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Everything posted by trqfreak350

  1. Dying in a Freeport, I'm not sure how you even go about doing that, unless you really have no idea about how this game works, there aren't even any hostile mobs there, you shouldn't have an issue with losing anything. I don't have an issue with crashing, maybe every 2-3 weeks, maybe instead of a tirade you ask for help with pc specs or troubleshooting, because it seems that is where your problem likely lies.
  2. When was this change made, I've not noticed any change to it since the initial nerf pre-wipe.
  3. ah ok, i was simply curious. i love the tool how it is to be honest, works perfectly for what we do.
  4. after it's born, adding points in domesticated levels. For instance i tame a bear at 44 i add 25 levels into it, i could use it to track where I've put those levels.
  5. no not quite what i meant, people like to plan the points in some cases to see how it could turn out, it wouldn't be added for breeding, but just to plan or to see how much you could add to it.
  6. you could tally points into it so you could effectively plan your build on your creatures, but what i've seen is the points you get per level is different from creature to creature, we've seen 25hp per point in a bear post tame, but then another bear might get 8 hp per point even though they were within a few levels of wild tame. Also Globy just wanted to chime in here, your app is great, it's dododex we needed, i've been retrofitting ark smart breeding after i input points into your system. love it.
  7. servers went down during a kraken fight maybe?
  8. There are other game developers that punish even their most elite players so much more harshly, they are singled out and made examples of purposely, there should be an amount of fear in using such a blatant exploit.
  9. they've said they were working on the animal inventory like the bank system so you can put resources into a slot that it will ignore when harvesting, not sure if it's still WIP, but Jat did say they were working on it.
  10. kite and shoot hydra is still going to be alive and well you can just use medium cannons on the back, seems like they can be pressed nearly as close to one another as before, also without any mechanics to counter hydra mechanics there are really just 2 ways, sit on a roof and shoot with ranged weapon, or tow behind a boat and shoot with ranged weapon. safety and efficiency.
  11. Off topic but @globytheoldpirate can you tell me if the other tames are as touchy as the razor after the 40% mark, we have our elephant in a good place in C7 atm, and we don't have to fuss with the fires he gets low health during the day, but that's about it. Congrats and thanks for the info about breeding the razortooth, not sure i'd be up for that kind of marathon.
  12. Relax man, it's a video game, don't lose sight of that, your're on and on about a game in early access with developers that are actively working on adding content... i'm not against them fixing things, but there isn't a point of fixing every little "non-gamebreaking" little thing that you can easily pre-plan for and work around when the things could get broken in a patch later down the development path. you seem to have all the answers though, i'll leave you to it.
  13. okay, don't pre plan and keep running into the same problems, if you're such a great developer, and coder, why don't you volunteer your time to fix said bugs?
  14. i'm not a game developer, i won't pretend to know how to fix it or how easy a fix it is, pre-plan your build, i'm sure you knew you were going to put a bookshelf of all things in there for the maps you're sailing around collecting, and digging up.
  15. because it's really not gamebreaking, at all, it's a bookshelf... honestly of all the bugs and hitches in this game, that's the one i've never even given a second thought to, we're 5 months into Early Access on this, patience is key. besides if previous titles show what's coming you're going to be starting all kinds of ranty threads.
  16. clearly we all know that the long term fix is to fix the collision on it, a workaround is a workaround, why make everything into such a big deal, i've ripped apart ships to place things, i've torn bases apart because of bad collision, and placement issues, it is what it is. use the workaround
  17. use it in a one story area, take the ceiling out where you want to put it, then replace the ceiling.
  18. Gotta tag it for it to follow, we kited c6 hydra through the water last week, but if you die it will reset, helpful with a few people to tag from a boat and make the sacrifice lol
  19. They haven't released those items yet. That's in the may update. something more referred to may be damage changes to hydra, cyclops, dragon etc, all undocumented nerfs. While I understand why and justified, but not documenting it could have wasted a lot of time for some.
  20. It is, and the fact that i've been able to find no patch notes on the changes to these mobs. We pulled the hydra on C6 last week, and it took around 800 ballista bolts to take it down, even the gorgon usually takes 2-4 shots from a ballista bolt now, that is if you can get close enough without aggroing 3-5 elemental from halfway across the island.
  21. Coming back to this thread just wanted to add I had this weekend off and found I couldnt really get into this game as much because of this system, I wanted to level a little and could hardly manage to keep myself at the PC for 30+ discoveries for one level, pre wipe I was at level 78, killed whales and had 2 powerstones all the rest was discoveries, but the world seemed so much more alive, now it seems like it's a solo sailing game looking for invisible bubbles on islands. @Dollie is there anything in the works about the discovery bubbles for secondary discoveries on islands? Maybe instead of bubbles light pillars for those ones that can he seen with the spyglass, or something that goes with the compass showing you a direction while on land roughly which way to go to get it.
  22. Thats how we do it, in quick and out, been doing it that way since relaunch without issue. We rarely take any damage and haven't built a taming pen since initial launch.
  23. Same, i found 2 WL 30's on our island one after the other, tamed without a hitch, i use a bear to tank the elephant and bola from it's back never really took any damage from the feeding process. on C7 didn't seem to be much lag, but i don't think it really matters, get in feed back out and it's easy.
  24. it's a crapshoot, i didn't have this hard of time getting 300+ discoveries pre-wipe, i think a lot of them are bugged and not showing correctly, and a lot of them were removed for reasons unknown.
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