PvP is the only thing to contend with, I can see decent gameplay afoot... right now I'm bald with all the hair tearing
  20. It is true though Us PvErs do complain.. but largely about nerfs that have come directly from PvP servers / complaints
  21. You have to admit though that there was confirmation of dev audience. Coupled with continual bitching, and ranting, and a LARGE audience... and suddenly a patch change.. It's too coincidental. What happens on PvP servers should stay on PvP servers. They can twiddle what they want. Leave PvE servers alone, where we give no care about what a tamed bear can do to a naked pirate when a naked pirate suicides and deems it unbalanced.
  22. There is an alternative. Use every dark tactic under the sun to give some love back. Sink all their boats using the weight glitch, unify all against the Chinese in one swift move at 4am their time... remove them from grid, camp and grief them as much as possible.. There's an old saying... if you can't beat them.... beat them by their own beating!
  23. I agree, and is the source of my beef. They need to make weapons effective against the crap thrown at us on islands (PvE), but they can't because you have streamers wailing and calling nerf because they're getting destroyed trying to naked zerg entrenched defenders. Their only choice therefore is to nerf animals. Which they did... but only tamed ones... again because apparently a grizzly bear is deadly against a naked human... so they nerfed tamed bears et al. Absolute tripe. No one thought to blanket nerf ALL animals instead.. oh no.. so now we have alphas ranging 250 in level, and all weaponry has been nerf balanced against pvp fail. doh
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