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Everything posted by Coggage

  1. Salvage everything you can, then clear the site by wrecking things so that your new company can build there. Sink the ships too - he didn't build them so why should be use them. When done, form the new company and rebuild. It won't take long from start to finish with that many players.
  2. It doesn't change my point. Did this really need yet ANOTHER thread about it? We all know players are doing it "because they can", which was the only point made in his post, and it's a point we are already very familiar with.
  3. Welcome to everyone else's current game life. You want a cookie? It will get fixed. Just chill.
  4. Some things are beyond the pale, obviously, but I bet they have no qualms about killing the animals for food, resources or XP. Nope, they'll happily exterminate them all day long on that basis. As such, they are hypocrites who like to pointlessly nitpick and treat animals as pixels when it suits them and as "real" animals when it doesn't. Their whole argument about "animal cruelty" is rendered pathetic. I bet killing player characters doesn't bother them though? I wonder how many games they play where human player characters and humanoid NPCs are mown down by the dozen on a routine basis? See, the thing is, THEY are just pixels too. Rational adults can discriminate between fantasy and reality. Cool, huh?
  5. This is why I will never, EVER join a Company. It's the same in any mmorpg I play, I simply never join a group. Very few players are worth the bother and way to many Guild (or Company, Corp or whatever) leaders are lazy asshats who only look out for themselves and a chosen few.
  6. You get the Tarot by killing bosses or something, but I don't think it is in the game yet. There's a rather nice Skill Calculator at https://atlascalculator.com/ which I find very useful.
  7. Private servers were the ONLY servers run by people who stamped out griefing. They were the ONLY servers where people could get a bit of land to build and wake up to see their ships still there in the morning. Officials? Not so much.
  8. I recall Battleye installing when I installed Atlas. I haven't had anything update for Battleye today when I logged in. Maybe it will do it later, because these cheats need a good hammering.
  9. Coggage


    About what it would actually have been like to use flintlocks. One shot, then you have a nice club in your hand.
  10. Well, that's one, but I wonder why they were so bashful about saying so. Now we just need know know what the rest were.
  11. In my opinion, if they'd fixed specific exploits they would have happily said what they were. I don't honestly think they fixed a single exploit.
  12. I've been on islands overrun with snakes, and it would maybe have been handy there. They were good at sneaking up and biting you when you were already fighting a Croc or something.
  13. There are several things I won't waste my time doing in Atlas until fixes are finally - if ever - in place, and the main one is bothering to Claim land. The system is still a mess, and claims still seem to be taken over by other people almost on a whim no matter what you do. People are still saying in Chat that they lost their claim even though they had been Active and were sleeping on the site when they lost it. I'd suggest finding a Claim that the owner has set to "you can build here" status, but I would think the chances of someone allowing other people to build on their claim would be pretty close to zero. I certainly wouldn't bother with that crap at this early stage. How big a place could people build, if you allowed them to have a base there? Bigger than your own? How many people could cram themselves into your claim? A Company of 6 people? Maybe one of 20 people? Something else to worry about is that too many people would see the "you can build here" status, laugh, then pillar-spam the place. Even if that wasn't the case, what if the landowner changes their mind at some point (or loses their Claim) and sets status to "company only"? No-one knows. I'm sticking to Lawless for the foreseeable future, because at least life on there has some sort of predictability. In a few weeks the initial player numbers will drop, too, opening up space as their Claims expire and get challenged.
  14. Impossible to say, really. Just get out there and try counter-claims, and hope for the best.
  15. Thank you for the tip, I shall see where I am and head over if possible. Very kind of you to mention it - many another person wouldn't have!
  16. You need to pay attention when sailing a Raft. They're a square slab of wood with no rudder and a clunky sail, so they are bound to be difficult to turn using the sail, in comparison to the Sloop. Honestly, dump the Raft - I loved my Rafts but having tried a Sloop I'll only ever use Rafts as floating platforms for a Bed. Sloops dance across the water and turn on a dime as well as being able to back up nicely.
  17. There's "different" and then there's irritating as ****, because it was like being shouted at through a loudhailer... in red. It was a silly, pointless affectation.
  18. Pick an exploit... any exploit. God knows which one they consider important enough to fix.
  19. Up to now I only took Cooking for the Water Barrel then got Basic Farming to try it out. At the time the yields were one to four berries, veggies or whatever. Total waste of time. I'd give it another go but there's nothing worth growing when I can quickly harvest fruit and veg in the hundreds. I might grow stuff to Tame animals with IF seeds dropped and IF Tamed animals lasted longer than 60 seconds.
  20. The only seeds that drop for me are Wild Rice. Nothing else has dropped in the last 50 hours that I can remember. You'd think you'd get a FEW seeds with bare hands or a Sickle, but everyone says you need something like a bear.
  21. I'm quite happy base-building at the moment, but yes, sloops aren't expensive. I just don't see the point in going on a resource run, mooching around to find what I want and then some arse who doesn't want me anchored near them destroying the ship. I haven't seen an Island YET where I would have room for a shipyard in order to make a replacement ship that would get me home. Everywhere is crammed tight on the island coasts.
  22. Having played Ark I knew the first few weeks/months would be a shitfest of bugs, so planned accordingly. I have a nice functional base on Lawless, and until they fix the Claim System and the ship weight exploit I am not building ANY ships. I have a shipyard ready for my first proper Sloop but it isn't worth building one or going for a bigger Shipyard until things are fixed satisfactorily.
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