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Everything posted by CyanicEmber

  1. And frankly there is no realistic way to compensate for that time and effort. You can only ever paint in broad strokes in these kinds of situations.
  2. Seafaring: Enable ships that have reached max level to become "Legendary" with a general server announcement, the ability to rechristen them once, and a large one time stat boost. This will allow for player created ships that become as infamous in-game as the Flying Dutchman, Black Pearl, or Queen Anne's Revenge are in other settings. Would be interesting if the maxed out Tarot-Tree could be used to "raise" them from the sea at high expense as well, even if only once or twice. Provide a means to forcibly de-aggro water predators using a heavy single-use harpoon that lodges inside their bodies, or else chum buckets to lure them to a different location. Ship of the Damned variants would do a lot to spice up encounters. Presumably these cursed soldiers should have access to multiple types of ammunition and shipwright techniques just as we do, so let's see them use those. Hull and Sail skins, would be cool to see shredded "ghost sails" that glow in the dark, or Asian-style "ribbed" sails. I really like the "dragon-scale" shingles that appear on the aft of the Brigantine, and would like to see those kinds of patterns else where as well. Iron-Sided ships at some point would make for an interesting, (but necessarily crazy expensive) feature. Creatures and Taming: I would suggest adding Mules as a tamable (or cross-breedable) creature which can move at standard walking pace even when encumbered, this way the only limiter on carrying good would be the inventory item cap and land-based caravans become more viable. (And while we're on the subject of cross-breeding, why not Ligers? It would be fun to have certain creatures only obtainable though advanced animal husbandry.) Hummingbird "shoulder" tame that flutters around you and provides a Movement Speed Buff. Owl shoulder tame that provides a fog AND shroud of war buff. Make Crocodiles tamable but add a "Saltwater Intolerance" debuff that builds up in saltwater and causes DoT at 100%. I'm fine with crossing grid-tiles and maybe going from one island to another or assisting with deep-water dives, but obviously they cannot be allowed to viably replace sailing ships. More variety in taming techniques and items, Muzzles, Halters, Lassos, Bird Feeders, Bird Traps, etc... All these things and more could spice up an diversify the process while giving us more options for how to approach the various tames. Tools and Utility: The ability to use filled water buckets and water jars in a hotbar to "douse" oneself and deactivated the "enflamed" debuff early. When climbing picks break, auto equip the next pair in your inventory just like with bolas. Adjust colored lantern lighting to be more useful and less like a blinding disco party, softer light would accomplish this better than the hard light it typically casts with most colors. Add small visual indicators as to what kinds of locations the shovel will be most effective at digging up potatoes or worms or whatever else. The ability to "entrench" torches in the ground or rocks in order to create a "standing-torch" esque stucture that provide some constant lighting cheaply for a short while. Theming: Even during the Golden Age of Piracy in the real world there were obviously hundreds of cultures surrounding and influence in the pirate aesthetic as well as many different types of pirates in different parts of the world. The romanticized aesthetic that the game currently uses is, I think, exactly what everyone really wanted out of a game like this. But with skins and such incoming and the reveal of the upcoming "Hydra Armor" that clearly has both Chinese and Japanese Samurai style influences in it's design, I am excited to bring more cultural influences and aesthetics to the world of Atlas as well. My main concern is how complete these "themes" will be. The armor is amazing, but to round it out it would be great to have a Naginata skin for the Pike, a Katana skin for the sword, and perhaps a Japanese or Chinese style bow skin as well, to say nothing of ship or structure skins. I know that's a lot of work, but since Atlas' lifeblood long-term will be cosmetic micro-transactions... I am optimistic. I have a lot more idea I'd like to put out these, and I will probably do a second post at some point, but ATM I've gotta go and get seven teeth extracted... Happy sailing all! I wish you fair winds and following seas! -CyanicEmber
  3. If you were to put a large speed sail on a sloop and level weight you could easily out run SotDs
  4. I was just saying I wanted Samurai armor. Hell yes.
  5. Well there is always lawless, and it is possible to take territory if you truly prepare or find a low pop area. Plus in the long game I suspect there will be a lot more territory available to the most advanced companies, freeing it up for up and comers. That is to say, I suspect end game will see flying ships/floating islands.
  6. This feature needs to be implemented as quickly as possible in order to allow allied Companies to work together in an effective manner. As it stands having allies man your base defenses or come aboard your ships leaves them crippled as they cannot respawn, make use of emplacements like cannons or mortars, and cannot steer or work sails. This change would be highly beneficial to collaborative efforts.
  7. Some things are tameable at least because both Shieldhorns and Razortooths have been tamed
  8. I would like to point out that you also have much better likelihood of hitting your target using a firearm than a bow as the projectiles are near instant impact and can travel much further with no arc to take into consideration.
  9. This was a mistake right? It is going to be reverted, right? I don't know if you've noticed but a huge chunk of your playerbase felt that they were perfectly balanced in that particular aspect and it is completely beyond me why that change would be made.
  10. Actually I got so well established as a solo player that I’ve been able to supply huge amounts of firearms and other valuable resources to my Alliance. Location, locatiom.
