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Everything posted by Sulfurblade

  1. Again I attribute Arks Success to the exact same thing as Atlas's success! The large quantity of gamers in the MMORPG Genre wanting a good SANDBOX MMORPG, With eve a 16 year old game being the most recent quality Sandbox MMORPG and Ultima Online at this point being over 22 years old... There is a huge cross section of gamers who will play anything Survival SANDBOX oriented trying to get some semblance of the Sandbox MMORPG game play. But Rust and Ark are not a substitute if anything they are helping to destroy the Sandbox bye training the types of players that would play a sandbox MMORPG into the ways of being a Toxic Griefer. The Only place High Sales = Success is in the boardroom!!! As a gamer you should never think this way because it means more poor quality crap for you down the road, it's like telling these terrible developers to keep making bad games! You don't reward developers of bad games! And you certainly don't call them a success....
  2. LoL Sales does not = a good game! No Man's Sky sold tons of copies and in the end was not a good game! And this is not a new thing Sonic The Hedgehog was a horrid game but it sold stupid amounts of copy's! Of the 26 friends on steam that own Ark 12 recommend against purchasing it....
  3. Hmmm I find it hard to understand how people in a forum don't understand that most people play a game, and rarely go to or read its forum unless they have an issue or dislike the game and want to complain about it. As for the OP the system is very Obtuse and poorly designed the developers wanted to make this a large scale cooperative pvp game but did not understand that they would end up creating a paradise for griefers and you can't just create a no rules anything goes PvP style game, it doesn't work in this setting you need rules and structure to keep it from falling into the cesspit of depravity that griefers will pull a game like this into!
  4. You say this as if Ark is a difficult game to surpass?!?
  5. OMG Chuck Steak - Wikipedia is not an academic source for anything!!! EA is a Game in DEVELOPMENT (ANY STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT) EA does NOT mean alpha!!! It means the game is under development... And lastly the Atlas Dev's haven't given any information regarding what stage we are on, this means officially nobody knows what stage this is! Unofficially- When Atlas released I can guarantee we were at the Alpha stage the game was a train wreck and that's being nice to train wrecks!!! However Atlas was supposed to have a 2 year development cycle which means we could easily be in beta at this point. Now what was this post about again??? Oh right the low steam numbers showing a declining population.
  6. Eve Online Released in 2003 its now 2019 is 16 years not a lengthy amount of time??? Sure Eve servers are still up for that matter Ultima Online Servers are still up!!! The Point here is not that there is a Sandbox to play its that there hasn't been any decent ones developed in a Long time!!!
  7. I am aware of Ashes, However Ashes has several Everquest Developers and Steven Sharif has a long history of playing Themepark MMORPG's so my hope is very tempered that any type of Sandbox MMORPG will come from this, it is definately leaning towards Themepark.... No most of my Hope is with Chronicles of Elyria...
  8. To be honest the part of your Original Post I did not quote did get a little lost in this conversation. Also I don't remember seeing the Post Scriptum the first time I read that particular post was it edited in??? So when I read this, I was just a bit taken aback so I went back thru your history and found those two items! So I guess to an extent I was making an assumption so I will have to walk this line of thought back and say sorry, I now see that you don't want this to be like Ark. The Only thing I will say here is I sense our opinions on this topic are in stark contrast. No worries mate I certainly don't want to put words in your mouth, I have attempted to keep my comments to the quoted line items. However it true I missed your earlier comment in the original post that does put some of my comments in a different light.
  9. You are if you continue to demand that that game be more like Ark and Rust. The game needs to separate itself from the Griefer Genre it needs to advance and develop and become something better than what it is now! I am ridiculous says the guy "Holding out for Star Citizen?" I am pretty sure I have made it clear that I identify with the large group of MMORPG gamers wanting a Sandbox MMORPG and you suggest a "Themepark" for me?!? Do you believe that travel is not fast enough? Would you prefer to have X3 or X5 rates would you prefer character XP to be increased? If so then I do indeed believe you are a problem, a pandemic is the gaming industry, however that's my opinion. It's likely not the same as yours. However Part of the point of these forums is for the developers to see both sides of a coin and sort out what's best it's up to you and me to make our case to the best of our ability, no matter if we agree or not. And I will never tell you to shut up, I will never tell you to go away and I fully support your right to share your opinion! However I will probably disagree.
