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Everything posted by mndfreeze

  1. You did not see any claim flags in the starter lawless zones. Guessing you were outside the starter lawless if you saw those or mistook something else for a claim flag.
  2. The aging system is not implemented yet but basically you will have to have a child to continue on when you reach old age and die. If you don't you have to roll a new level 1. Every time you die in game you age a little bit more but its unclear if this part is implemented yet or not as everyone in my clan who started day one all seems to be the same age regardless of how many times they die or not. Hopefully this also means the max age and final death is also not implemented. I'm gunna be pissed if I suddenly keel over at 60 with no way around it. lol.
  3. I have yet to hear about it and I wh0re the forums and reddit quite a bit. I think if it were someone would have mentioned it by now as many have posted and asked. Bottles are the way to find treasure, BPs, etc along with the flotsam in the water.
  4. That's all well and good but you need specific vegetables to tame most of the animals. Turnips fo Rhinos, Wheat for Elephants, etc, etc. Sadly farming is a requirement to get those animals.
  5. They seem to work for me but not for others. Check your resolution scale or UI scale in the options, change em around and see if that fixes it. I remember this being an issue in ark in the start and it had something to do with the scaling being off on something.
  6. Definitely the log. The onscreen spam is bad enough as it is even in a medium sized company not actively at war with anyone. We also need a better way to see which claim is contested since the map pin system is buggy and inaccurate at best.
  7. The 2H mace's power downswing (scroll wheel down) wrecks most animals. Its slow but while you are mid swing they can't knock you back and it has a big AOE so it hits him. Just swing a second time and most of them die. The higher level ones will take a third swing usually. You will get hurt during this but not dead. Same goes for snakes. Pump fortitude if you want to be more resistant to snake venom. It significantly slows torpor damage, and the temp adjustment makes it even better. Melee does need some work though. I think a lot of people don't realize or pay attention to all the different attacks weapons have. Some weapons like the pike have a thrust attack that does far more damage to armoed foes for example but everyone always just does the left mouse click swing.
  8. So, first off. I never said EA means Early Alpha. I said early access means you are playing an alpha game. So we can clear that misunderstanding up now and you can stop repeating it. I was going to paste the software release cycle for you so you have a clear grasp of the stages but I don't imagine it will serve much purpose. Pre-alpha -> Alpha -> Beta -> pre-release -> release -> support -> end of life are the basic steps. We are at the second step. That's the step where software features are not yet finalized. Things are being added and removed. Shit is super broken and may not function correctly or even at all. That's what early access games are. The caveat for steam is they have to be able to reasonably function for most users to be sold on steam. If 50% of us had your problem, steam would pull it. But the game works for most people and your problem is not a huge percentage. The connection issues most people are having are different than yours and related to server load, player count, etc. Second. I just ran a traceroute. NO where did my network hit germany, at all. It routed all the way to amazons aws servers (which is the datacenter platform the game runs on) and had no issues. So, I'm fairly positive there is some fuckery going on over on your end like I stated before. Or there is some fuckery going on at your ISP or their backbone provider. Regardless none of that has to do with the game itself. Here is my trace: 1 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms 2 10 ms 9 ms 22 ms 10.35.XXX.XXX 3 16 ms 13 ms 11 ms 4 23 ms 36 ms 25 ms 5 37 ms 35 ms 37 ms dalsbbrj02-ae3.0.rd.dl.cox.net [] 6 37 ms 38 ms 39 ms 7 71 ms 70 ms 72 ms 8 69 ms 70 ms 74 ms 9 * * * Request timed out. 10 68 ms 67 ms 70 ms 11 70 ms 67 ms 69 ms 12 * * * Request timed out. 13 * * * Request timed out. 14 * * * Request timed out. 15 * * * Request timed out. 16 * * * Request timed out. 17 * * * Request timed out. 18 * * * Request timed out. 19 73 ms 68 ms 70 ms 20 * * * Request timed out. 21 * * * Request timed out. 22 * * * Request timed out. 23 * * * Request timed out. 24 * * * Request timed out. 25 * * * Request timed out. 26 69 ms 69 ms 69 ms s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com [] Trace complete. Those timeouts are normal as long as you hit the last hop, which I did, without packet loss. Those are hidden core routers and stuff to stop DDOS kids from taking out major network segments. The game also routes its data out over port 80 and port 5757, at least it was for me. Zero issues. No Germany. That is amazons edge network. Its impossible for me to say where shit routes past that point because that's