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Everything posted by Coovargo

  1. I feel like dragons really take away from the vision of this game. I myself would rather not see dragons, cyclopses, fire elementals as tames since they are considered mythical. If they really want some crazy end game things, it should be a ship of the line, or something equally terrifying in a large ship equivalent. Those ships could carry 700 tons of cargo and had 100+ cannons aboard.
  2. Either up the amount that spawn in these regions, or allow them to spawn at all. I did a hunt for some level 60s through 3 powerstone regions, lapped the islands twice and went down every border never seeing a single SOTD. Either my luck is really bad, or they aren't spawning ATM for one reason or another. The only reports I have of them being in this region are on PVE servers. Please up the spawns or allow them to spawn in this region so they can be hunted again. This is on PVP Kraken's Maw.
  3. I have found that at times the ladders will not work if the bottom of them is stuck in a mesh, i.e, terrain, rock, structure, ship, etc. When you pull up to the shore and you make sure that they're not stuck in anything at the bottom of the ladder they seem to always work.
  4. When entering a new zone with a ship, and the ship AI is set to c (Hold fire), pressing V (Fire at will) and attempting to engage a ship will result in the AI attempting to reload, even if the cannons are already loaded. I suspect this is the case because there is no reason for the AI to hold fire for 5+ seconds after hitting fire at will after engaging. This causes some rather awkward PVP encounters. I tested this with the cannons visibly showing "loaded" and had the same result.
  5. Yeah. The range on the sickle is shorter than I would expect.
  6. I've had bugs where the items on my toolbar were not lootable. This shouldn't be too different. Have you tried destroying the corpse with a tool and looting the bag? This is how I got my things.
  7. If you were level 43 then you need to get to 44 to get respec abilities per level back.
  8. Did you check the resource storage container on the downed schooner? If it was accidentally destroyed when you erased the deck and the resources are vanishing still I would suspect this is related to that somehow.
  9. I am not convinced that it was intentional. The only thing mentioned that it was modified for effectiveness versus armored players. Nothing about firearm damage being modified versus wildlife.
  10. Did you verify that the resources did not end up on a ship resource container on the same grid as the ship? Had the same problem as you but it went away after destroying the container, and all the previous stuff destroyed was there too. Hopefully you didn't destroy the deck with the container.
  11. Had the same thing happen to me. Lost all 17 crew on a brig.
  12. Yeah its unintentional. I was level 51 prior to the patch and post patch I was level 49. I have to get to level 52 to respec now because that's the games flag for my last respec checkpoint level.
  13. Had this happen to me. Lost 17 crew because they floated off grid when unanchoring. Thought it was just a visual bug. It's not.
  14. Should post a video. I've never seen or heard of this.
  15. On ship and structure grids, resources from destruction are now going to the nearest ship resource storage chest. Have you verified the chest on the grid?
  16. Someone in our group had this issue. We had to have someone kill his sleeping body then the server let him join.
  17. I had this happen to one of my friends recently. If you have one of your tribe mates kill your sleeping body it fixes it. Otherwise you just have to wait and hope it solves itself. No idea why this is yet.
  18. We tried to salvage a brigantine in the arctic and were unable to get down to it due to the temperature. We got down to the bottom and we hit -75C, we were dead in about 30 seconds in that area. Even with diving suits, water fortitude spec, 100% of level 50 points invested into fortitude, swim speed spec, it's impossible to have any chance of recovery. In addition to this, It seems that this is a bug because it should not be this cold at any depth in the ocean. As a game mechanic, it might make sense, but in reality, the lowest temperature the ocean gets to is 0-(-3)c.
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