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Jean Lafitte

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Everything posted by Jean Lafitte

  1. Ok, so if we assume some relatively cheap servers with each running 8 grids allowing 10 connections each instead of 150, we're still looking at $20,000 ish to run a full map, just the server hardware. Ok, that's cheaper than a Hyundai. I'd hate to try to administer all those VM's tho... jeezus.
  2. Isn't that just the client? I would assume the server wouldn't take nearly that much as it doesn't need to load most of the resources. Does it run on Windows? Because there's 2 gigs gone, or does the server run on a Linux server which is going to be much faster. Either way, assuming it's 1 server per grid (which I doubt) that's 225 servers. And then I'm guessing there's gotta be a fast database server somewhere to keep track of all this data and then, there's all the networking hardware. I dunno @boomervoncannon , when you said less than a new car, were you thinking Bugatti???
  3. Well, that depends. You can buy a cheap server for around $500-$700 US. But there's a lot of unanswered questions. Like does the code need 1 server per zone or does one server handle multiple zones, etc. And after that, you'll be looking at the broadband fees to allow all those connections... and the time it would take to maintain all those servers, both hardware and administering them. You seriously wealthy with nothing better to do with you money?
  4. Because even companies can be griefed off a server... Because you can be banned for the actions of one member of your company... But most importantly, because everything belongs to the company. Even if you do convince them to let you play solo in a company, nothing is yours.
  5. You wanna know what's really scary? He claims to be married w/kids of his own. Just let your mind run with that for a moment...
  6. Actually ad hominem - ad ho·mi·nem - /ˌad ˈhämənəm adjective 1.(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining. "vicious ad hominem attacks" But this has been pointed out as being one of his tactics in the past so don't expect anything different now.
  7. Pardon me quoting your comments from another post but I think it's pretty appropriate. Right kiddo?
  8. @Dollie You said we were free to message you. Since I'm guessing @Jatheish is still suffering jet lag, here it is: This post is a perfect example of the types of exploits that need to stop happening. I'm seeing posts almost daily about how weight exploits, pillar exploits and SotD exploits are being used to grief players. In PVP, you should expect to lose everything you have at any moment. In PVE, this should not be happening. I have heard nothing from the WC team for weeks about what's being done to stop these exploits and this OP deserves and answer as to why this is being allowed to continue and why he feels the need to quit this game as a result.
  9. I'd be happy to with one big exception. Too many times in other games I've spent countless hours building my creations only to watch them all vanish with the flick of a switch when the server admin decided to stop paying the bills. Therefore, with your explanation I have 2 choices. I can either play on a private server with the persistent threat of it disappearing on a whim or, I can be WC's whipping boy and keep what I create until such time as they stop working on the game (at least 2 years according to them). Of course, there is a third option of me starting my own server which would cost me more money out of pocket for a game which I'm still unsure was worth the discounted price I purchased it at and even then, I'd likely spend more time administering the game than playing it (something I did with a Space Engineers server I ran.) Sounds like I'm between several rocks and a hard place. But if it means I keep to keep playing the game without fear of an admin flaking out, I guess I'll just be the whipping boy. Oh, did I forget to mention the admins who use the admin commands to give themselves advantages? Sorry, almost for got that one. *edit* and I also forgot the other pain in the ass of running a server. It's when you do set up a pvp server and play as well. If you do manage to 'git gud' and start kicking ass on your server you're definitely going to be branded a cheating admin even if you don't and soon, you'll be playing solo anyway.
  10. I'm assuming that since the vast majority of your post are intended as insults then yea, apparently you do find it fun, or you're massaging your ego by pretending you're oh, so superior. Which is it?
  11. If you're not going to do the research then how can you tell me that it's a reasonable assumption? If you're going to convince me, use facts, not your opinion or hearsay. Ok, well, Britain is a different market so let's lock them out. Besides, their cooking is lousy (Steak and kidney pie? Gross!). And we know the Germans are very different... I mean they drink beer and, omg, eat processed pork (Wurstsalat?!?!). So let's lock them out. And since we're blocking Germans for drinking beer and eating pigs, let's block the French because they drink wine and make strange food (Crêpes Grand Mariner???). And those damned Aussies and Kiwi's, they're not even in the same hemisphere as everyone else so let's lock their upside down butts out (Besides, they probably cook marsupials). Oh and the Canadians. Let's slam the door on them too because they're WAY different... right? I mean my god, when a microphone died during a US/Can hockey match they all stood up and finished singing the American national anthem (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHSaHRd4Q48). Blasted traitors. Block them! And the Americans. The whole planet knows they're self-righteous assholes, right? Just block them and we'll have a much friendlier server. As a matter of fact, to make sure I have the PERFECT gaming experience, block everyone but me! Ya know what. The sooner people come to realize that we are all living on 1 planet... not 7 continents, not 195 countries, not states, not counties, not provinces, not towns but ONE PLANET... the sooner we can stop worrying about the politicians blowing our asses to hell. Whether it's the Chinese specifically hacking/exploiting, I have no proof. Am I pissed that it's happening? Oh yes. Have I heard of other nationalities cheating? Yep. Do I support an Oceanic server? Yes, but because of pings times, not politics. Blanket blocking an entire country for the actions of some is what a politician would do. I like to think myself better than any politician and support what WC is doing. Specific, targeted bans. And I'm going to assume, though I too have no poof, that the OP got banned after due consideration by WC and it wasn't a case of blanket banning an entire corp for the actions of one.