where they start doing their cloud stuff, anti-DDOS stuff, etc It will route from there to the actual physical set of servers and is handled by their network. Just because 401 other games work just fine has nothing to do with this unless those other games ALSO use the same set of amazon hosted cloud servers, which they don't. Now, I've read about this game being bitchy if you go through a double NAT (network address translation) which you might be behind. One at your house on your router (required to have a single internet IP to multiple devices in your house) and one on your provider. If that's the case you might just be screwed unless they alter their network code or get amazon to change their connection requirements, impossible to say who is actually at fault for that here since its all just speculation and may not be any of it. The fact that you keep coming back to talking points used by allllll the angry salty kids like 'it was a cash grab!' and 'its jus ark reskinned' is exactly why you are just salty. You could have put out a legitimate complaint video that addressed the actual shit going on, but instead you chose to bandwagon on the hate train and sound like the angry kids on reddit when they get zerged by chinese. instead of admitting they just got beaten they immediately cry HAX HAX AIMBOT DUPE with no actual evidence of anything. You should have just stopped your video at 'shit doesn't work, not happy about it, gunna get a refund' instead of going down that road. You're just trying to use your "internet personality" in hopes your salt spreads. Hell, you haven't even played it so how can you make the ark reskinned comments? Just regurgitating other peoples drivel at that point. You have every right to be pissy the game doesnt work for you but you also need to admit that you paid to be an alpha tester and this is part of the package. The store page has a big ass warning on it about it. You chose to support the game (cashgrab!) to see it 2 years early, help them develop new content and find bugs along the way. It has been 7 days and they have put out patches every day, usually multiple. They put detailed patch notes up of each patch as well as the upcoming patches. For someone who says he remembers arks release your memory must be fuzzy because that ACTUALLY was a disaster and for a lot more than just the first day. That shit was a disaster for 80% of its entire EA process. They have been super quick to try to address issues this time, listen to the community, and fix shit. They have made major gameplay changes already at the request of the community. Remember all the vitamin sucks posts? Notice the constant nerfing of the ghost ships as they try to dial it in? If they could fix the entire games problems in a week I imagine they would but it's no surprise it's going to take 2 years to get it all worked out and that's what we all signed up for. tl;dr your network or computer is fucked. Be better than the hate train and use some logic and reason. Don't sign up for alpha test shit if you are gunna get pissed and lose your shit over it being exactly what it says it will be, buggy and broken. If you want some ACTUAL assistance fixing the issue I suggest you have a friend come over with a computer strong enough to at least open the game (playability not required), log into steam on his system, see if it works. If it does, its your PC. If it doesn't then its something on the network. See if you can hook your PC directly up to your internet connection (cable modem or DSL) without a router, no NAT or anything and see if it fixes it. PM me your traceroutes if you want and I'll gladly take a look and see if I spot anything obvious. The most likely culprits though are going to be software firewall/anti virus/network related stuff on your PC, windows being stupid and blocking ports, your router and its NAT capabilities or configuration, your ISP and how you connect to it and finally some network shennanigans out on the internet outside of your control.
  9. EA is alpha. It's literally an alpha version of the game. NOT EVEN A BETA YET. The servers also work for a ton of people. It's not like 50% of the people can't connect here. The FIRST DAY it was bad like that. I get it your pissed, but just based on your video and my 20 years of I.T career time specializing in internet tech it seems like you have some sort of a network problem. There are so many possible factors as to why its happening to you that could have absolutely nothing to do with the game. You could have some funky network shit with your provider. It could be your anti virus software or firewall. You're install of windows could be wonky. It could be your router settings. It could be a combination of all of the above stuff and more. All game companies use prior code when releasing new games. You don't reinvent the wheel every time you make a car. Thats normal operating procedure for just about every business and manufacturer out there. I'd be pissed too if couldn't connect, but making that video and the way you went about your 'points' just sounds like a salty person not using logic or reasoning to vent and complain. Just refund it, move on, never buy an EA game again.