  10. Exactly the Problem! Think about this a moment! Small Cross Section of Gamers like yourself that play Ark, Rust, 7 days to Die, DayZ, etc They already have a successful game in this Cross Section of Gamers "Ark" Should you compete with your own game? Or should you Branch out, Diversify into a Market that is empty!!! the MMORPG Market is Huge compared to your Niche you seem hell bent to keep this game inside of..... The MMORPG Market has two types of games (Themepark and Sandbox) Themepark = Everquest, World of Warcraft and the majority of every MMORPG that has released since WoW's success Themepark Players represent about 60-65% of MMORPG players Sandox players are roughly 35-40% of MMORPG players and they play games like! Ultima Online Star Wars Galaxies Eve Online Problem with the sandbox MMORPG Market is there hasn't been any in years!!! The remaining 35-40% of the MMORPG markets has been stuck with Eve Online and Wurm Online for years and we want something better we have been wanting something better for years now but Game Developers seem blind to the fact there is this un-untapped market that needs a game to fill it vacuum! Sadly Atlas is one of the first games in Years to show Promise as to be that "game" we have been waiting for! But you ark types keep dragging it back to the niche depths of ark, it has the potential to be a Juggernaut or Titan in the game industry as an MMORPG, but it will never happen with the wrong people influencing this game in the wrong direction! That is the true problem with this game!!!
  11. Bull crap!!! This ^^^^ is just the typical battle cry of entitled kids who want instant gratification! These same people demand X 3 weekends and blah blah blah.... They build a ship in 2 days there house in 4 days and then quit not because the game was too hard but because it was too EASY.... These people don't know what they want, they think they want Easy mode but easy mode just makes a game boring!!! Can't argue with the state of the launch it was indeed bad, but so was nearly every MMORPG that has released in the past 15 years yet many of them went on to become smash hits.... The Problem is not that they branded it a Pirate Game it's that they called it an MMORPG, which is pretty much a bald face lie! This is nothing more then another griefer based Rust styled Survival game and they already have one of these games its called "Ark" Most sensible business minded fold "Diversify" But these guys seem to think making the same game again is somehow going to get them a huge host of new customers?!?!? Again this is not an issue either, in fact the issue is the limitations in place on building on ships, it limits creativity!!! The real problem is not the PIRATE content its the LACK OF ANTI PIRATE content.... You can't have Yin without Yan or Good without Evil. I agree I don't think MMORPG should separate there player base! But this is an MMO and I have no issue with "MMO's" doing so because let's face it the only thing that makes most of these Rust style grief fest survival MMOs worth playing is the Private Modded servers!
  12. *Blunt Truth's Time* Truth 1) OMG news flash people don't like having their stuff wiped! Shocker! Truth 2) If you can't deal with wipes DON'T play an Early access game in development! Truth 3) Major changes to the base game will change the game experience from start to finish and Developers need to know how and if they need to balance things thus a NEED for a wipe from time to time! Disclaimer: I am in know way supporting or not supporting a future or upcoming wipe I am merely pointing out things that should be common sense, apply them to this situation as you see fit.
  13. Troll is very medieval fantasy focused I prefer a more Sci Fi approach myself: I envision Realist as more of a: Realist = Romulan Boomer = Vulcan Guybrush = Bajoran WinterThorne = Edo Captain Jack = Andorian Martyn = Cardasian Willard = Klingon Percieval = Tellarite
  14. Since I have lots of idea's right now I will place ink to parchment... So in the above we have Turned Free Ports "Starting Ports" Into Capitals of Said Country they represent... Two adjacent zones to that location would be Governorships and we have pointed out that via law's the governor's can welcome or Sieze the lands of players from other country's in those zones! But those Zones would always belong to that country so there would always be 2 Governors to choose the King... Now all the other Sectors on the map would be controlled bye a Vice Roy! Basically a Governor like the above but none of the lands here would be safe though the Vice Roy can of course tax as he see's fit.... He can use his wealth and the tax money to improve the infrastructure of his fief, bye for example Hiring NPC ships to patrol the waters! He could use his wealth and tax revenue to create fortifications and man them with NPC's to protect the residents etc... Yes SOTD would go away and be replaced with NPC ships representing country's, Big NPC ships would patrol the De Jure Territory and any Pirate or Country at war would be foolish to wander into those territory's but the Viceroys, they don't get free ships they have to buy em and there expensive, those who live outside of the safe De Jure lands would truly be at the tip of the spear! They would need to either accept the tax's or perhaps they talk there Vice Roy out of taxing them heavy but instead each of them shoulder the burden to protect. Many strategy's could be employed but at least there would be a reason for war! And finally there would be a box of 9 zones in the center of the map. The lawless haven of the scourge and the villainy that is the Pirates! The Center zone would be the Pirate Free Port but unlike the Capitals there is no safe zone, there is no Kings, there are no voting, no governors its just a free for all land where only the strong prevail....