  12. LOL, and you forgot to mention the really fun part of Wurm. Spending YEARS incessantly grinding for skills and many of those grinding sessions are just mindless, like grooming a horse over and over and over again.
  13. What is it now? 1.4 BILLION Chinese. It only stands to reason that if this game is open to Chinese then yes, the larger percentage of the total server population using hacks and exploits would be Chinese. This does not necessarily mean that a large percentage of Chinese use hacks/exploits. It only means there are more Chinese using hacks/exploits only because there are more Chinese playing the game. While I do agree that if you're going to open the game to Asia that there should be a server located in Asia for them to play on, what I was pointing out is that a lot of people are demanding that the entire country be region blocked, thus denying the game to even those who have never cheated in their life, thus banning them as being 'guilty by association' simply because they are Chinese.
  14. He's not a racist but a dick who believes racism is funny... Ok, got the picture. My assessment stands: find a better class of 'friends.'
  15. Wait... hold on. 1. he's an irl friend. 2. he wrote a sign with racist comments. 3. you got banned for this sign. Ok, I see clearly now. If he's an irl friend then I have little doubt that you knew he was a racist. Racist that are willing to publicly profess this fact don't keep that sort of things from 'friends.' I'm guessing that you thought that you'd never get banned for anything this racist 'friend' did. Apparently that was incorrect thinking. And since this person is a friend then I'm guessing you at least tolerated his beliefs if not shared them. May I suggest a better class of 'friends.'
  16. Because SOME Chinese are using hacks and exploits there have been hundreds of complaints. I have seen demands that bannings take place, that region blocking take place and that Asia be given it's own server so that they're removed from the EU & NA servers. Fact, not ALL Chinese participate in hacks/exploits. Fact, many of those accused may not even be Chinese. Simply because the company/character name is a bunch of blocks does not mean that language is Chinese. It could easily be Japanese or Korean. But, because SOME Chinese are guilty of hacking the public sentiment is to punish or block ALL Chinese, and therefore, are guilty by association. While you may have been taught there's no justification for group punishment, these forums clearly say the rest of the world disagrees.
  17. I thought of this too and then thought exactly as you did about why it'll never happen. Great minds...
  18. ONLY if you have a well working product in the first place. Had the core of this game been well thought out and working but just unpolished, it THEN would have been brilliant. Instead, it has turned into a fiasco of negative reviews and news stories emphasizing the recent hacks. So yea, they're getting a QA team that's paying them. The question is, how deep of a hole have they dug themselves in order offset the expense of hiring a real QA team?
  19. Right, but here's where you have to question that logic. They don't want you hanging around freeports but now, they're going to put in trading with the purpose of bringing you TO a freeport. So which is it, do they or don't they want us in freeports? Is that insane decay rate going to continue when trading goes live? If so, it might be pointless to even trade as it would cost you more in resources to repair than you'd make via trading.
  20. Oh just wait, there will be an elitist comment soon about how this game was never meant for solos. First, my opinion is, this is good news. It means either the WC team is starting to enforce their rules of conduct or that BattleEye is up and working. Because BE normally only bans cheats and hacks, it's likely this ban came from WC themselves. In your specific case, you are guilty by association. Depending on how long you were in that company it may be difficult to believe that you had no idea the member was a racist and that you don't condone that fact. In the US the first amendment gives you the right to free speech and it's true, you can say whatever you like, whenever you like. That does not mean that you won't face the consequences of doing so.
  21. How did I know, when I saw your name on the reply notification, that it was going to be you, one again, bitching about a game you don't even own. You know what. I'm done with you. Seriously and utterly done with you. Welcome to ignore.
  22. Guys, there is some potential good news on the horizon. The dev team has elected to go with BattleEye. This company, assuming they're given the authority to ban without reservation, has a track record of taking it seriously. In 2017, BE banned 1.5 million accounts from PUBG. That was roughly 5.5% of all PUBG accounts. In January of last year, they banned another 1+ million accounts. And they don't seem to care where players live. Here's a twitter post from 2017 regarding bans on PUBG. We are currently banning at a rate of 6K-13K per day, nearly 20K within the last 24 hours alone. The vast majority is from China. So, with any luck and a lot of finger crossing, I'm hoping that BE has been given broad powers to ban as they see fit and soon, we'll see some action being taken.
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