  10. We noticed the same thing. It doesn't seem to up the weight of your animal nor add additonal storage or anything. I'm guessing it's just not implemented correctly yet.
  11. Ark was originaly designed to be a PVP game. PVE was an afterthought that came later on because people begged for it. The 2 systems are so vastly different in requirements for a game like this it's not surprising things don't work quite right because this also was designed to be a pvp focus'd game. It's about land control, guild v guild, etc. The flag system is far better than how land claim stuff was on ark. I imagine over time the PVE specific stuff for it will get adjusted for and they will attempt to make it work but on the pvp servers the flag system is working for the most part. 99% of the posts bitching about it are solo and tiny groups mad because they are too small to contest by force and don't want to work other methods in to get land. I've said this before and I'll say it again. DIPLOMACY WORKS. We have many small tribes of a few people on our island that we own, that we TOOK from another guild that tried to own the whole thing. We did it flag point by flag point. We tax those small guilds to live on our island automatically using the bank as its intended. They get to live here and have a single flag point, build their base, and enjoy the protection of our alliance. We get resources as incentive for sharing. You know how they got to live here? They asked. They didn't sneak up on the island and try to sneak steal some claims, or just plant flags in an open spot. I imagine you could do the same thing on PvE but people are far to hard headed to think past either taking it by force, or joining an alliance/company, or just finding some nice people who want to build a cool city. There is no perfect solution to people being able to build and therefore own land and resources that will make everyone happy. There will always be assholes who take more than they need. There will always be people who abuse methods or mechanics and choosing to play PvE limits your choices on dealing with it. I highly doubt they are going to remove the flag system for PvE and create an entirely new, separate system for it and split the development branches of the game on a core mechanic.
  12. They have different places for different needs. Melee is best for inside bases, small spaces, on ship decks, etc. It's also good if you are in a big fight after both people firing guns and one person is trying to reload. The shield with the sword is what makes it good. The shield bash stuns people. The 2H mace has an AOE swing, does decent damage, destroys armor and the special abilities for it hit hard and are even bigger AOE. All attacks with it do torpor damage and stun so it stuns AND knocks unconcious. Guns are powerful as hell but the slow reload even with the perks to speed it up make you vulnerable. They are good in open areas or for a quick initial hit before switching to something else. You *CAN* just kite people if they only have melee stuff. Bows are sort of the same as guns but don't hit through armor nearly as well but shoot faster. The carbine will pretty much one shot even a fully armored dude in the head. The blunderbuss up close is the same damn near. Fists ACTUALLY are fairly strong. If you pick up the perks and use the different special attacks you can knock someone unconcious in like 2 hits. Then you kill them at your leisure or stick their ass in a cage handcuffed for a later hanging. Weapons are pretty whack on balance but IMO you need to have more than one type on you anyway for different situations and you use them appropriately for best effect. If someone is running away from me or trying to kite I will use guns 100% until they run out of stam or decide to come in close. I've also done naked fight runs when we were being attacked and killed multiple people with just my fists.
  13. We have a few tames. They definitely are not as OP as tames in ark. They tend to have one good use, like gathering a specific mat, and thats about it. I know the devs plan to release a lot more creatures into the world over time so we will probably see more unique stuff as time goes on, but just like ark on day 1 most of the tames are just sort of OK. They are still USEFUL though. A wolf is a fast running. Makes for good scouting. Giraffe can carry multiple people and gathers either thatch or wood, can't remember which. Bear is super good for fiber apparently.