  15. How about Not.... When I think of Factions I envision Countries. Name them whatever you want I am using real life countries for simplicity sake!!! France Spain England Holland Pirates Guilds would swear allegiance to a Country Country's would declare War NO War no right to kill unless your a Pirate in which case you are automatically at war with all Country's No Diplomacy for Pirates!!! And Pirate Guilds can of course kill each other all they want because Pirates!!! However absolutely no Country on Country PvP if it happens then the Criminal can either be banished bye his guild to become a Guildless Pirate or the Guild can choose to become Pirates! And any land they own inside of the country's borders will be forfeit... If your Not Part of a guild, No worries, if you break the law you will be automatically banished from the country, all lands forfeit.... If your Not part of a guild and a pirate well you welcome to do whatever you want just don't expect to own much land as anything you own will be fair game for everybody!!! I also envision Voting and Government... Vice Roys!!! and Governors who hold power in Free Ports, and Players who claim a free port as there home who have voting rights to elect there Governor! Be him French or English or Spanish.... But he can Never be a Pirate!!!! So as a member of a pirate faction you give up your voting rights and your ancestry of even having started at a certain Free Port.... This is the type of system I envision, one with Government and country's build Law and Order. Forming alliances and declaring wars... etc etc I also envision the voting rights to be tied to those that Hold land... And Parcels of land being Purchasable, not huge, but big enough for one person to build something nice and depending on the quality of land that parcel is... will dictate its worth is tax's is it land locked or is it coastal etc etc... Additionally I envision an area of the map to be De Jure to the Country and Not capturable in war... An area that is literally a safe haven for anyone in that country.... These places "Capitals" Would be obvious choices for Trade and an Economy to Grow, Shops would spring up etc.... They would be the seat of the King. The King would need to be a Land Owner inside of the capital... The King would be elected bye a committee of his Governors and Viceroys people who do not live in the capital but preside over there own fief's... Besides the Capital there should always be atleast two other garunteed De Jure area's of the country the seats of the Governor's who would be land owners at those locations and elected bye all the land owners of that location. -The Governor here would have to be of the correct country and a Land owner - But since his Fief is not a capital some of his subjects aka fellow landowners could be citizens of other country's unless of course he has pass a law to banish residents from another country, this obviously wouldn't make him very popular with that faction. And all the parcels of land owned bye those poor bastards would end up back for sale to anyone who wants them who is still able to reside there! ^^^^ This could create a way for country's to work together, trade together and also stab each other in the back!!!
  16. Was it really your idea???? Just saying I have certainly advocated for Government, Law and Order and Factions for quite some time now.... But seriously trying to claim Factions as an idea is like claiming your were the first person to sing a song!
  17. My head is spinning!!! Conan lacks content.... But the fact you are posting here on the atlas forums "Imply's that Atlas has more content?" At this point I am definitely confused as Conan has far more content then Atlas in my mind....
  18. No the real problem here is Jet's vision for Atlas is = https://store.steampowered.com/app/420290/Blackwake/ If it were up to Jet this is the trash game we would have! But Blackwake atleast isn't running around telling people they are an MMORPG!!! Its just another Team death match trash game!!! Some of us demand an the MMORPG they advertised not the Blackwake wanna be they have given us!!!
  19. And in just about every MMORPG that has EVER existed Ultima Online Star Wars Galaxies World of Warcraft Everquest Runescape the list can go on and on.... You could play them all as a SINGLE PLAYER and enjoy yourself and have fun!!! Because if these games were not fun for the individual then they never would have had Guilds inside of them where the individuals teamed up!!! Its like putting the cart before the horse.... Stop defending a crap game! That has failed to give us the tools to create a good open world sandbox MMORPG, which should and always start at the most basic core level the single player and small group experience, if you can't get that right then the game is screwed!!!!
  20. Colonies PvP: Freeform building, with more progress-protecting and time-enforced PvP rules creating a cooperative atmosphere, and limits to ensure the game is more oriented towards single players and small to mid-sized groups. ^^^^ Looks pretty marketed to me, I even got this in my email box, begging me to come back and enjoy the game they were making for SMALL and SOLO players!!!
  21. Who wants to play Single player???? Seriously I am here for the MMORPG they claimed since day 1 So what? Who wants a Non dedicated server? And who cares about Ark that's another game with a cess pit of toxic-ness!!! Weird we want the same thing, a NON toxic game you can play on the NORMAL PVP server!!! If you think going and playing alone in a game Advertised to be an MMORPG from day 1 is a huge gift?!? Then I have no words!!!!
  22. Have never played Ark! Nor will I ever.... If its improved since Ark then it must be pretty crap in Ark!!! Many games do building far better then Atlas... 7 days to die Conan Empyrion Rust Just to name a few off the top of my head.... Lets stop making excuses for poor execution and start demanding results! Seriously who cares if its better then Ark, that's like telling the Gym Teachers who expects you to do 8 Pull ups and you do 3 that hey you only could do 2 Pull ups the last time you tested....
  23. They Claimed an Update that was designed for SMALL GROUPS and SOLO PLAYERS. Then Immediately shut down the server with all the mega guilds and then changed the server they designed for SMALL GROUPS to be better for the Mega's!!! Bait and Switch!!! They Lied.....
  24. Governements Law and Order Reputation Karma Factions Better Fishing Better Land Ownership Professions Realistic Sailing Profiles Gaff Sails, Top Gaff Sails, Lanteen Sails, Bow Sprints, Jibs, Spankers
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