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Everything posted by Mahakmar

  1. get a sloop-medium speed sail and you are set + only need 1 npc to steer the sail for you ,just well be prepared to lower sails to turn as it will be fast but so slow turning, then you can use that boat as gatherer of gold-treasure hunt, stock it with extra guns-supplies, also watch for adds when doing treasure hunting at times things can pop up and totally destroy your day (friggin aggro elephants) + always always be careful docking at new places as some got some stupid nasty shallows you wont see unless its a storm , so slow and steady does it
  2. people are over 100 in my area i just went to do the fountain of youth to get the debuff as its annoying, now i am 20 again with 10% buff on health-weight-stamina-regen and regen stamina
  3. if you also got firearms-pistols , most low lvl 11 soldiers of the damned is 1 shot, beside the boss that is more work, but 2 pistols-plenty of ammo-move around the area-dont wander off to far you can make a decent amount of gold, add in that you should go for floatsam that is around just for added gold (quality 3+)
  4. was at g3 as of 10 min ago still, got most in company to look like 20 y ol with life in their legs
  5. also small tip getting into g3 atm is crouch near entrance, there is some invisible rocks stopping you close to entrance, and well try and more try
  6. yeah i was going up vs a alpha scorpion lvl 193 , used 2 bows with fire arrows, then just went ham with a 113% damage bow 80-90 arrows later with 9 damage, it died , using a 110% pistol did 20 damage to it -.-
  7. be prepared for the nude zerg on a golden ruin near you, cover yer eyes -.- And well yeah reset people age to 20 for the love of god, the -20% regen is gonna kill me even faster then a alpha monkey chasing me
  8. numbers will go even more down as more people get other things to play, next 2 months alot of good games coming out, the thing that will bring back people is when they announce a wipe then its another land rush ,but thats ways off it seems as so many issues atm they need to iron out : claims-overlapping-way too much aggro on some places-pve griefing-bad reporting system-they are not banning people that have been reported over and over-overweigth/sinking of ships (yes it still happens) , and more Also yes early acess and they said 2 years of development , so its gonna be a bumpy ride , play and do what you like and well if its dead its dead at least till a major update and influx population comes in again to see the new stuff
  9. yeah we are a small company and all ingame we are all now 93 years old , unless we can bum rush the fountain of youth or hope someone larger company is there its gonna be a no go for alot of smaller companies , just have to see what they do ,but being shut out doing the higher/end stuff due to you prefer playing with a small group , we will ofc try the fountain of youth but after last encounter in a golden age ruin well ehe
  10. as previously stated by many wiping now without a major overhaul of pve-overweight issues-overlapping claims and more is just a bandaid fix to bring people back for another land rush and back to same ol with people doing the same thing, it will wipe in future when things are majorly overhauled hopefully and the numbers will go back up
  11. well if im lazy going after SOTD easy way to replenish-get new crew as ships get bigger the crew req also, they cost more but easy to get most of the times and no freeport runs saving up to man a galleon or brig so as long i pickup the occasional floatsam i pay the crew
  12. well it be intresting to go there to find resources you need + some ports will become natural places to go as they are between biomes , or cant be botherd to get , tho they need to do something about places to dock or it will be pretty shut down to get into the ports
  13. slip of zee finger, not seen that one on eu yet tho, or i might not seen it
  14. on the island claim we got we only built a small stone castle and avoiding spawns to be interrupted while some of our neighbours have built massive gates-structures and their place is slow-dead spawn due to many buildings , so what do they do they go into the claim we got and empty it several times a day , so we set up the bank with 10% and now they stopped going into the claim we got and sit and wait for their dusin trees to spawn while our claim have 50+ trees-stone-salt-metal-crystals that is relative untouched , we have put the bank up so we can actually get materials if people come and empty it the bonus is if they do go farming the mats we get something outa it rather then people log in and the claim is in respawn phase the bank-tax aint perfect but it will act as a deterrent for some that wont pay the tax and you got a claim that is not always dead-harvested to death
  15. they need to add a big screen warning for those that log off in freeports that decay is accelerated , its a reoccuring event , we went to freeport to pick up some npc to get ready for SOTD sinking, in and out in hour or 2 (damn winds:) and -500 to 800 on most planks
  16. sure a wipe be nice, but the games glaring issues (too many to list) , after they hopefully iron out alot of stuff they will do a wipe, but to do a wipe just to wipe is a bandaid , not a fix , same things will happen over again then Heck already seeing places that people where active in gone silent/over the 3 days protection time so we just have to see what happens for now , if you see a island filled with red it dont mean that people are active anymore
  17. it will be a wipe surely but when thats the quiestion , but there is a multitude of issues that need to be adress before they announce that
  18. yeah been out sailing alot today they do alot more damage now , was just going into one and came out and company members reported 700 damage in one tornado , so i stop dead silent with ship and had to wait it out and ended up with near 1k damage -.- , so do not travel into them , or just stop and wait it out if you can , and always always have plenty repair supplies cause storms-tornados if not taken serious now can sink you
  19. well he aint wrong about spawns will die out if too many-much beeing built, then what , i know everyone wants to build and have their own place but atm we have 5 companies on a small island, thankfully no one bother to built central as we found out 1 building there killed spawn and we all where to blame for it , so owner removed it and we where back to spawning resources , but the more people creep up from the beach the more it will kill the spawns in a large area And yes i support the 1 flag idea, but then it also cant overlap as it does now and you loose area due to that
  20. its totally random, but yeah seems like ship items mostly from SOTD , sadly now in my area they are clusterd up so i cant go git them down , nothing like having 3-5 lvl 10-20 clusterd -.-
  21. so not worth it, its more dura on shipyard, i do however been finding gray-green large planks 103 and 108% dura , and cannons 115% damage, so thats where the good things are
  22. sigh yeah, and the odd thing they are not effected by lag, was in a zone earlier and they manouverd just fine i was lagging and trying to dodge them , so some sort of timer/activation when zoning will make the zoning nerves go bit away
  23. sigh yeah they need to add a no damage taken on zoning, at times its the hazard of going between zone that can be the challenge , hopefully they will check it and find a way to make it safer , also they need to space the SOTD out more im finding clusters of them almost sitting top of eachother making it really difficult to separate them when i want to take on one
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