  14. While it sucks you can't connect to the game, that sort of thing is all part of the EA process. You paid to get in early and alpha test the game. The points you make about 'not doing XP events' and stuff are silly because thats just a simple config file change. They also have been addressing issues every day fixing issues the community has been up in arms about. It's been out for 7 whole days. The 'bugs' you think are not important and shouldn't be fixed because YOU can't connect is also a silly point. Connectivity bugs and in game bugs are all the same beast and your problem does not supersede the problems everyone else is having. Your video just comes across salty. Refund it and be done with it. Vote with your money and learn your lesson that you shouldn't be buying EA games if you are not prepared for this sort of thing to happen.
  15. Grenades are pretty weaksauce. I think you want the other explosive stuff. Cannons definitely do. There are cannons you can build on land, possibly in carts of some sort but I havn't played around with the explosives much yet.
  16. Get out of here with your logic and reasoning you wildcard shill!
  17. Yeah. One of the big problems ark had was that fortitude wasn't really important. Just like the other survival mechanics in ark such as food and water they were mostly so insignificant and easy to deal with that even in the early game you ignored them for the most part. Food was so plentiful and easy to get, water was everywhere, temps rarely were bad enough to worry about except in hard high level zones/caves. So no one would bother pumping those stats and no one bothered with cooking really. Most of the things atlas does are evolutions on top of arks mistakes with systems like this. A lot of the stuff are things they probably should have implemented in ark but couldn't for some reason. With these new, more complex system, we need to pay more attention to how they work. Food/water draining when you're healing from health damage always existed, but now that you have vitamins involved as well as the 'overstuffed/ate too much' debuff and damage you have to pay attention if your vitamins are high but your food is dropping super fast. Fortitude finally has some real use even in the mid and late game. Fortitude also slows down torpor damage. with 0 fortitude giant snakes can hit you just a few times and knock your low level ass unconcious. Pump a ton of fortitude and it takes a bunch more hits to get knocked out. Same goes for player damage causing torpor. The 2H mace stuns and knocks people out. You can take a lot more hits before nap time with high fortitude. I float between 30 and 40 fortitude usually every time I respec. I'll prob try it out with a super high number at some point just to mess with it.
  18. I have a huge list of words in my vocabulary for people like that. Since I imagine most of you do as well and I don't want my account to somehow get locked I'll refrain from listing them all.
  19. I read your post and re-read it again just now and my entire statement still stands. Wait 2 years if you want to have a finished game. This is not just a 'reskin' of ark. It's common practice at game companies to: 1) use the same tools and engine, making improvements over time. This is why games "feel" the same as they go from 1 to 2 to 3 in series. Feel free to browse a fallout76 subreddit if you want to hear all about 'reusing engines' blah blah blah. 2) use the same assets but change them around. Just about all game devs do this. It's faster, saves money, and depending on the story makes sense (like super mutants from 3 being in 4 and then 76). Rarely do game companies make a new game with completely new and unique assets, code, etc. Generally only when they make a totally new style of game. I.e. an FPS company deciding to branch out into the RTS world. 3) It's irrelevant if some of these bugs existed in ark. You have no idea at what point development actually started on this game vs when it was fixed in ark. Nor do you know what their development process is like on the back end. There could be numerous reasons why they exist in its current state. Since its early access and not a finished product they can take the time to fix things in the order they need to be fixed. Coding is not something where you can just pinpoint one specific thing and magically fix it super easy. It could have HUGE amounts of systems that rely on that code, so fixing one "thing" from your view could be months of work. And since this ISNT just a reskin of ark, you can't just port changes over either. 4) most of what you complained about aren't even really bugs. Its just balance shit. Why you expect anything to be balanced at this point is beyond me. Why you expect to be able to run faster than tigers and shit is beyond me. The cooldown timers are INTENTIONAL to prevent people from doing shit like using autohotkeys to speed equip armor and weapons to get around game mechanics like only being able to have one 'back' weapon equipped. No 2H mace speed swapping to a bow. No running around in cloth until right when a pvp fight starts then one clicking your plate armor. No falling off a cliff then speed equipping your glider or climbing pick. 5) The game is DESIGNED for large companies, alliances, politics and intrigue. The devs even came out and states it's not really meant for solo play before it released. They want it to be like Eve online is. But no matter what the game (and ALL for the most part) will always favor those who can spend the most time, pool their resources, work together, etc. There is no way around it except to join a tribe/company. So, again, since so many people in this thread can't seem to read. The entire point is to *FIND* and *FIX* this shit. It's been what, 7 days? People need to get your entitled expectations in check if you want to play early access games. They come with a big ass fscking disclaimer on the store page that it's alpha. Ark is not anywhere NEAR the state now that it was in on day 7 of EA was it. You either accept this shit is part of the experience, roll with it and help make the game better, or you wait until its done.
