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Everything posted by wildbill

  1. You can get the number player official here: https://atlasgame.info/ Number total here: https://steamcharts.com/app/834910 So right this minute, close to 4800 on official server, 3,300 unofficial, which surprisingly, about the same ratio as before Anarchy update.
  2. Yes, very good point. Why isn't there a key to just unseat them? I have to unseat them one at a time each time I dock, what a pain!
  3. Is that 6000 on all servers or 6000 on officials? Before the Anarchy update, close to 50% of the players were on unofficial server, with about 10k players. So could be 1000 on unofficials goofing off with the 6x rates, 5000 on unofficial. The Anarchy update has changed nothing for the unofficial servers really, just made everyone a bit nervous.
  4. Previously when you killed a bee you could harvest the body and get a small amount of honey. Now when I kill one, I see the body drop to the ground and then disappear. There is nothing to harvest and I never get any honey. What's up with this?
  5. You got the thread title wrong. The kraken is no longer the final boss Apparently you get the sub, then there is another boss you get to fight after the kraken.
  6. Ya, that makes more sense. It could be rounded off to the nearest hours, so 1 hour for 1 - 10 players, 2 hours for 11 - 20 player, etc.).
  7. Good idea. To expand on this, why not have one hour of open time per player in the company minimum. 1 person company would only need to have 1 hour. 5 person, 5 hours. etc. This would scale it up, so a 25 person company would need to have it open 24 hours a day, but that should not normally be a problem if they pick their players carefully.
  8. <sarcasm mode on> One side effect of removing the claim flags is people will start building bases with walls around them like in ARK. A wall around your base like in ARK served two purposes: 1) It kept your tames in and the wild creatures out, 2) It created a no build zone for your base. At least less people will be losing tames. With a wall around the base, it should keep the cobras out. <sarcasm mode off>
  9. Good idea, but doesn't seem very piratey Still you should have something to hold you afloat and recover stamina when swimming. Why not allow you to grab a piece of floatsom or what is left floating of your sunken ship and kick your way to shore holding it?
  10. If it works as you describe above, this sounds workable, I guess we will see. Sound interesting to me, although I'm not a PvP player.
  11. Didn't say anyone would want it, but what choice are you going to have? That was the reality of playing on ARK PVE official servers. EVERYONE did this. If you didn't, some griefer (or just plain asshole), and there are plenty of both there, would completely ruin your day. I mean you are welcome to ignore the fact that there are griefers and assholes playing on the same server as you, but you won't be able to forget it when someone builds right on top of you one day. Yes, we should find a better solution, and I hope there is one, but from what I saw, the flag claim was not that solution.
  12. Ya, I agree it sucks. I've read how the map editor works, read lots of forum posts, but not tried it. I think theoretically it is possible to edit a grid and add an island and "maybe" not mess stuff up, but in practice, I think very difficult. To do it properly, you would want to move the existing islands also, and that would not allow it to work without a wipe. Now the player stats, I've no idea why those can't be kept. If they did though, would they just have to kill everyone, because they can't spawn where they were.
  13. What the heck? Can you read? I described exactly what you just said, but in a bit more detail. And now you are using me as an example of why we need claim flag? Wow, this is why people just can not play nicely together on official servers. We are both saying exactly the same thing, doing exactly the same thing, but I'm the asshole and you are the great guy that is just doing what is necessary. This is exactly why I stopped playing on officials.
  14. I played ARK a bit under the conditions we will soon have for Atlas PvE official servers. The way you do it, is pillars. You pillar the entire area you plan to build in. They have a fairly small resource block, but create a no build zone. You completely pillar the entire area, don't leave one spot where anyone else can build. Pillars are cheap to make, the weapon of choice for the griefer, but your weapon against them. Once you have an area pillared, you then build your base, your shipyards, etc. You can remove some of the pillars when other things are in place to block others (griefers) from building, but you leave most in place, even add more as needed. The pillars look like crap, but I guess that is what we are stuck with now.
  15. You didn't quote the part, where I said by majority of players, I mean all players that have ever played on officials (these all have the potential to go back if the claiming system is fixed). Yes, I don't know, but I'm totally guessing like everyone else that says the majority don't want a wipe. By bugs and fixes worked out, I am only talking about the new claim system. Not the entire game. Actually, not my position, I don't play on officials, although I might go back there if things are fixed, but probably not. Ya, I don't like wipes either. I do my own wipes, but that is voluntary, not forced. I can understand why you would be pissed by a wipe, but at the same time you might see why it is needed. How do you suppose they can add 200+ islands, modify every single grid, and not wipe them all? Would be very difficult, if not impossible, much simpler to wipe them.
  16. Ya, that would be cool. I think only PVE though, would be too OP for PVP. Also put your tames in bottles or something like it would also be great. Would be a lot safer way to transport tames than the current method on ships. Many stories in here of bugs killing tames on ships. I would include NPCs in with the tames.
  17. Well, I think the biggest I've found is 7x7. Considering how stable the game is, 7x7 is quite the feat to keep running, and with a few mods too. There are also a number of 5x5 out there. Not sure of the significance of 9x9, you can fit every biome and resource including the kraken in about 6 grids. So a 7x7 is about 9 times bigger than the minimum needed. I'd like to see some statistics about what the players want. We need to include everyone that ever bought the game and played on officials. Now assuming that about 3/4 of the players have stopped playing and that they left because they didn't like the current state of the officials, right there, I think you can assume those people do want things changed, many don't like the claim flags for PvE. Before I ever played Atlas, I thought the claim flags were a great idea, but the way they are currently implemented completely sucks in my opinion. They do not do what they were intended to do (I assume to prevent griefing), but instead they are a griefers wet dream. With absolutely no resources needed, you can block all other players from building in an area. If you have a bank, you don't block resource harvesting but at least get a percentage. Set that tax rate to the maximum, you effectively block it, since people will go somewhere with a lower rate. This is not what I was hoping for, I tried officials, but quickly went to private once I saw what a failure it was. Private servers do not allow spamming the flags. They limit claims and number of bases you can have. I am going out on a limb, saying the majority of players do want the wipe, that many that left will take a wait and see attitude and will come back if the new system works and when the bugs and problems are worked out.
  18. Where are you getting this from? The said this in Captain's log 22: I would hope that they now realize, you can't run an MMO the same as ARK. I think they are new at the MMO thing, they are having to learn the hard way. Now if they don't do what they say, the result will be a declining server population on the officials.
  19. Yes, I know of several that have more than 9 grids. One that has 49 (if I recall correctly).
  20. As part of the changes, Grapeshot Games has also said they will no longer tolerate griefers and explotes on their servers. If they can live up to this promise, then this can work even if a large company decides to start griefing everyone. They said, they will even ban a large company if needed.
  21. Ya, the only way you could stop the griefer though was to act like a griefer and claim way more land than you possibly needed. You need to claim any land that could be used to block access and then also all the land where there are resources you need. My solution to this is to play on a private server where an admin can remove the gates or just remove the griefer. For officials, maybe the decay time on structures not protected by the repair structure will be so fast that a griefer just won't be able to keep up.
  22. I expected them to not give more than two weeks notice, but ya, this is a lot of time that I expect the official servers will be nearly dead. I'm waiting to read the announcement to see if the changes will require wipes of any private servers.
  23. One thing I haven't seen anyone mention, although I haven't read every post, is that the upcoming patch includes hundreds of new islands. The said 1 to 2 new islands per grid. The way Atlas works, changing a map usually requires a wipe. Private servers have had wipes too for this same reason.
  24. LOL, isn't all time spent playing games down the rabbit hole?
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