  11. Is it a thing yet? If so, how do you do it?
  12. What if it’s actually not Ark with a new skin and the amount of ground up work they did lead to some similar bugs? *gasp* Things’ll get tuned in time.
  13. I've seen a lot of people get their knickers in a huge know over the fact that you can tame and ride creatures in this game and how it was meant to be about sailing, piracy, melee combat and primitive firearms. Well, I understand your concerns and I just want to set a few things straight. 1. As far as I know, tameable creatures have a maximum level of 30 when wild, and they can only level up twice as many time as their base level once tamed, so there is essentially no way to acquire totally OP death machines as was the goal in ARK from the get go. Creatures have their uses, but they are not the focus. 2. I have played over 100 hours on PvP NA and seen ZERO mounts used in combat, and, in fact, ZERO tames at all apart from my own Chickens and Sheep, which obviously are not for combat... The fact is that this game was designed from the ground up to encourage melee and firearm combat as can be clearly seen by how the weapons are balanced. 3. A single shot from a firearm is enough to kill most players unless they are specced in defensive capabilities, just as it should be. Tames are much less reliable and I highly doubt they will ever be the go to combat meta in this game. To sum up, Atlas's creature systems have been significantly tweaked as compared to ARK to better align with the game-play concepts of Atlas and meet player expectations. I suspect as we go things will only get better on this front.
  14. My full suggestion would be that each land claim takes exponentially longer than the previous claim you made and that the total number of claims you can make is directly proportional to the number of members you have in your Company. I would also suggest that each individual claim require some sort of resource upkeep to keep it from decaying. That would prevent large Companies from spamming them everywhere just because they can and would open up territory that is not being used over long periods.
  15. We literally have two years to adjust all these values people, no need to panic.
  16. Lawless as I understand were a temporary fix to over populated Freeport’s. They will likely be reverted to normal regions later on.
  17. Just add upkeep. That would solve it entirely because even if you spam a million flags you couldn’t maintain your claim without the manpower to support it.
  18. You have a Brigantine and no cannons? What is wrong with you?
  19. They are not Ghost Ships they are Ships of the Damned! The Ghost Ship is a rare event spawn which requires specific circumstances to appear, I don’t believe it’s ever been seen on Officials. Ships of the Damned are just a part of the main world antagonist’s forces, read the lore to understand better.
  20. Even the largest companies in the game only have one island each right now...
  21. OK so I’ve read a whole bunch of posts on this issue and I’ve had some experience with it ingame and I’ve had a lot of time to think about the implications of this system if it actually works well; but as it stands it does not. Almost every one of your players are going to have regular periods of eight hours or more where they cannot play your game. To have random people be able to stick a claim flag on their boats at any time and for them to be able to lose all that work while not being able to do anything about it is simply unacceptable. Since this is a pirate game and it’s about sailing and making claims on land I think the current system has a ton of potential, if anything what we should be encouraging is quick deadly skirmishes to claim territory and ships from on line players only. That is piracy and that is one of the areas where this game can truly shine. The experience of boarding and taking over a ship should never be as easy as just sticking a flag on an off-line player’s ship and waiting a few hours. Instead it should be intense, it should be a battle of wills that lasts a short time and has a decisive outcome. That is piracy, and that is what everybody wants. If Grapeshot can get this system right it has the potential to greatly encourage and facilitate wonderful PVP experiences, but if they get it wrong it’s just going to end up like Ark. I don’t think anybody wants to see that again; off-line raiding simply isn’t fun or fair. So those are my thoughts on claiming ships at sea, but as far as land claims go we obviously have a problem where large companies are spamming claims literally everywhere, they have no upkeep, and there’s very little territory for small companies to take. This severely limits gameplay potential for smaller groups and needs to be addressed. What I would suggest is that each land claim takes exponentially longer than the previous claim you made and that the total number of claims you can make is directly proportional to the number of members you have in your Company. I would also suggest that each individual claim require some sort of resource upkeep. That would prevent large Companies from spamming them everywhere just because they can and would open up territory that is not being used. Furthermore it would be a great idea to implement a trade interface into the UI, perhaps some structures that would help with that as well, and provide a way for large companies to lease land to smaller groups in exchange for taxes; that way both parties can benefit. Somewhat related to this; I would also suggest a way to acquire a “merchant’s luck” buff that would cause players who needlessly attack your character to be haunted by Soldiers of the Damned or something like that. Obviously you would need to have very specific circumstances to acquire this so that players can’t take it advantage of it wrongly but the idea is to provide a caveat for players who wish to play as merchants. Just a little bit of extra motivation to leave them alone. Edit: Alternatively for merchant pathed character you could obtain a “Rabbit’s Foot” which grants you a luck buff and allows you to keep your items on death so long as you have not engaged in combat with enemy players. Result: No reward for players who kill innocent traders, no ability for “Traders” to exploit this mechanic for their own PvPing, and less likelihood of losing large amounts of valuable goods. Discuss? -CyanicEmber
  22. When a ship is "sunk" the 1.5 Million damage marker always comes up regardless of what the source of the damage was.
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