  20. It most definitely does decrease the casual drain of vitamins. I pump heavy fortitude so I don't have to deal with the heat and cold swings as much and I can go a looonnng time before my food runs out and my vitamins are low. If you are doing things that increase drain on food or thirst like sprinting a lot, healing from damage, or have the cold or hot debuff it doesn't mitigate it much or at all, or the debuff drain is just so strong its hard to notice. That's about the only time I have to really pay attention to my food levels. If you are cold AND hurt you're food goes down even faster.
  21. It's early access. Literally alpha. The entire point is to find and fix this shit. Come back in 2 years.
  22. You just sound salty because you haven't figured it out yet. The clans of under 10 living on our island do not share your view. There are also PLENTY of big ass clans that try to just own everything and it's just not possible because they can't be everywhere at once. We take claims from other big ass clans all day long, every day, most of the time with no resistance what so ever. So if WE do it and no one is around, why would it be any different for the random person. Use the big ass map on this website that shows all the claim spots and stuff. Ask in global chat for a friendly place to live. Tell them you are FINE with taxation. If you want to be sneaky then look for clans that have a lot of land but not a lot of members or buildings around. Especially ones that have claims across multiple islands. I can promise you if you put a little effort in you will find claims you can steal away that they don't care about because they don't live there anymore and are old, or they can't justify defending because it's far. Also, this game is a single player killer on its own. The devs even outright stated this probably isnt the game for you if you choose to play solo. Its designed to be a large scale game with diplomacy, wars, intrigue, etc. If you've ever played Life is Feudal MMO it's like that.
  23. So on our island we have the entire island claimed. We have about 80 to 100 members, so everyones idea of 1 flag per member wouldn't stop us anyway. There is a buildable structure in the game called a taxation bank. We placed it down and set a tax rate. It can be from 1 to 30 percent. Anyone who comes on our island and harvests within our claim area is AUTOMATICALLY taxed on their resources as they harvest. So if somoene comes and chops trees, we get X percent and it automatically goes into the taxation bank vault. This mechanic allows for companies to own land because they are huge but gives incentive to not just murder everyone around. If we have an abundance of trees and we don't need that many but other people do, why not let them do the work for us. We also make alliances with both large and small clans. The small ones are groups of like a few people who just need a place to live, build a boat, etc. They dont want anything huge and they like the protection we offer. So we let them place a single (sometimes 2) claims down on an area without resources like the beach (which they need for their shipyard anyway). This means they still pay resource taxes to live there (our benefit) and they benefit from having a place to live and generally our protection. People killing people on site when they land are generally scared they are an invasion force or there to sneakily try to steal claims while people sleep. If more people tried diplomacy and stopped trying to just sneaky steal land they would probably have an easier time finding a place to live.
  24. There are plenty of claims on island that clans grab and can't defend. There are also clans around that will let you build on their island with a small claim because they tax your harvesting. We do it. Everyone wants to complain about alpha tribes but no one seems to want to figure out how to use the system as it was intended. If you just don't jumping on some big companies island and try to jack land they are going to most likely fuck you up. If you go parlay with them you can find some who are willing to let you build, or have an alliance, or be fine with a small claim for tax trade off.
  25. He is in the guild but you can't pick him up and move him? Are you playing PvE?
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